Ready to harvest?


Active Member
This is bag seed, there are few amber trich's... It's been about 7 weeks flowering.. Damn I'm anxious to crop though so I can begin drying it.



Well-Known Member
really up to u bro i like uplifting not couchlock so id give it a couple days darkness and go ahead and chop in my opinion

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i say it's too early. hard to tell but there appears to be no amber trichomes. i like about 20% amber. GL


Well-Known Member
There are lots of opinions on when to harvest, I tend to go along with po boy, wait for a few amber trichs, but as bigbaby said, it's up to you. Pick one bud, dry it, smoke it and see if you like it. then wait for a few amber trichs, pick it, try it and see which one you like best.


Active Member
Thanks for the all the information / advice. I took a bud when i turned on the lights on, and then I watered it.. I'll let it go atleast another week. I'd love to go 10 weeks. but that would be hard for me. lol well it would be another 3 weeks before chop. But there are a lot of amber trichs you just have to look for them in that picture, the amber is not as focused.

As I understand it usually amber trich's are a bad thing because it is decaying thc, but I am shooting for the most highest percentage of milky trichomes.
Right now I'd probably say amber is around 5% or a little under.

I do want to wait, if I can hold myself off.

Life must be hell, that's the only reason marijuana would be illegal when everything else is legal.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure having a higher percentage of amber trichs is bad, it's just it will give you more of a couchlock stone.


Well-Known Member
Plus you may be chopping before the last final plump tht usually blows your buds up huge.. and pushes more trichs out.

you want at least 50% amber 50 % milky


Well-Known Member
I think it's more personal choice when it harvest. Obviously there is a way to early and way to late time where there is no quality. But in the window of harvest, if you want a more up beat high or a more "couchlock" high is the factor of when to chop her down. Personally I like the heavier effect so I will wait longer for more amber trichs.


Active Member
When they say amber, I notice thriches on the leaves turn amber more so before the triches on the actually calyx's.

So do they mean on the calyx's or does on the side leafs count too towards the 25% amber or whatever you decide to chop at?

I guess their is a higher percentage of trichomes on the calyx's so one would think to wait until 25% (or whatever your goal is) of the triches on the calyx's turn amber.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I used to look at trichomes and try and work out what percentage were amber and whatnot. Then i figured fuck it and just look at the plant as a whole, if it looks ready it looks ready, to hell with the state of the trichomes :) always get's me high as had been the intention while growing the thing :)


Active Member
'Some cultivators wait for about half of the secretory cavities to go opaque (cloudy) before harvesting, to ensure maximum THC levels in the finished product. Of course nothing tells the truth more than your own perception, so try samples at various stages to see what is best for you & the phenotype your are growing. While you may be increasing the total THC level in the bud by allowing half of the glands to go opaque, the bud will also have a larger percentage of THC breakdown products such as CBN, which is why some people choose to harvest earlier while most of the secretory cavities are still clear.'

Thats an interesting perspective too, Source:

It's interesting how people have different opinions on when THC is at its peak... I always thought it's when the trichomes are milky.

Like this:

I think i might chop it doesn't look to early, in my opinion it still matures after the chop as well. I wouldn't mind waiting but i can't wait to start drying it.


I swear before I harvested with barely any trichomes amber then once it was being cured like 2 or 3 weeks later only, it looked like it was all amber. Did I make that up? I don't think so

I ended up cutting the side branches down, the main cola actually looks ready ill wait though at least a day or two.