ready to harvest??


Go online to and spend $12 on a 'self-lighted hand-held microscope"
By the time you get it - they May be ready... or see if you have a Local Radioshack and they'll get ya one..

CAREFULLY remove a sugar leaf from a bud about 1/2 way down the plant (the top almost always is ready 1st-- so we use the sides as a guide...) use the scope to look at the crystal formed on the top side of the leaf (Trichomes/trichs) If they look like spheres or lollipops---and are cloudy, they are ready... some people like to wait until a few start to turn amber... it makes it more narcotic...

But you need to flush the plants accordingly-- if 8 weeks- do you mean from day 1 of 12/12 or from when they started to flower?

The "day one" is when the plants start to actively flower-- each plant is different... so even if all have been in 12/12 8 week- some may be 6 weeks along , others 7... either way... if those are in soil.....time to flush!!! They need at least 2 weeks after being flushed of getting just water & carbs (if you use them) otherwise, the plant retains a lot of magnesium, Nitrogen etc.. that effects the taste, aroma and harshness...

Don't jump the gun on harvesting--early/unripe weed is harsher, less potent and takes-on a grassy/hay smell that ripe/well cured weed doesn't have.

They look real good! Enjoy!!!!

thanks! and yeah i started flushing a couple days ago and thank you for all the knowledge i never considered about when the plant actually started flowering and when the lights went on 12/12 but still its about the same amount of time and i will definitely check that out in radio shack there is one not to far from me


bud bootlegger
i wouldn't flush now, not that i believe in flushing, but those things still got plenty of time on them.. at least a good 3 weeks, maybe a month or so imo..
not bashing them as they look great, just saying they're no where even close to being ready yet.. you'll know when they're getting ready when all of those hairs recede back from where they came from, by looking at the trics with that radio shack microscope, and they'll probably start to fox tail a bit when they get closer, and a few other things i like to look at..

keep up the good job though...


i wouldn't flush now, not that i believe in flushing, but those things still got plenty of time on them.. at least a good 3 weeks, maybe a month or so imo..
not bashing them as they look great, just saying they're no where even close to being ready yet.. you'll know when they're getting ready when all of those hairs recede back from where they came from, by looking at the trics with that radio shack microscope, and they'll probably start to fox tail a bit when they get closer, and a few other things i like to look at..

keep up the good job though...
from what ive read a lot of people say to flush but there are the few who say they don't id like to try it one grow maybe with my next batch but you really think a month? i really hope not to be honest even though i do want to give them time to develop and thank you! i didnt really think it was all that special from some of the grows ive seen on here


bud bootlegger
from what ive read a lot of people say to flush but there are the few who say they don't id like to try it one grow maybe with my next batch but you really think a month? i really hope not to be honest even though i do want to give them time to develop and thank you! i didnt really think it was all that special from some of the grows ive seen on here
you're growing in soil right?? if so, yeah, i don't really see what flushing does for the taste of the buds tbh.. imo, if it really made one bit of difference, everyone would simply do it as no one would want buds to taste like chems or w/e it is the flushing crowd says happens if you don't flush .. but that's not what happens, so the flush debate goes on...

and yeah, imo, you've still got a good few weeks left on them.. at least a good two, i was thinking more like 3 or so, not to say you can't chop w/e you want, but i like to take them till they're pretty much done.. i chopped once early, and never again.. totally killed the potency of the smokes, and after months of hard work, it's jut not worth taking them down early..


New Member
yeah dude..probably 3 weeks. for the last week or two feed filtered water. not only will it "flush" the plant, but itll rush it a bit.


well if that what it takes ill definitely wait it out and see what its like when i get the illuminated magnifier i wanna see about that one from radio shack to though but i already ordered one off amazon


Active Member
Not all strains have their hairs turn color before harvested & dried.... all strain dependent... AND some environmental factors can turn the hairs before they are ready (heat, lights too close, sprays, too dry etc..) so you can not go by the hairs- you may be harvesting too early or too late if you do!

White strains keep their hair WHITE before harvest- as do some crosses.....