I think you've miscast my definitions and attempted to reframe my thoughts. How 'bout cutting that out please? I am an advocate of the non-initation of aggression principle. The exmples you give above have nothing to do with MY thoughts or ideas. I'm not sure that you understand my philosophy. So I'll ask you to reconsider your post as YOUR thoughts of what MY thoughts are.
I suggest you do some reading and LISTEN to what others say rather than trying so hard to be an internet genius and/or badass. I don't mean that confrontationally either by the way.
The first line of your last paragraph makes sense the last line is either misunderstanding on your part or a lack of comprehension of where I'm coming from.
Have you any familiarity with the non aggression principle ? ...your examples of where I'm coming from above make no sense and have nothing to do with my thoughts, actions or words.
trotting out your silly "principle" is a cunard.
it means nothing. the overreach of federal state and local law restricting our constitutionally protected rights is a problem that will not be solved by assholes with megaphones shouting "I'M NOT TOUCHING YOU! I'M NOT TOUCHING YOU! I'M NOT TOUCHING YOU! I'M NOT TOUCHING YOU!" into the faces of any who disagree. and thats exactly what you have espoused. whats next? you gonna close your eyes and start kicking and walking towards me so ill assault myself on your boot? welcome to the playground circa 1979.
you demand the absolute freedom from all restrictions, and all taxes as part of your "freedom", then when you want something, everybody else is obligated to give you what you desire because of your "freedom" to demand anything you want. that's not freedom that's petulance.
if you dont pay taxes the government has every right to "initiate aggression" against you for being a deadbeat, a moocher and a drag on society. Likewise i have every right to "initiate aggression" on the harmless innocent fellow who robs my house. Or do you propose I can rob your house to my heart's contentment because after all, "I'M NOT TOUCHING YOU! I'M NOT TOUCHING YOU! I'M NOT TOUCHING YOU!"
society is a mutual agreement whereby each party surrenders a little of their absolute liberty and "real freedom" to gain the security and assistance of a social group. all social animals do this. the solitary shark does not have to share his prey, but the pack hunting wolf or chimpanzee does. perhaps in your fantasy world society is more like a school of feeding pirranhas, where every fish snaps blindly at anything in reach, fully exercising their "freedom" to be mindless eating machines.
to be part of a society, a village or even a family you must give up your desire to strut around nude, piss in the livingroom, or save your feces in jars. if you absolutely HAVE to play drums in the middle of the night, move out to the country where nobody else has to suffer for your "freedom" to be an insufferable asshole.
accept the responsibility of living in a society, or live in the woods or deep desert. either way, be less of a tool.