Real Chemistry


Active Member
US Patent 7,105,685
You guys claiming real chemistry don't fool me. If so, then start explaining. Note lines 25-30, giving the right for anyone w skill in the art, not to limit but use the information as just a guideline. It gives lots of empowering information and right if you understand.
I have to assume your making a pass at me of some sort..

but I have no clue what your even trying to say lol

what happened to my signature anyway
Roflmao, find that patent of CANNABINOL DERIVATIVES. Nope never claimed to be a chemist, but GW should start explaining formula one to start clarifications.Real Chemistry.JPG
See lines 25-30? I can explain what that means, can someone else explain as well? Oh yeah, it all revolves around a supercritical fluid extraction as the basis where these derivatives come from.
Thats shits like 4 years old. Putting in work, spilling oil on it, or better yet, I used it as a coffee filter. But no one to explain as true dumb fucks don't know shit. Isopropyl is what I preach, to punks who be jackin! Full on fake dab. Now that's dirty.
I've noted this earlier. Watch some of his videos taken from in his garage- filthy. For someone who talks excessively about quality how could he overlook something as simple as a clean workplace. It seems that with his self proclaimed "master" skills he could easily and quickly accumulate the capital to purchase nice equipment or at the very least hire someone to clean his act up. There's no excuse for the absence cleanliness.
My mother always used to tell me that the state of my bedroom represented the state of my mind at that time. She knows me so well
Thats shits like 4 years old. Putting in work, spilling oil on it, or better yet, I used it as a coffee filter. But no one to explain as true dumb fucks don't know shit. Isopropyl is what I preach, to punks who be jackin! Full on fake dab. Now that's dirty.

I like how your finally coming to terms with yourself...

Acceptance is the first step.
You need to watch your language DUDE, and change your attitude, internet tough guy.


You are disgusting, nobody likes you.
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And who the hell is the Jason you keep rambling about?

Seriously, this guy has mental issues...

I can picture you just mumbling

arghhh that Jason!!..mumble mumble... Co2... Mumble...boast pics..mumble...vessel..mumble..


What are you on man?..I wanna try a little, shit must be DANK.