Real country music! Can you dig it?!


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kris kristofferson Meets James Morrison is the best way I could describe sturgill Simpson.

He's pretty heady... Maybe even a hint of the dead in his vibe..

Here's shooter Jennings, Waylon jennings son. Just imagine your daddy was Waylon Jennings and you like whiskey and acid... Then you get shooter Jennings. Hank mixed with ozzy.

Here's a good ole boy from our home state of Michigan. Whitey Morgan, Who new country could come from Flint eh? Like shooter says its not about where you live it's about what's inside and how you live. This guy is like if the zack brown band grew up in Detroit/flint. They are a bit ho downy. Out of the 4 artists I'm presenting in this thread these guys are the closest to main stream and have seen great success in Nashville and other places.

And for anyone that's been hiding under a rock.... We got HANK III.. Hank Williams the third that is... Jr's jr... I think of this guy like if Johnny Knoxville started a punk rock influenced country band.. Sooo awesomeness pretty much!

I dig the first three artists. Hank III, not so much. Thanks for sharing.

Ya gotta be in the right mood for hank 3. Chemicals help. With me I find myself every now and again with a pile of cleaning to do, no kids, no old lady, and hank 3 does the trick while I vacuum the day away lol.

I find myself listening to sturgill the most, maybe shooter but probably sturgill.
I feel like I've heard about him before but I don't recognize any music. He's got kinda a hank jr vibe, I can dig it.

...... Lol just heard rules of the bar.... Little homophobia going down lol.. I can still dig it, he doesn't beat around the bush, "we like boy girl sex in this honking tonk!" Lololol

He mentions that rules of the bar was originally a collaboration with shooter Jennings too, that's why he adds the extra verse at the end. Gotta check that out
Thing about Hank gotta see him live. The transition through multiple music styles and accompanying musicians is fucking brilliant.

I do believe you could take anybody you know to a Hank 3 show and they'd be into at least ONE song on the set list. Metalheads gotta wait until the end so you can get your Granny out of there before Misfits covers get played.
...... Lol just heard rules of the bar.... Little homophobia going down lol.. I can still dig it, he doesn't beat around the bush, "we like boy girl sex in this honking tonk!" Lololol

Just a little.

Blows my mind that people still have this type of redneck mentality where it's cool to say shit like this. smh
Just a little.

Blows my mind that people still have this type of redneck mentality where it's cool to say shit like this. smh

Hey if a guy can be sexually aroused by the thought of another guy then a guy can be sexually repulsed by the same thing...

Not saying it's not a silly mindset.. But it's not completely ignorant... At least he's being honest about it lol.

Maybe he was just born that way? He's genetically predisposed to only like boy girl sex? Maybe he had a highly emotional sexual expierence with a female when he was in his early teens that imprinted heterosexuality onto him?

And just for the record.. I love me some homos lol.. I'm close to a couple homosexual guys and even they laugh at the "homophobia-phobia" that's going on.. It's insane. It's like the new thing to be "cool wit teh gheyz" and rainbow your face out on Facebook and if you even say something even a little bit borderline there's this insane backlash.. Very similar to the situation with Islam.. Talk truth about Islam and people will call you a bigot.

Like I said I'm not giving this guy or any gay hater a pass.. But if homosexuality is unhelpable and they are "just that way" then it goes both ways.. People who are repulsed by it are just as natural. It's not an open minded vs closed minded thing if gay people don't choose to be gay..
Hey if a guy can be sexually aroused by the thought of another guy then a guy can be sexually repulsed by the same thing...

Not saying it's not a silly mindset.. But it's not completely ignorant... At least he's being honest about it lol.

Maybe he was just born that way? He's genetically predisposed to only like boy girl sex? Maybe he had a highly emotional sexual expierence with a female when he was in his early teens that imprinted heterosexuality onto him?

And just for the record.. I love me some homos lol.. I'm close to a couple homosexual guys and even they laugh at the "homophobia-phobia" that's going on.. It's insane. It's like the new thing to be "cool wit teh gheyz" and rainbow your face out on Facebook and if you even say something even a little bit borderline there's this insane backlash.. Very similar to the situation with Islam.. Talk truth about Islam and people will call you a bigot.

Like I said I'm not giving this guy or any gay hater a pass.. But if homosexuality is unhelpable and they are "just that way" then it goes both ways.. People who are repulsed by it are just as natural. It's not an open minded vs closed minded thing if gay people don't choose to be gay..

Wow, that's quite the rationalization. So by your standards, if I'm born white it's OK to hate on people that have a different skin color?? Just because it's different than me?

How about people mind their own fucking business and let other folks live their lives free of ridicule. Being different does not mean you should be destined to live as a second class citizen.

And nobody chooses their sexual orientation. Did you make a conscious decision to be attracted to women, or were you just born that way?
Wow, that's quite the rationalization. So by your standards, if I'm born white it's OK to hate on people that have a different skin color?? Just because it's different than me?

How about people mind their own fucking business and let other folks live their lives free of ridicule. Being different does not mean you should be destined to live as a second class citizen.

And nobody chooses their sexual orientation. Did you make a conscious decision to be attracted to women, or were you just born that way?

"Nobody chooses their sexual orientation" That's far from the truth.. The smartest people in the world are often unsure in this matter. Hundreds of thousands of gays, trans, bi sexual, polysexual, and pansexual people will say they choose to be that way, usually because of some terrible thing that's happened in their past that's altered their idea on sexuality (raped by a moms boyfriend so hates men, or loves them depending on child's sex)

Then there's a boatload that can't quantify why it is the way they feel the way they do. Many neuroscientist have studied many many many people to see if they can find some sort of neuron pattern that promotes homosexuality but so far nothing real concrete has came from this pool.

Another pool of study is hormone imbalance and its effect on homosexuality. It's been shown that estrogen and testosterone levels are out of balance in a large portion of homosexual, bisexual, and trans people. Now this is a deep rabbit hole.. Hormone imbalance can occur for a number of different reasons, head injury, deep psychological trauma, something as silly as diet, drugs, disease and virus'. I see maybe a twinkle at the end of this tunnel maybe with how deeply we've proven ourselves to be connected to our hormones. Hormones control our mind and body. Now if one of the many causing factors knocks someone's hormones out of balance do they automatically become homosexual? No... But like I said before it's been shown that homosexual people have hormone levels that aren't normal for their sex. This could also be a causing factor of rampant depression among homosexual and trans people. Hormones are a major factor in happiness and confidence and all around well being. This is also probably one of the major factors behind rampant depression among straight people.. Hormones out of balance.. The hormone rabbit hole is a deep one but I get a sense of "ya this all kinda makes sense" when I read stuff about it..

It's much much more complicated then "awe leave me alone... I was born this way"
Lol I just realized, in that video he was at a bar in key west.... Sorry Jamey they prolly like boy boy sex in that bar...
"Nobody chooses their sexual orientation" That's far from the truth.. The smartest people in the world are often unsure in this matter. Hundreds of thousands of gays, trans, bi sexual, polysexual, and pansexual people will say they choose to be that way, usually because of some terrible thing that's happened in their past that's altered their idea on sexuality (raped by a moms boyfriend so hates men, or loves them depending on child's sex)

Then there's a boatload that can't quantify why it is the way they feel the way they do. Many neuroscientist have studied many many many people to see if they can find some sort of neuron pattern that promotes homosexuality but so far nothing real concrete has came from this pool.

Another pool of study is hormone imbalance and its effect on homosexuality. It's been shown that estrogen and testosterone levels are out of balance in a large portion of homosexual, bisexual, and trans people. Now this is a deep rabbit hole.. Hormone imbalance can occur for a number of different reasons, head injury, deep psychological trauma, something as silly as diet, drugs, disease and virus'. I see maybe a twinkle at the end of this tunnel maybe with how deeply we've proven ourselves to be connected to our hormones. Hormones control our mind and body. Now if one of the many causing factors knocks someone's hormones out of balance do they automatically become homosexual? No... But like I said before it's been shown that homosexual people have hormone levels that aren't normal for their sex. This could also be a causing factor of rampant depression among homosexual and trans people. Hormones are a major factor in happiness and confidence and all around well being. This is also probably one of the major factors behind rampant depression among straight people.. Hormones out of balance.. The hormone rabbit hole is a deep one but I get a sense of "ya this all kinda makes sense" when I read stuff about it..

It's much much more complicated then "awe leave me alone... I was born this way"

The hormone angle seems plausible...but I would still argue that people are born that way if that's the case.

You have young kids right? Watch as they grow, and tell me that the vast majority of their behavior, tendencies, talents, thinking, etc aren't genetic. I see it in my kids every day. All 3 raised under the same roof, with the same parents, the same rules, the same love, and yet all 3 are different. One may even turn out to be gay. If so, this will not be caused by environmental stimuli IMO.

This is all kinda beside the point though. I just don't understand why it's OK to treat people like shit because they don't fit in to our societal norms. If someone is causing no harm to you or others, shouldn't they just be left alone?
The hormone angle seems plausible...but I would still argue that people are born that way if that's the case.

You have young kids right? Watch as they grow, and tell me that the vast majority of their behavior, tendencies, talents, thinking, etc aren't genetic. I see it in my kids every day. All 3 raised under the same roof, with the same parents, the same rules, the same love, and yet all 3 are different. One may even turn out to be gay. If so, this will not be caused by environmental stimuli IMO.

This is all kinda beside the point though. I just don't understand why it's OK to treat people like shit because they don't fit in to our societal norms. If someone is causing no harm to you or others, shouldn't they just be left alone?

For sure they should be left alone.. So long as they leave the rest of the world alone. The whole gay thing has really gone weaponized these last few years and it's bloomed into several side explosions like the "slut walk" and all the feminism over the top nonsense..

And now a days you can't ever say your children grew up without outside stimuli towards any one sexual preference. Have you not seen the show where they are letting a 12 year old boy transition to become a girl? Bruce fucking Jenner? Speaking of which he killed someone and no one talks about that? Just that he wants to lop off his dick?

I would even argue that children's movies play into stereo types wayyyy to hard and they influence our kids. They are finding out that 9-12 is am extremely important age span where your actual DNA is effected and it effects generations down the line. Check out the radio lab podcast called "inheritance". Chris Ryan phd has some pretty heady thoughts about how afe 9-13 hormonal experiences play a HUGE role in determining who we are as a person.. There's too many variables to just be like "o this causes it" but that also means there's wayyy to many variables to just write it off to being born that way.

Now here's the real question.,. If it is a hormone imbalance because of even a "birth defect" that we find a way to fix.... What then? Opens up a whole nother can of worms lol...