• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Real imported Afghan Kush DOES support the Taliban

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
this thread is jsut amusing now, you;'re all silly :)

all i can say is that if smoking afghan get;s soldiers killed,. athen i'm gonna toke up some more, sooner everyone gets the bloody hell out of there the sooner things will become better. i love that we think we're helping the world out. get enough soldiers killed for zero results, and people will eventually think "hmmm, isn't there precedent for this type of pointless war?" :P


Well-Known Member
lol and to top it off it would have been cheaper for us to purchase the oil form saddam than to start an expensive war just to steal it!!

but heres the cherry on top. CHina got all the oil contracts!!! and we were paying up the ass for gas last year :hug:

The middle east was MUCH more secure with Saddam in power and thus the price of oil was less volatile. He provided a concrete Arab buffer between Iran and Saudi Arabia and kept Iraq terrorist free.

That is not to say he was a good guy, he was a ruthless dictator but this is nothing new, I could name 20 people we directly gave money to who were worse than Saddam (the guys currently running the Taliban top the list).

Big P

Well-Known Member
The middle east was MUCH more secure with Saddam in power and thus the price of oil was less volatile. He provided a concrete Arab buffer between Iran and Saudi Arabia and kept Iraq terrorist free.

That is not to say he was a good guy, he was a ruthless dictator but this is nothing new, I could name 20 people we directly gave money to who were worse than Saddam (the guys currently running the Taliban top the list).

yes but todays iraq will be better, i have friends that live there, everything is getting better business is booming salaries have been doubling and tripleing,

I think as a result of the liberation of the free loving people of iraq,

is what set off the free loving citizens of iran to start to protest against thier dictators in the recent clashes.

its like if people of north carolina saw that the people of south carolina were free all of a sudden. you would demand north carolina be free too like your happy nieghbors

in the long run i hope its for the best,

if we left saddam there he would have gotten nukes "eventually"and then let his pattently insane sons take over

they would pass nukes to terrorists if it suited thier interest. as they are very revengy family with the temper of the fires in hell

I have a feeling this is still going to happen and a nuke or matirial will evntually be passed to a terrorist with no return address.

if the arabs get any nuke theres a very hi probablitiy it will end up in tel aviv and it would destroy the tiny country of isreal, this would trigger a nucleur holocost across the middle east and into a world war where oil is $500 a barrel and a gallon of gas is $20

we gotta think long term, I wish they were thinking long term when the UN gave Palistine to the jews and created this conflict we fight today

only reason the arabs have not bloodied us up more is they dont have the technology of nukes,

but i think Iran will have it shortly, and if you think they are good negotiators now, just wait till they are holding a nuke over isreal.

thats were our stratigic partner Iraq will come in.

although im against the isreali occupation of palistine, i do not think it is right to kill millions of people in isreal,

and lets just say im a very liberal arab

most arabs would do the happy dance if isreal turned into ground zero

things are not as peachy as they may seem, shit can go to hell in a handbasket within a few months.

and if history is correct, we should be planning for it

now should we discuss pakistan and how thier country may be taken over nukes and all by the taliban?:shock:


Well-Known Member
this thread is jsut amusing now, you;'re all silly :)

all i can say is that if smoking afghan get;s soldiers killed,. athen i'm gonna toke up some more, sooner everyone gets the bloody hell out of there the sooner things will become better. i love that we think we're helping the world out. get enough soldiers killed for zero results, and people will eventually think "hmmm, isn't there precedent for this type of pointless war?" :P
So I guess everything was peaceful after the Soviets left and before we invaded in 2001? Or maybe was there a 3 way civil war that killed far more civilians than either the Russians or Americans? Kabul was rocketed almost to dust in that time period.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i'm talking a different war, one that you got your arses stomped in so eventually after way too long realised that you were doing sweet fuck all good so backed off? :lol:

we ust need to get the feck out of the middle east! we have no right there so i couldn't really care how many soldiers are killed before we back out.


Well-Known Member
yes but todays iraq will be better, i have friends that live there, everything is getting better business is booming salaries have been doubling and tripleing,

I think as a result of the liberation of the free loving people of iraq,
That is largely thanks to just throwing gobs and gobs of money at the people who were fighting the civil war. Why go hunt down shia when you can sit home, smoke the hukka and get paid?

is what set off the free loving citizens of iran to start to protest against thier dictators in the recent clashes.

its like if people of north carolina saw that the people of south carolina were free all of a sudden. you would demand north carolina be free too like your happy nieghbors
Keep in mind that Iran's reform movement is still largely pro-theocracy, they are just not keen and the guys running things right now.

in the long run i hope its for the best,

if we left saddam there he would have gotten nukes "eventually"and then let his pattently insane sons take over
I am actually reading a great book about how Pakistan's A.Q. Kahn distributed nuclear technology to Iraq, Iran and North Korea. He was not working real hard on a nuclear program when we invaded because he would rather spend what limited resources he had coming in on himself.

they would pass nukes to terrorists if it suited thier interest. as they are very revengy family with the temper of the fires in hell
I am not so sure about that. The leadership in Iraq knew how badly we kicked their ass in Kuwait and the Israelis destroyed the Osorac reactor once. A lot of people said Pakistan was making an "islamic bomb" to share but in the end they never actually gave up a whole bomb.

I have a feeling this is still going to happen and a nuke or matirial will evntually be passed to a terrorist with no return address.

if the arabs get any nuke theres a very hi probablitiy it will end up in tel aviv and it would destroy the tiny country of isreal, this would trigger a nucleur holocost across the middle east and into a world war where oil is $500 a barrel and a gallon of gas is $20
That depends on which Arabs get it. There is not a government in the middle east today dumb enough to use a nuclear weapon on a nation that not only has it's own but also allied with the largest nuclear power on the planet? When these firebrands get to leadership positions they realize they are a hell of a lot better off skimming oil money and living like a king than going down in a blaze of glory.

we gotta think long term, I wish they were thinking long term when the UN gave Palistine to the jews and created this conflict we fight today

only reason the arabs have not bloodied us up more is they dont have the technology of nukes,

but i think Iran will have it shortly, and if you think they are good negotiators now, just wait till they are holding a nuke over isreal.
Even Israel knows that Iran won't attack them the second they get a nuke. Iran had one of the last natural cases of smallpox recorded in history and you can bet your ass they are saving it for a rainy day. I had a guy that was a member of the revolutionary guard brag to me that they are one of the only nations in the world who still gives the slightly dangerous live smallpox vaccine. They do this not only to have heard immunity in their cities (no one under the age of like 50 in the US has ANY immunity) but also so they have the vaccine infrastructure that can quickly be converted to grow virus.

They really do have a good reason to seek WMDs though. In the book I am reading they talk about how during the Iran/Iraq war Iran started winning and Saddam used poison gas. Iran went to the UN pointing out the violation and the international community basically said "so"? Saddam wanted to destroy them, not to take back a little land, not to conquer some cities, he wanted to occupy the whole nation.

thats were our stratigic partner Iraq will come in.

although im against the isreali occupation of palistine, i do not think it is right to kill millions of people in isreal,

and lets just say im a very liberal arab

most arabs would do the happy dance if isreal turned into ground zero
Tehran is going to exhert some major control on the new Iraqi government and they have already said that Israeli planes over their airspace would be considered an act of war.

things are not as peachy as they may seem, shit can go to hell in a handbasket within a few months.

and if history is correct, we should be planning for it

now should we discuss pakistan and how thier country may be taken over nukes and all by the taliban?:shock:
Pakistan is not really in any danger, their military created the Taliban but they are still much stronger. Look at what they did in Swat, tell all the civilians to leave or die and then clear and hold. After the area is secure you call in the civilians, form militias and teach people to protect themselves.

The Pakistani Taliban is now sandwiched between the Afghan taliban and American forces to the north and Pakistani army to the south and east. It also came out recently that Blackwater is working in the NWFP with Pakistani forces to clear that area.

All America needs to do is start using drones better (killing less civilians) and I think we will easily defeat them.

Big P

Well-Known Member
i'm talking a different war, one that you got your arses stomped in so eventually after way too long realised that you were doing sweet fuck all good so backed off? :lol:

we ust need to get the feck out of the middle east! we have no right there so i couldn't really care how many soldiers are killed before we back out.

we have no right to defend ourselves against our attackers?

thats Afghan

now the saddamn thing. he attacked and took over kuwait.

kuwait asked us to help them.

we did, we won the war and saddam surrendered & agreed to the terms

he kept violating those terms of the surrender just like hitler did after WWI

the only difference is we did somthing about it with saddam

as we should have with hitler

but instead we left him alone as you suggest, all hitler did was mass his military stregnth untill the perfect moment

200 million lives lost across the globe because of it. or some similar stagering number.

simply put saddam tried to take over a country, we pushed him back kicked his ass and he agreed to terms

its not our fault he broke those terms, and we learn from histories mistakes:-P

so am I wrong?


Well-Known Member
i'm talking a different war, one that you got your arses stomped in so eventually after way too long realised that you were doing sweet fuck all good so backed off? :lol:

we ust need to get the feck out of the middle east! we have no right there so i couldn't really care how many soldiers are killed before we back out.
Do you mean Korea, Vietnam, Nicaragua or Iraq part 2?

If you mean Iraq then you are in the wrong fucking thread, hense the title "Real imported AFGHAN Kush does support the TALIBAN". There are no Taliban in Iraq my friend.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
no i don't mean iraq....

i honestly can't beleive that us brits are still there, i figured that our pretty much failure at squashing the PIRA, well that would be enough history for us, but no.

the only civillians that i'm upset about on the whole, are the ones where a little drone goes and blows up a house for the one bad guy.

everyyyyone seems to get testy in this thread, it's great fun

Big P

Well-Known Member
That is largely thanks to just throwing gobs and gobs of money at the people who were fighting the civil war. Why go hunt down shia when you can sit home, smoke the hukka and get paid?

Keep in mind that Iran's reform movement is still largely pro-theocracy, they are just not keen and the guys running things right now.

democracy fosters peace

I am actually reading a great book about how Pakistan's A.Q. Kahn distributed nuclear technology to Iraq, Iran and North Korea. He was not working real hard on a nuclear program when we invaded because he would rather spend what limited resources he had coming in on himself.

yes but the oil for food was a scam and he tried to kill Bush Senior after he wasnt pres anymore, if we gave him time he would have plotted and got it from what we know about his past actions and personality we could not ignore this probability

I am not so sure about that. The leadership in Iraq knew how badly we kicked their ass in Kuwait and the Israelis destroyed the Osorac reactor once. A lot of people said Pakistan was making an "islamic bomb" to share but in the end they never actually gave up a whole bomb.

but they did end up sharing it just like you said with Iraq Iran and NK, north korea has the bomb thanks to pakistan

That depends on which Arabs get it. There is not a government in the middle east today dumb enough to use a nuclear weapon on a nation that not only has it's own but also allied with the largest nuclear power on the planet? When these firebrands get to leadership positions they realize they are a hell of a lot better off skimming oil money and living like a king than going down in a blaze of glory.

if i had a nuke and gave it to alqueda and they blow up isreal. Who would get the blame? Exactly man, any arab nation would not be stupid enough to have a return address on it. but is very easy for a suposed traiter to hand off matirial and have it untracable to any one nation

Even Israel knows that Iran won't attack them the second they get a nuke. Iran had one of the last natural cases of smallpox recorded in history and you can bet your ass they are saving it for a rainy day. I had a guy that was a member of the revolutionary guard brag to me that they are one of the only nations in the world who still gives the slightly dangerous live smallpox vaccine. They do this not only to have heard immunity in their cities (no one under the age of like 50 in the US has ANY immunity) but also so they have the vaccine infrastructure that can quickly be converted to grow virus.


They really do have a good reason to seek WMDs though. In the book I am reading they talk about how during the Iran/Iraq war Iran started winning and Saddam used poison gas. Iran went to the UN pointing out the violation and the international community basically said "so"? Saddam wanted to destroy them, not to take back a little land, not to conquer some cities, he wanted to occupy the whole nation.

yes i agree and sadly we gave saddam the the poison. if i was iranin i would demand my right for my country to have nukes. but i aint iranian:weed:

Tehran is going to exhert some major control on the new Iraqi government and they have already said that Israeli planes over their airspace would be considered an act of war.

yes i agree, iran and Iraq will end up being best buddies, but way more so if they get democracy

Pakistan is not really in any danger, their military created the Taliban but they are still much stronger. Look at what they did in Swat, tell all the civilians to leave or die and then clear and hold. After the area is secure you call in the civilians, form militias and teach people to protect themselves.

yes but there is a great deal of problems over there, and there will be more battles to fight even if they won this battle

The Pakistani Taliban is now sandwiched between the Afghan taliban and American forces to the north and Pakistani army to the south and east. It also came out recently that Blackwater is working in the NWFP with Pakistani forces to clear that area.

nice i didnt know that

All America needs to do is start using drones better (killing less civilians) and I think we will easily defeat them.

this joints for you sir:weed:

Big P

Well-Known Member
no i don't mean iraq....

i honestly can't beleive that us brits are still there, i figured that our pretty much failure at squashing the PIRA, well that would be enough history for us, but no.

the only civillians that i'm upset about on the whole, are the ones where a little drone goes and blows up a house for the one bad guy.

everyyyyone seems to get testy in this thread, it's great fun

lol right i like testy threads that require testies:hug:

but i feel if there a wanted terrorist is in your house its your fault for chillin with him

we aint playing duck duck goose with these guys they are trying to kill us and destroy our beautiful nation

infact you would be surprised how many long gone american soilders would rise up out of thier graves if we did anything less.


Active Member
lol right i like testy threads that require testies:hug:

but i feel if there a wanted terrorist is in your house its your fault for chillin with him

we aint playing duck duck goose with these guys they are trying to kill us and destroy our beautiful nation

infact you would be surprised how many long gone american soilders would rise up out of thier graves if we did anything less.
couldnt agree more, some terrorists are for real, but i think you are missing the point.
have you wondered why a handful of countries dislike your beatiful nation?
is there anything the US could do to reach the root of terrorism?

Big P

Well-Known Member
couldnt agree more, some terrorists are for real, but i think you are missing the point.
have you wondered why a handful of countries dislike your beatiful nation?
is there anything the US could do to reach the root of terrorism?

people in other counties dislike ameica because america is not humble

and niether are they

the widowman

Well-Known Member
yea this war on terror is doing untold damage too the medical cannabis industry.
we need peace in afghanistan soon very soon.

the west is not aganist islam well the goverments in the west arent. and is this small matter thats causing this war.
so the sooner we all treat muslims like anybody else the better. not that iam saying were all muslim bashers.



Active Member
Why would anyone smoke anything from a place where they wipe their ass with their hands? Its not hash its little balls of shit.... PEACE


Well-Known Member
yea this war on terror is doing untold damage too the medical cannabis industry.
we need peace in afghanistan soon very soon.

the west is not aganist islam well the goverments in the west arent. and is this small matter thats causing this war.
so the sooner we all treat muslims like anybody else the better. not that iam saying were all muslim bashers.

Any version of peace in Afghanistan will mean the total banning of hash and weed.

the widowman

Well-Known Member
Any version of peace in Afghanistan will mean the total banning of hash and weed.

your talking turkey my freind. cannabis is part and parcel of everyday life in afghanistan. and has been for thousands of years.
the war is stopping the movement of hashish out of afghanistan. the coalition forses are bombing stores of hash and plantations.

cannabis is part of afghanistans culture and will stay that way and become more so when this war is over.
iam sorry you've been misinformed on this one.:wall: