real newb,is this a pot plant?


Active Member
Elm sapling.
yeah that seems to be the conecnsus.... but I was looking at your latest thread, I know yield is a ...mmm.. bitch? :) but what Im wondering from looking at yours... is that a 5 gallon bucket yours is in (behind the recliner?)? size is so hard to tell on so many posts and pics because , well, a pot looks like a pot , without a scale it coul be 6 inches or 16 inches.... and all yours are normaal(ie not ruderalis crosses?) I think the blues are incredibly good looking plants, never mind that they are useful :) I actually got back into this after reading that pot can help ADD(my wife) so i figured, eh....


Well-Known Member
welcome Bob , and don't worry. dooby ate a bunch of hash the other day and thought he was gonna die.


Active Member
seriously, if you'd seen them with just the first and second set of leaves, even now with some real plants to comapre them too I would have thought so too prob. By the time I took the pics the sode growth was looking pretty odd for pot :) I still remind myself of those though when I think I have any idea what I'm doing with my actual weed.
And I've discovered why I have never had any success with indoor plants(non-mj) I CAN'T STOP WATERING THEM!!11!! I have this insane desire to water them every time I look at them... sigh