Real opinions...Vote...Scientific Survey

Would you rather

  • Use your body is any manner you want go to hell

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Not mentally and spiritually scar yourself and go to Heaven literally pleasure never ending.

    Votes: 3 75.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I want to know if you think you would rather spend this life doing whatever you want sexually and go to hell, or Resist Sin and get married family ect.. Have relationship with GOD and your Savior JESUS CHRIST and go to Heaven? Also in Book of Enoch Angels have wives in Heaven. And Heaven will eventually include the New Earth so these suggest a lot more pleasures then brief x number of years in which humans normally live. So what are you going to do? I included a brief "Proof" of GOD to atheist because I will not have numerous choices so it's allowed in talk in toke and should not be flagged and removed. Sex is a blessing, it's mankind who brings abortions, orphans, pornography, homosexuality, prostitution, rape, beastality. Which is evil and brings disease death and Hell.

The first thing I will discuss is the leaked footage from N.A.S.A which completely validates THE HOLY BIBLE and dismisses all thoughts of the promoted lack of idea and answers commonly mentioned by people who do deny THE GREATNESS and GLORY of GOD If you skip to the hour mark and around six minutes the leaked film will begin, even a little sooner actually.. Watch it while sitting down...

These are warnings from GOD to us, that have never happened before, and proven not faked.

This is what we are currently going through the first Sign of the Blood Moon has already happened these events will continue into next year. Here is a video description of these events which include the dates falling on Holy Biblical days, and when they have happened before along with what happened when these events last appeared. Each time majored changes happened to Israel, which brings us to the War with Hamas. Also because these events fall onto Holy Day's it's apparent these Tetrads witch include a solar eclipse have the most significant value. Furthermore it mentions "young men having visions" this did happen to me while this thread was up. To read about what I briefly, very briefly saw go to page39 post767

This is a video of the Pope claiming a One World Religion and to remove "doctrine" (THE HOLY BIBLE) from this New Religion.
All major denominations have apparently agreed. This video includes Blaspheme statements claim he is the "spirit" of a dead Prophet who is in Heaven, Pastor Ken Coplan talking in "tongues" a fake Jibberish langue made up and accepted when THE HOLY BIBLE mentions speaking in tongues it was talking about the 12 Apostles who LORD JESUS CHRIST gave the ability to speak a different real langue such as Latin just for a example for purposes for teaching the Gospel. Also this Ken Coplan has weird snake eyes while speaking in his fake langue ( or maybe it's demonic )
The Pope and Church Worshipping Lucifer at mass saying the most blasphemous thing's I have ever heard.
The Pope Committing the abomination of desolations at Solomon's Temple.

Now if you read Revelations you hear about the horrible things happening to World especially Babylon (the strongest Nation so America). Revelations talks about the dominance of the complete World, the "leader" of this massive Army will control everything.
There will be absolute chaos and pure genocide of Christians and Billions of others. Sadly this is what's happening before our eyes.
They have killed your relatives and mocked you in front of your face without you ever knowing. It literally pains me to tell the American people this. The rest of the Nation all ready knows far more then the common American citizen. This is other Country's proving to you that this is the Case, this is a real video clip of Japanese Political Conference with Prime Minister proving that 911 was a inside attack on it's own people by a "Shadow Government" Commonly called "Illuminati" which has connections with the "Club of Rome"
This first hand video of witnesses proves not just planes took down the World Trade Centers (now called One World)
This is the Satanic Ritual they did on Ground Zero (where the World Trade Towers were) on public television.
There are more like Sandy Hook page 79 and 83 and . Watch for the upcoming random shooting sprees the Government will be planning them, to push the objective or removing guns.

These attacks on Americans are designed for us to give up our rights as a Nation. Rights like right to bear arms which has been taken from Americans.
This is just one of the many civil rights which have been taken from Americans without them knowing about it. Make no mistake just because a few states haven't initiated this doesn't mean it's going to be different in the long run. I know some states you can still buy guns but, be aware preparation are being made to change that. Like the billions of hollow point ammunition purchased. When it's against the Geneva Convention war Laws to use hollow point ammunition in War. Also shooting ranges don't allow hollow points because the shatter and ricochet. Most states these Laws are in action like Massachusetts, in order to buy a firearm you would have to be given direct authority from the Police Chief and he can deny anyone he wants. Unless of course you want to buy 1800 Century Black Powder Musket. (less lethal then a Bow and arrow) Even pepper spray requires a license in Massachusetts. So we see this has already begun in almost all states Massachusetts is just one for a example. A ironic one at that seeing as how the license plate read "Live free or die"

And all other civil rights have been removed too. I have merely mentioned the gun ban first because it's beyond suspicious the Government begun to remove and stop arming the public. Here is a brief description of the 900 page Bill which was passed by the United Nations although it was never passed by Congress is was Executive Order Signed by President Obama (President Override possible thanks to Patriot Act from 911) initiating Agenda/Smart Growth. Which he has done. Along with other Presidents before him (
These Laws are being implemented in our society now. They are in effect now.
"Agenda 21 envisions a global scheme for healthcare, education, nutrition, agriculture, labor, production, and consumption. A summary version titled AGENDA 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Earthpress, 1993), calls for “…a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced—a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources.” The report emphasizes that “This shift will demand a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.”---I.C.E.I Website states International Council for Local environmental Initiative their Website.
I have included the Map which was presented in the U.N meeting.
USA Government can legal kill or detain you forever without submitting a reason because of these Executive Orders by this President and the past (search skull and bones) and growing bills being passed to make Agenda 21 and Smart Growth be completed ( aka New World Order). While you do research to see what's inside these Bills you will see how it's been kept from the public on purpose, it's not easy to find. Because the U.N didn't label it a treaty or legally binding it remains completely off the Radar from mainstream public they labeled it a "Blue Print" well if you plain to do something and act spending millions of dollars on this cause I guess it can be label a Blue Print.... And gives the loop hole to change the Constitution! What a complete insult to peoples intelligence.

I have a lot more to address the Border Crisis, F.E.M.A Concentration Camps, RFID, Chips. And other issue that is beyond shocking.
Day by day your rights and resources are disappearing around you, and the battle for your mind about American Citizens right to defend themselves with guns is placed in your mind as evil by staged events, and reinforced by paid or threatened Political figures as well as defended by those who have bought the lies.
As you the Reader should know by now this is One World Order made by the U.N so many Nations are ahead of us on Agenda 21 and Smart growth. Australia already has it firearms taken away. See for yourself and see what happens to "crime" the reason why the U.N said it's removing guns. The real reason? To remove your rights and to begin finish Agenda 21 and Smart growth
All of the information is leaked and open to the public now. The gloves are off watch the wheels turn. One world One Leader absolute corruption One religion the removed THE HOLY BIBLE. Like I said I have more to tell stay tuned.
Also I can't post "Agenda 21 Population Map North America" because of copyright issues search any search engine for those keywords and it will bring it up no problem.
we interrupt this program to bring you breaking news

investigators have determined that a local man clicked a link on the internet and was killed when a wall of text and videos fell on him.

it is not clear how this happened and authorities are advising all persons using this "internet" to exercise extreme caution
The religious wear the facade to no end in front of others.When alone they pray and make believe to know the answers about where they are going when they pass from this world.They presume in the face of the natural laws that govern all life, that they will be immortalized by faith and that a god will be seeing all accounts of life.They truely hold themselves above others in the regard that they will be in the first to enter some realm of salvation and eternal bliss,while all others eternaly are punished,,,,what a crock.The terrible Irony I find in it,is that we do only live once,even those who question and read between the lines, are by existential default forced to live in the same place as all the idiots who so willfully believe in such fairy tales as the absolute truth, that they and many others who believe like them have berated the importance of the one life that we do live,because they are to dam busy preaching heaven & hell BS and infecting other people with their abomination doctrine.

A bit of news for you GD,when you die thats it.You are no more.No ego, no you(THE same goes for even the most evil bastard that has ever lived and the most beautiful and faithful person to have lived).No senses to feel pain or pleasure,no suffering ,no bliss,no sight,no hearing,no taste,no smell,no touch,no mind,all of it is gone.If there Just happens to be something more after we die,It is something truely unknowable by any of our senses,or by any of our greatest fathomings.I feel comfortable with this,as it is just as natural as before we are born and living.Dying and being no more is the final fear we face upon its imminent overture,it dosent matter what kind of faith you have or how strong you as a person or a persons faith is.Death will still occur.It will be a matter of self reconciliation and letting go of your worldly attachment when you go.Faith may work against you upon death,so do be careful as it may only amplify your fear of dying.
Dont live your life in fear of conspiracies and the nonsense of worldy BS GD,Illuminati or whomever you believe are the power mongers are subject to death as well,they to Have fear,,the most actualy,, out of anyone in the world.It just sucks that we are forced to live in the same world as they do,those with such greedy ambition,so much disregard for life,that they would attempt to rule mankind, deserve the worst kind of death.
25 I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.

21 That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures.

In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

Theirs no hell.
I died in the er it was peaceful but I in all honesty would of gone to hell.
But I would go with family god the cheesy American dream
cats in every thread, cats in every thread, cats in every thread
ghost driver you are like a gullible child , you believe anything if someone has made a video of it on youtube lol most people see right through conspiracy videos shame you get sucked right in every time.
Your question is silly GD. Knowing that your audience in this sub-forum is mostly atheists you should have asked the question, "if" you believed in my god would you live for him or yourself. Honestly that's equally as silly but I could have at least answered it.

If I truly believed in your god and heaven and hell I'd have to say I would live for him cause hell doesn't seem like a good place to spend eternity. Now I'd live for him as I would for a dictator out of fear and not out of love cause your biblical god doesn't sound like a very nice person. Hope that answers your question.
Your question is silly GD. Knowing that your audience in this sub-forum is mostly atheists you should have asked the question, "if" you believed in my god would you live for him or yourself. Honestly that's equally as silly but I could have at least answered it.

If I truly believed in your god and heaven and hell I'd have to say I would live for him cause hell doesn't seem like a good place to spend eternity. Now I'd live for him as I would for a dictator out of fear and not out of love cause your biblical god doesn't sound like a very nice person. Hope that answers your question.

Did you ever think that sometimes fear helps you form making a horrible decision?
Like fear of Jail for murdering someone for example?

False Dichotomy

The fallacy of false dichotomy is committed when the arguer claims that his conclusion is one of only two options, when in fact there are other possibilities. The arguer then goes on to show that the 'only other option' is clearly outrageous, and so his preferred conclusion must be embraced.

Either you let me go to the Family Values Tour, or I'll be miserable for the rest of my life. I know you don't want me to be miserable for the rest of my life, so you should let me go to the concert.

Either you use Speed Stick deodorant, or you will stink to high heaven. You don't want to stink, so you better by Speed Stick.

Either I keep smoking, or I'll get fat. I don't want to get fat, so I better keep smoking.

Either we keep Charles Manson in jail, or we release him, thus risking murder, carnage, and mayhem. We don't want murder, carnage, or mayhem, so we had better keep him in jail.

Nice False dichotomy, brainiac.

Hell doesn't exist, and neither does heaven. Your premises are false, and so is the structure of your argument.
Tell'm dude. :lol: Although keep this in this sub forum please, wouldn't want to ruin all the 'good' discussions

Either you flush (or grow organic) or your weed will taste bad.

Either you grow organic or your weed will taste bad.

Either you grow with LED or your weed will taste bad.

Either you defoliate or your will get popcorn.

Either you use regular seed or you will get hermies.
Did you ever think that sometimes fear helps you form making a horrible decision?
Like fear of Jail for murdering someone for example?
Fear is a great motivator!! That's why hell was created by man to scare people into following along with Christianity.
Fear of jail does keep some people from killing. The difference is it doesn't take blind faith to know that if I got caught I'd go to jail. It does take blind faith to believe that if I don't accept your Jesus Christ as my personal savior I will burn in hell. I know two people in prison for murder. I don't know anyone in hell though..
You have been programmed to think you don't know people in Hell and are unsure about GOD. But your atheist Darwin blaspheme suggestion is completely impossible. So you do know, weather you will admit it or not. At least admit to your own decision instead of acting like your just some clueless human who think bacteria is growing humans all around you. See my thread for explanations if not and you want to willingly stay clueless... Ignorance is NOT BLISS...

You don't think the CREATOR of Creation knows what's better for you then you do? A human who has admitted he knows nothing on the subject, who constantly makes mistakes or the ALMIGHTY GOD who never makes a mistake?
And you don't think your ego is huge?
You have been programmed to think you don't know people in Hell and are unsure about GOD. But your atheist Darwin blaspheme suggestion is completely impossible. So you do know, weather you will admit it or not. At least admit to your own decision instead of acting like your just some clueless human who think bacteria is growing humans all around you. See my thread for explanations if not and you want to willingly stay clueless... Ignorance is NOT BLISS...

You don't think the CREATOR of Creation knows what's better for you then you do? A human who has admitted he knows nothing on the subject, who constantly makes mistakes or the ALMIGHTY GOD who never makes a mistake?
And you don't think your ego is huge?
I just have one question for you GD- What is your point in coming into this forum and basically attacking and arguing with everyone who is not convinced of what you believe? Are you trying to minister? It's Christians, such as yourself who push non believers & people who simply do not know for sure - further and further away. Your rants are filled with hate and anger, instead of love & forgiveness - they certainly don't sound very Christian to me. It seems to me, youre well aware of your auidence and You're posting in here for nothing more than the drama of it.
You have been programmed to think you don't know people in Hell and are unsure about GOD. But your atheist Darwin blaspheme suggestion is completely impossible. So you do know, weather you will admit it or not. At least admit to your own decision instead of acting like your just some clueless human who think bacteria is growing humans all around you. See my thread for explanations if not and you want to willingly stay clueless... Ignorance is NOT BLISS...

You don't think the CREATOR of Creation knows what's better for you then you do? A human who has admitted he knows nothing on the subject, who constantly makes mistakes or the ALMIGHTY GOD who never makes a mistake?
And you don't think your ego is huge?

Again, atheists dont believe in a creator. Asking me if my creator knows what's better for me doesn't make sense. You need to learn to speak to your audience if you are actually trying to change peoples beliefs.

God does make mistakes. That's why he killed almost everyone on earth to start over. I'd call that a mistake. You will most likely say that he knew it was gonna happen and he works in mysterious ways. I won't argue scripture with you because I don't believe it to be factual. I was raised christian and have read the bible from front to back numerous times. The more I read it the more ludicrous it sounded.

If evolution was proven wrong tomorrow I still wouldn't believe in god so you can stop with the anti evolution YouTube "proof" videos you post as proof of god. The theory of evolution will remain the leading theory as to why we are here. When I say theory I mean the scientific definition and not yours. How did the first living organism form on earth? Don't know YET but I don't know = god is not a reasonable answer to people like me.

I see you use the word satanist in a lot of your posts too. You do realize that satanists do NOT believe in god or the devil right? They believe in themselves like atheists do. We just don't do the whole theatrical black look. I am in charge of my actions. I can do good or I can do bad with no outside supernatural force. You should say devil worshippers from now on so you don't sound uninformed..