REAL san pedro..Help on which method to use?


Active Member
Well got the real shit. lol went for a bikeride, 15 minutes from my home there was a big, huge mature san pedro for sure. i went to the door and an older gentlemen was on the phone, on his porch. long story short i told him i was gonna root them and he gave me a cutting that had been on the floor[8 foot limb broken off] i cut 15 inches of it from the bottom.

here are pix.

I cant decide whether to make the tea, or to chopp, dry and encapsulate. Any tips on a better expeiriance from one or the other methods would be awesome, and any thing anyone can tell me about this expiriance im about to enjoy =]


New Member
take tea!! boil it on medium heat for 6 hrs. youll have a cup or so of cacti goodness.

have your favorite fruit juice ready since its so nasty.

be ready to hurl before your coming up. but after 2 to 3 hours you will enter a tranquil world


Well-Known Member
You can try just peeling the hard outer skin up and eating the stuff inside like cucumber, for the FULL effect, I know plenty of people who can stomach it like that, me I can't stand vegetables in general, so its not an option.


Active Member
take tea!! boil it on medium heat for 6 hrs. youll have a cup or so of cacti goodness.

have your favorite fruit juice ready since its so nasty.

be ready to hurl before your coming up. but after 2 to 3 hours you will enter a tranquil world
well i have sum kush, really, really good kush to combat the nausea. ive heard marijuana is a great combination.

the rest of the cuuting gets rooted:clap:


Well-Known Member
If you have some raw ginger you could chew a piece for the nausea, stock up on good headache tablets, mecaline can give a nasty headache if you are not used to it yet, and even then.


Active Member
If you have some raw ginger you could chew a piece for the nausea, stock up on good headache tablets, mecaline can give a nasty headache if you are not used to it yet, and even then.
thx +rep. ive beenreading that on errowid as well


Well-Known Member
I'm telling you, it feels like you were suspended by your eyeballs for an while. :)
If you make tea you can try adding a datura seed for the nausea.


Well-Known Member
I have followed the extraction in this video a few times now with wonderful results. Never any upset stomach negative effects just nice clean feeling mescaline.,ipbits,expire,id,itag,ratebypass,title&signature=272F6B54B80B440CAD4B09A6C217D825813E8AF6.204A566D1B1B054C53D7680F972026CFD9777042&key=ck1

My biggest complaint about this process is the horrible smell of xylene. Does anyone know of an alternative to xylene for this extraction that has a weaker scent, or any tips on extracting in general.

Also everything I have read about datura consumption scares the shit out of me. Definitely take it easy with that.


Well-Known Member
limolene can be used
A seed means one, it will not harm, but will protect against nausea, it is a customary ingredient to cactus tea.