Reality, Conciousness, Singularity...The Source.

The thing is, if you reach such a high state of conciousness, and vibrational energy and you return to the highest plain, you will not return to your physical body.QUOTE] would this fall under suicide? :-?

no not at all. you arent killing yourself :S. the more you raise your energies vibrational frequency, the closer your getting to the HIGHEST plain of existence. once you enter the highest plain of existence which is the fastest vibrational frequency, you cease to exist in the physical, you return to Light and Total Conciousness. "God"
Ah, okay
thats cool, not to sound to idotic.
Astral projection, right Iv herd of that but will defo start looking into that,.
So unfortunatly,,and sorry for another question,, when you do vibrate and leave this lower exsitance,thats it, as in after reaching this 'higherplain' we cant return back to were we left(orgin or lower vessel). Well could we come back down as a new life again?(with no recollection)or is there a limit to how many cycles you can use?or is it eternal,never ending.?
sorry, I really like what you are saying. May I ask if there a name for this theroy?(sorry to call it a theroy, just using that term as somthing else may come under a religon or following)
take it easy.

well I would classify this religion "Spiritual" .

You can Astral project and come back to this plain of existence easily (your Human body)!! Its only when you reach the HIGHEST plain of existence, or "The source", "God", That you will cease to exist in the physical, meaning the cycles of rebirth cease to exist aswell. Your energy merges with the Creator once you reach the HIGHEST plain. This may also be reffered to as "Heaven". Once your there, theres no leaving, your energy is just tied in with "God" for eternity. and you become a part of the Collective Conciousness.

You Astral project every night when you go to sleep. Its kind of different this is called the "Dream Plain" because you are Astral Projecting subconciously. when you Astral Project conciously You are in the "Astral Plain"

Your always attached to your physical vessel by an imbilica like type cord. its not a real cord though, its a strand of energy. attaching your eternal to your physical so you will always find your way back to the physical. (if you get what i mean)

Okay this is the thing. There is no limit on how many life cycles. You either move up in the "slinky" or you move down. The "slinky" until you reach the top of the "Slinky" and burst through it to the Highest Plain. But the thing is if you reach the lowest plain of existence your trapped there. this is where the most evil souls go. or "Hell". only the most pure souls make it to the top. "Heaven" The higher plains of existence.

Whats funny is in the bible the Devil tricks Adam and eve and gets them kicked out of the Garden of Eden. This can kind of tie in with things. Beings trapped in the Lowest Plains of existence are "demons". They are known through history to trick people so they go from being pure to impure. So pretty much the story of adam and eve is the story of mankind. We got tricked by the beings in the Lowest plains, we became Impure and got sent to Earth(or any other place in The 3rd Dimension, Physical Reality.) and we started populating. there is alot of other bible passages that kind of tie in with that im saying. you just cant read everything literally.
ah,,okay. thats intresting.
yeah I understand what you mean by ties in, like alot of reilgons tie in, with stories that arnt the same but have the same meaning. And after all the bible was writen by the romans(well editied and rewrote and changed or left out bits),
anyhow thanks for the info,,
take it easy and good luck..
Im 20 now, was into Astral Projection when I was 13. Read alot about it but never seen the religious side of it, which I kind of felt there was. I read/took some courses on but being young and busy with school and friends then work I lost interest. I can see you go into great depth of what I personally have been thinking and just have not come up with the logical answers you have. They do make sense in nearly every way although I still don't understand it all. How does this tie in with the Bible at all? I see if you end up on the fastest frequency plain your in heaven, and if you end up on the slowest frequency plain you end up in hell, for eternity is what your saying right? Who is not to say we are not all ONE consciousness within ourselves? ONE soul that only can end up in heaven or hell for eternity....

Sorry I sometimes don't understand what even I myself try to ask, but I try to explain/grasp the concept of life as much as I can by asking questions lol.

If we are all seperate souls having a human experience.. and we go into the astral everynight, how is it once we reach the astral plain we can not stay there... it is a differant dimension and all so wouldn't we not be trapped since we would have sort of educated ourselves to enter that dimension...

Also, I look at myself, taking into account what you said. I think, I can't control the outcome of whether I go to heaven or hell because every other soul be it good or bad influences me to be who I am, So whether I want to proceed to the higher frequency plain and what not how can I do so if I live another human life and become a murderer purely on the way my parents brought me up and my surrounding influences or limited good choices. That would mean I would travel back down the 'Slinky' unconsciously, ultimately possibly hell. I don't see that as fair, I could end up in hell even If I do the right thing in this life. Can you see what I am trying to say/ask? Can you explain this in more detail to me if what I have said is not right, in your view?

I'm so confused right now... sorry if I rambled crap, I'm not even high. I enjoyed reading this, Thank you.

Ok, so if it's not tech suicide, then what happens to the physical body here on earth? Does it not die if your soul doesn't return? Because leaving here and ascending, isn't that the same result as dying the old fashioned way? What would be the difference between ascending via meditation and raising the vibration, and just blowing ones head off? Not tryin to be a smartass, just need some clarification...
Also, Rihno111, do star signs come into this at all?
so as pisces would be the most evolved, and aeris not so much,,as an example or is that nothing to do with this????
Ok, so if it's not tech suicide, then what happens to the physical body here on earth? Does it not die if your soul doesn't return? Because leaving here and ascending, isn't that the same result as dying the old fashioned way? What would be the difference between ascending via meditation and raising the vibration, and just blowing ones head off? Not tryin to be a smartass, just need some clarification...

I think what he meant was that your human body dies... your soul either travels up or down the frequency slinky depending on your consciousness? While life goes on, on earth, more souls take human form in their grid experience. Your body decays in the dirt becoming nothing but a particle and when the universe collapses eventually in billions of years or how ever long and life starts again... like a reset, for more souls to experience. I watched a video the other day on youtube saying how the universe expands, then collapses to the point it originated then creates itself again... like inverts itself into another universe, wish I remember what video it was, maybe link from this site. So this kind of makes sense to me. I do not get what would happen if you blow your head off... I think it would mean your not ready to handle a higher consciousness and your soul would take form in another living organism for you to experience something else, it's like taking 1 big step backwards. I wonder if this is also the case if you don't kill yourself but rather die accidentally or just get aborted at birth etc... That souls experience gets cut short... then what...

Quote "Its all about the evolution of concioussness through the alchemy of time. how something can evolve from the physical to the eternal, and vice versa. in my opinion we constantly re-connect, and leave after periods of time to go through the experience again.

Imagine all that exists is Raw Conciousness. It creates everything that is, and your are a single part of this singularity. the conciousness created grids of experience so that indivudal strands of this conciousness (souls) can leave and experience. return to the lower plains of existence, evolve through the alchemy of time, and return back to their mother "God" after they have gathered the knowledge, experience, etc that they left to experience. before you can connect back to the source, you have to realize why you left. why did you return to the lower vibrations of existence? what was your purpose? when you have aquired all that you have sought, you will return "home"

Why is it we would after periods of time want to experience it all again, wouldn't we just risk falling to the slowest frequency eventually?
And also, say you've reached the highest consciousness, and experience the grids again, how would you forget what you already know? I'm sure no one would brainwash themselves and throw themselves into a situation where you could be left to rot in the 'lowest plain of existence' for all eternity... I'm sure once and if we did reach full consciousness we would not be making decisions with those sorts of chances.

I think what he meant was that your human body dies... your soul either travels up or down the frequency slinky depending on your consciousness? While life goes on, on earth, more souls take human form in their grid experience. Your body decays in the dirt becoming nothing but a particle and when the universe collapses eventually in billions of years or how ever long and life starts again... like a reset, for more souls to experience. I watched a video the other day on youtube saying how the universe expands, then collapses to the point it originated then creates itself again... like inverts itself into another universe, wish I remember what video it was, maybe link from this site. So this kind of makes sense to me. I do not get what would happen if you blow your head off... I think it would mean your not ready to handle a higher consciousness and your soul would take form in another living organism for you to experience something else, it's like taking 1 big step backwards. I wonder if this is also the case if you don't kill yourself but rather die accidentally or just get aborted at birth etc... That souls experience gets cut short... then what...

Quote "Its all about the evolution of concioussness through the alchemy of time. how something can evolve from the physical to the eternal, and vice versa. in my opinion we constantly re-connect, and leave after periods of time to go through the experience again.

Imagine all that exists is Raw Conciousness. It creates everything that is, and your are a single part of this singularity. the conciousness created grids of experience so that indivudal strands of this conciousness (souls) can leave and experience. return to the lower plains of existence, evolve through the alchemy of time, and return back to their mother "God" after they have gathered the knowledge, experience, etc that they left to experience. before you can connect back to the source, you have to realize why you left. why did you return to the lower vibrations of existence? what was your purpose? when you have aquired all that you have sought, you will return "home"

Why is it we would after periods of time want to experience it all again, wouldn't we just risk falling to the slowest frequency eventually?
And also, say you've reached the highest consciousness, and experience the grids again, how would you forget what you already know? I'm sure no one would brainwash themselves and throw themselves into a situation where you could be left to rot in the 'lowest plain of existence' for all eternity... I'm sure once and if we did reach full consciousness we would not be making decisions with those sorts of chances.

yes very well stated. Thats exactly what i meant.

And you know what I think i fucked up, When you return to the highest level of conciousness, you cease to exist in the physical, rather you just exist as "conciousness". a single part of the Singularity, "The Source" The thing I wonder myself, is if you can re-experience the grids if you chose to, after you have already went through the experience grids, and connected back.... ( remember I stated In My Opinion so that people wont get it mixed up with fact. cause im not sure if I am correct.

I obviously dont know all there is to know, Im still searching for answers myself. Im still making steps forward in my journey, and I still have many steps to make.

edit: realize i didnt answer all your questions....

"And also, say you've reached the highest consciousness, and experience the grids again, how would you forget what you already know?"

Well it all depends on what level of the spiral you are on. we are near the lower parts of the spiral,closer to the lowest plains, but nowhere close to the highest plains. The lower you are in this "Spiral" the lower the vibrational frequencies are. once you start vibrating at such a low frequency your eternal body, starts to forget what you really are, as a being of light. and your physical mind starts to take over. so you see yourself as a human. The higher you move up the spiral, the more aware of who you are, and where you came from, The higher vibrational frequencies are like "sex" to your conciousness. You can only become fully aware in the highest vibrational fields.

also you have to remember. the only way to become trapped in the lowest plains of existence, is to be full of impure thoughts and actions, so someone who lived this life as a serial killer who took joy in his work, is working his way down the slinky of conciousness daily. but someone like Ghandi, will be making great progress up the slinky, if not completely connecting back to the "Source" by the end of this experience.

You have to remember we are in the lower plains right now (The physical, 3rd Dimension) because in our previous experiences, what we did, what we believed, our morales, etc, everything that defines you as "yourself" effects wherre you end up. We lost sight of who we were, and we began to transition from eternal mind to physical mind, which happens from the transition from higher plains to lower plains. so what you want to accomplish is working your way back up the slinky. expanding your conciousness, and vibrational frequnecy. and you will begin to awake the Eternal mind again. and everything you "forgot" about your entire journey, will be very clear to you. remember our physical vessel has no idea about any other experience then this one, but out eternal soul knows everything we have done, and everywhere we have been.
Also, Rihno111, do star signs come into this at all?
so as pisces would be the most evolved, and aeris not so much,,as an example or is that nothing to do with this????

has nothing to do with stars. it all depends on the individual person. its not the "most evolved" its a person with a "higher conciousness".

but yeh zodiac signs have nothing to do with it. its more about your beliefs and what kind of person you are.
Im 20 now, was into Astral Projection when I was 13. Read alot about it but never seen the religious side of it, which I kind of felt there was. I read/took some courses on but being young and busy with school and friends then work I lost interest. I can see you go into great depth of what I personally have been thinking and just have not come up with the logical answers you have. They do make sense in nearly every way although I still don't understand it all. How does this tie in with the Bible at all? I see if you end up on the fastest frequency plain your in heaven, and if you end up on the slowest frequency plain you end up in hell, for eternity is what your saying right? Who is not to say we are not all ONE consciousness within ourselves? ONE soul that only can end up in heaven or hell for eternity....

Sorry I sometimes don't understand what even I myself try to ask, but I try to explain/grasp the concept of life as much as I can by asking questions lol.

If we are all seperate souls having a human experience.. and we go into the astral everynight, how is it once we reach the astral plain we can not stay there... it is a differant dimension and all so wouldn't we not be trapped since we would have sort of educated ourselves to enter that dimension...

Also, I look at myself, taking into account what you said. I think, I can't control the outcome of whether I go to heaven or hell because every other soul be it good or bad influences me to be who I am, So whether I want to proceed to the higher frequency plain and what not how can I do so if I live another human life and become a murderer purely on the way my parents brought me up and my surrounding influences or limited good choices. That would mean I would travel back down the 'Slinky' unconsciously, ultimately possibly hell. I don't see that as fair, I could end up in hell even If I do the right thing in this life. Can you see what I am trying to say/ask? Can you explain this in more detail to me if what I have said is not right, in your view?

I'm so confused right now... sorry if I rambled crap, I'm not even high. I enjoyed reading this, Thank you.


okay im gonna answer two main points for you.

If we are all seperate souls having a human experience.. and we go into the astral everynight, how is it once we reach the astral plain we can not stay there... it is a differant dimension and all so wouldn't we not be trapped since we would have sort of educated ourselves to enter that dimension...

you can only reach the "astral plain" through concious meditation, concious "sleep" when you fall asleep unconciously your in the "dream" plain. you return back to the physical always because you are attached to your current physical vessel by a strand of energy which ensures you return back after every night. the main differences between the astral plain and the dream plain the astral plain, you are aware of what you're doing, you can visit actual things in existence, you can control the experience. in the dream plain you are usually creating out of unaware thought, subconcious thought. you are usually not experiencing real things, rather creating them unaware.

Also, I look at myself, taking into account what you said. I think, I can't control the outcome of whether I go to heaven or hell because every other soul be it good or bad influences me to be who I am, So whether I want to proceed to the higher frequency plain and what not how can I do so if I live another human life and become a murderer purely on the way my parents brought me up and my surrounding influences or limited good choices. That would mean I would travel back down the 'Slinky' unconsciously, ultimately possibly hell. I don't see that as fair, I could end up in hell even If I do the right thing in this life. Can you see what I am trying to say/ask? Can you explain this in more detail to me if what I have said is not right, in your view?

You are in control of yourself. Yes people do influence you to some extent, but you are always in control of yourself, and to say otherwise is placing blame on people. Okay yes there are extreme conditions, so lets say ur parents were twisted and you were brought up around death and killing and crazy stuff, and you became "ill" in the head because of what you witnessed and you killed someone, because that how you were taught. I think you would take a step backward just not as much as someone who made a concious decision to kill someone.

but remember, you are in control of yourself. You control whether you go to Heaven or Hell. If your an impure being, you will make your way lower and lower into the slinky. (believe me your not going straight to hell because you killed someone), it all depends on every life combined. if you are taught to be a killing machine, brainwashed, in a life the Universal power will take mercy upon you, because it knows it was forced upon you. or if you kill in life or death situation, it will also take more of a mercy. you only really get "set back" when you are conciously making the decision. so a scenario would be ..Two men go to rob a store owner, he triggers the alarm, so one man gets angry and empties a couple shots into the clerk. Thats a concious decision to end somebodies life. and remember just that they made the concious decision to rob the store, is impure, and will set them back. not to mention the killing.

a self defence kill would be like If a criminal was shooting at a cop and they killed him. You wouldnt be set back at all if his pure intention was to kill you, and you pure intention was to bring him to justice. or to protect yourself. remember we are all animals which a defence mechanism. It is natural for us to harm others when threatened, or even retreat but thats not always an option. Its natural to kill to survive. All things like that do not fall under setting you back.

OKAY i think i fucked up all of that cause im too high to organize all my thoughts into a structured explanation... itd be so much easier to just talk on a video or much easier to express opinions on such Intricate topic in words rather then trying to write

sorry itd be easier for me to answer questions if you quickly list them at the bottom of the post. cause when i read long responses i seem to jump around topic not really good at organizing thought onto paper in the most amazing structure possible. lol.
I understand it is hard to explain certain things, I find it hard too. Especially if I'm trying to explain these types of things to a friend I just get lost in thought or words.

Some people think it is right to kill, right to rob, that is how they are brought up, some will never have the thought to pursue a higher spiritual self or any religious paths because they live in situations where their friends laugh at religion, where they would not consider doing anything like meditation or self exploration just due to the fact that it is gay and a waste or time, it's not real etc... I wouldn't necessarily say that ALL is their fault. They do make the conscious decision to act harmfully or what ever although it is because they were taught to live like that. There is a LOT of people like this. They are not aware at all... of anything besides the physical and being greedy, wealthy, selfish, where we are real until we die then thats it. I believe there is something to believe in purely because I don't think we can be anything without something creating us/the universe... It doesn't have to be God, or a consciousness, but if we were created by something, how was that something created? I don't believe something can come out of nothing, nor can we be created out of nothing. I'm glad I have the ability to question myself, this life, this experience, although it would be nice to know that there is something after this experience, for us humans, for our souls. I can never be sure until the day I die. I wish our consciousness never forgot about how beautiful and bliss pure consciousness is to give us motivation, a reason to strive to be humane towards others, to have peace in this life and in this world. It is possible this is so because there might not be this higher plain, it's all to our own beliefs. I don't know what to believe because I could convince myself to believe in almost anything logical if I wanted to... but I don't because I am not 100% sure I am right. So, there we have the dilemma of any religion or way of being.
I understand it is hard to explain certain things, I find it hard too. Especially if I'm trying to explain these types of things to a friend I just get lost in thought or words.

Some people think it is right to kill, right to rob, that is how they are brought up, some will never have the thought to pursue a higher spiritual self or any religious paths because they live in situations where their friends laugh at religion, where they would not consider doing anything like meditation or self exploration just due to the fact that it is gay and a waste or time, it's not real etc... I wouldn't necessarily say that ALL is their fault. They do make the conscious decision to act harmfully or what ever although it is because they were taught to live like that. There is a LOT of people like this. They are not aware at all... of anything besides the physical and being greedy, wealthy, selfish, where we are real until we die then thats it. I believe there is something to believe in purely because I don't think we can be anything without something creating us/the universe... It doesn't have to be God, or a consciousness, but if we were created by something, how was that something created? I don't believe something can come out of nothing, nor can we be created out of nothing. I'm glad I have the ability to question myself, this life, this experience, although it would be nice to know that there is something after this experience, for us humans, for our souls. I can never be sure until the day I die. I wish our consciousness never forgot about how beautiful and bliss pure consciousness is to give us motivation, a reason to strive to be humane towards others, to have peace in this life and in this world. It is possible this is so because there might not be this higher plain, it's all to our own beliefs. I don't know what to believe because I could convince myself to believe in almost anything logical if I wanted to... but I don't because I am not 100% sure I am right. So, there we have the dilemma of any religion or way of being.

you can only find the answers within your self. then you will know what is true, and what isn't.
I just think everytime I find any proof of anything, not physical proof, just self thought, that I'm going nuts, thinking too much. I don't think I will believe anything hardcore, as in believe in one thing so much denie anything else. How can I be right? Even if GOD said to me he is real i'd think I have developed Schizophrenia and seeing/hearing things. I would NOT believe it unless it changed my physical world and way of being.

This makes scense to a certain degree... The only questions still arising is ... Why would our pure consciousness want to take the chances of going to hell once we reach the highest plain or consciousness? is it not good enough? is it not where all souls/consciousness exists? I'm sure it would be more then we could ever imagine, heaven...? Why would we leave to experience physical materials again? I'm sure we could experience what ever we want, and maybe right now all we exist as is a thought of that consciousness in the highest plain, we are all just a thought from our pure self until the day we die... We could be apart of a God's thought, our own thought within a highest existence, we could all be one souls experience? or we could be individual experiences per body/soul... So maybe there is no spiral, maybe there is no heaven, no hell. There is only ONE consciousness that all thoughts come from to make up this mere reality and when we die we become our higher spiritual self again... then maybe we think of another experience... maybe our consciousness has got bored and gone crazy within itself... who knows, its been there for all of eternity.. yet how did it come to exist, how did this god come to be, how did our pure self come to be... so confusing..
"you can only find the answers within your self. then you will know what is true, and what isn't. "

thank you. i agree:)
According to Cayce's revelations, our experience relates more to the entire solar system and not just three-dimensional life on earth. Cayce stated that each solar system is like a university with many dimensions of learning available and through which we must travel. Our solar system has nine planets which are physical representations of nine afterlife realms of which earth represents the third.

The afterlife realms are associated with the planets of our solar system. This does not mean souls actually live on the surface of planets as we do on earth, but rather, souls live in fourth and fifth level afterlife realms represented physically by the planets.

These afterlife realms that are associated with the planets are realms that souls can experience when not active in the physical body on earth (such as deep sleep, meditation, or other altered states that free the subconscious from its normal physical constraints).

Reincarnation takes place not only in the earth realm, but souls also reincarnate to other realms between earth incarnations. If a soul incarnates to earth from one of afterlife realms associated with our solar system, the soul will manifest a personality based on the influence of the afterlife realm they came from. These influences are defined in astrological terms and are related to the afterlife realm represented by the planet. Each planet in our solar system exerts a particular influence on us which certain lessons can be learned and for which we are tested on earth.

The first afterlife realm is physically represented by the planet Saturn. This is a realm that is equivalent to the concept of hell, a place for the purification of souls that have not kept their ways clean on earth. It is the realm for starting over. Cayce called this realm to be of "earthly woes" and a place where "all inadequate flesh goes to be redone." This realm is the "Great Changer", the great force for starting over. It is a realm where "the Creator loves those who are willing to start over."

The second afterlife realm is physically represented by the planet Mercury, the astrological realm of the mind. This realm gives us the ability to consider problems as a whole and has the influence to develop a keenness of perception in mental things. From this realm comes mental insight into the operative elements of ennobling, of virtues, of good, of beautiful, with the mysteries of the universal forces, given understanding, brings the development to the soul’s forces.

The third afterlife realm is physically represented by the planet earth, the astrological realm of testing of the flesh. If souls believe something and they really want to test it out, they can come to earth to be tested and apply themselves. By actually going through the experience themselves on earth souls can realize if what they believe is true or not for themselves. Earth is a place for souls to overcome certain weaknesses by applying themselves to see that those weaknesses are truly overcome. Here they can learn for certain whether they have really changed.

The fourth afterlife realm is physically represented by the planet Venus, the astrological realm of love. In this realm is the beauty, the joy, and the ability to write. This afterlife realm is where love is dominant and where souls find the expressions in activities in which there is the beauty seen in love, in companionship, in association, in music, in art, in all the things that bespeak of the loveliness even of nature and material things, rather than the expression of same in the earthly form or manner.

Cayce did not identify which planet is the physical representation of the fifth afterlife realm but it is probably Mars, the astrological realm of anger. This is are realm where souls learn how to control the warrior-like power, aggressions and urges that each soul has the ability to project. This realm is were we learn to control our ability to hate as well as to love.

Cayce did not identify which planet is the physical representation of the sixth afterlife realm, but it is probably Neptune, the astrological realm of mysticism. This realm is where souls have the ability to have direct experience with the Creator and perceive the Creator. It is the realm were souls find mystical, mysterious, and spiritual insight.

The seventh afterlife realm is physically represented by the planet Jupiter, the astrological realm of strength. This realm brings the bigness of vision, the nobleness of purpose, the patience with self as well as with others. Here, souls find the Universal Consciousness, that longing for the knowledge of something outside of self, the universal desire or the desire to be of help to many irrespective of the cost to self. This realm is where souls find abilities in a helpful, universal way and manner. This realm strengths the souls ability to depict situations, to analyze people and places, things and conditions. Here, the soul may become gifted in writing, lecturing, and in group direction.

The eighth afterlife realm is physically represented by the planet Uranus, the astrological realm of the psyche. This realm is where the soul develops psychic ability. This realm can develop extremes and extremism within a soul. Also, a soul can develop an interest in the occult and the mystic forces; as visions, hearings, seeing and knowing without having the physical contact with experiences in the mental body. This realm influences an interest in the spiritual things. All psychics on earth had a sojourn within this afterlife realm before incarnating to the earth.

The ninth afterlife realm is physically represented by the planet Pluto, the astrological realm of the subconscious. Here, souls can attain the final development of full consciousness. This realm has spiritual-minded influences outside of self. It influences demonstrative activity in the future affairs or developments of humanity.

The final afterlife realm is physically represented not by a planet but by the star Arcturus, the astrological realm of developing. This afterlife realm is a kind of weigh station, a transient place where souls choose to travel to other realms and other solar systems. It is the door in and out of our solar system. This realm is the junction between the spheres of activity as related to the cosmic force. This is both a usual and an unusual step in soul evolution.
By the way, read up on DMT / hyperspace. DMT users say they travel to these realms, the DMT alters the frequencies perceived by the brain, or something lol. It's really a new subject for me, but it does sort of provide a different perspective on the same theory we are trying to grasp.
Hello everyone, I have been reading the whole thread since the beginning and it is very very interesting. I love what rihno1111 is saying and i agree a lot with him.
I would like to get your guys opinions, what do you guys think of Buddhism?
I have read what rhino1111 has written about astral projection and i do agree that it is amazing and a lot of knowledge can be gained but i don't think it helps you reach the highest plane of consciousness or in other word i would call it "enlightenment". In my opinion that is the highest plane of consciousness (enlightenment), once you can free your mind from all the random and distracting thoughts, and where your mind will be at peace and empty of all thoughts, so only the right manifestation can be manifested at the right time. Also i would say to live always in the "right here, right now". Live in the present; in the moment itself...
Skroatz don't be worried and go with the flow of life. Life is very confusing at first, but way deep, it is as simple and pure as it gets. But i read what you wrote and astral projection has nothing to do with any religion. So here is what i belief, I know that there is no hell or heaven; it doesn't work like that. There is no bad or good, such as bad karma or good karma. Its all neutral, but western society as evolve and created a yin and yang for everything. If look at religions you will see that their roots is actually the same, all the religion worship the same God, they just all call it and describe it in different ways. They all worship their God in almost the same ways and for the same main purposes. I believe that "God" is everything and nothing. It doesn't judge anyone or tell them what to do. The "God" is actually all the energies surrounding us at all time no matter where we are. That energy floating and traveling around us affect our entire reality. When someone has a thought, that thought is being manifested into that ocean of energy. When someone is mad, sad or happy, etc.. that causes frequencies that affect the energies surrounding our body which then creates a ripple in the energy flow. Everything you do affect your reality. The true god is actually us; just like rhino1111 mentioned. You are in charge of your whole life/reality. We are all already enlightened being but we are just not aware. That awareness is resting peacefully deep inside us waiting to be awaken. Most people in western society are not aware of anything that's going on around them.
About DMT, well its pretty powerful. Just like any other psychedelics it should done the right way and for the right purpose only. DMT is actually a natural substance in your brain, and it's in all animals and most plants. I have read the books Rick Strassman wrote on DMT, which included some patients experiences. DMT is different for everyone, but yes it does take you to another realms where you could meet other life forms. DMT is very short thoughts so you do not stay in that state for a long time. If you meditate on it, you can prolong the effect for a little longer. I don't think DMT is for everyone, you should be ready for that kind of experience.
But here is what i can tell you by experience, you can reach the DMT state when you are on another psychedelics.
Or the best and purest way would be thru meditation or sleeping, which does require some practice. If you can be aware in your dream, which is call lucid dreaming, then you will be experiencing a DMT trip.

Peace to all
what do you guys think of Buddhism?

I know that there is no hell or heaven; it doesn't work like that. There is no bad or good, such as bad karma or good karma. Its all neutral

If I had to choose any Major Religion, itd be Buddhism, just because what it stands for.

as for the second point, i dont agree with that. There is negative and positive energies, they balance eachother out in our lives so we can live in harmony. balance. ying and yang is just a symbol represnting the balance.

bad actions bring about bad karma, good actions bring good karma. you might have heard the saying "what goes around, comes around"

As for heaven and hell, i dont mean in the earth burning with the devil or on a cloud with "god"

Hell is the lower plains of existence, where vibrational frequencies are so low, we forget the essence of our being, our existence. we forget about the truth, about who we are, about what we are capable of, therefore we are in "hell"

heaven i refer to as, the highest plain. "enlightment", "The source", "God". Or even higher plains, it doesnt have to be the highest plain. Where you are not bound by the physical, and materialism, that is heaven to me.

other then that your spot on.