I think what he meant was that your human body dies... your soul either travels up or down the frequency slinky depending on your consciousness? While life goes on, on earth, more souls take human form in their grid experience. Your body decays in the dirt becoming nothing but a particle and when the universe collapses eventually in billions of years or how ever long and life starts again... like a reset, for more souls to experience. I watched a video the other day on youtube saying how the universe expands, then collapses to the point it originated then creates itself again... like inverts itself into another universe, wish I remember what video it was, maybe link from this site. So this kind of makes sense to me. I do not get what would happen if you blow your head off... I think it would mean your not ready to handle a higher consciousness and your soul would take form in another living organism for you to experience something else, it's like taking 1 big step backwards. I wonder if this is also the case if you don't kill yourself but rather die accidentally or just get aborted at birth etc... That souls experience gets cut short... then what...
Quote "Its all about the evolution of concioussness through the alchemy of time. how something can evolve from the physical to the eternal, and vice versa. in my opinion we constantly re-connect, and leave after periods of time to go through the experience again.
Imagine all that exists is Raw Conciousness. It creates everything that is, and your are a single part of this singularity. the conciousness created grids of experience so that indivudal strands of this conciousness (souls) can leave and experience. return to the lower plains of existence, evolve through the alchemy of time, and return back to their mother "God" after they have gathered the knowledge, experience, etc that they left to experience. before you can connect back to the source, you have to realize why you left. why did you return to the lower vibrations of existence? what was your purpose? when you have aquired all that you have sought, you will return "home"
Why is it we would after periods of time want to experience it all again, wouldn't we just risk falling to the slowest frequency eventually?
And also, say you've reached the highest consciousness, and experience the grids again, how would you forget what you already know? I'm sure no one would brainwash themselves and throw themselves into a situation where you could be left to rot in the 'lowest plain of existence' for all eternity... I'm sure once and if we did reach full consciousness we would not be making decisions with those sorts of chances.
yes very well stated. Thats exactly what i meant.
And you know what I think i fucked up, When you return to the highest level of conciousness, you cease to exist in the physical, rather you just exist as "conciousness". a single part of the Singularity, "The Source" The thing I wonder myself, is if you can re-experience the grids if you chose to, after you have already went through the experience grids, and connected back.... ( remember I stated
In My Opinion so that people wont get it mixed up with fact. cause im not sure if I am correct.
I obviously dont know all there is to know, Im still searching for answers myself. Im still making steps forward in my journey, and I still have many steps to make.
edit: realize i didnt answer all your questions....
"And also, say you've reached the highest consciousness, and experience the grids again, how would you forget what you already know?"
Well it all depends on what level of the spiral you are on. we are near the lower parts of the spiral,closer to the lowest plains, but nowhere close to the highest plains. The lower you are in this "Spiral" the lower the vibrational frequencies are. once you start vibrating at such a low frequency your eternal body, starts to forget what you really are, as a being of light. and your physical mind starts to take over. so you see yourself as a human. The higher you move up the spiral, the more aware of who you are, and where you came from, The higher vibrational frequencies are like "sex" to your conciousness. You can only become fully aware in the highest vibrational fields.
also you have to remember. the only way to become trapped in the lowest plains of existence, is to be full of impure thoughts and actions, so someone who lived this life as a serial killer who took joy in his work, is working his way down the slinky of conciousness daily. but someone like Ghandi, will be making great progress up the slinky, if not completely connecting back to the "Source" by the end of this experience.
You have to remember we are in the lower plains right now (The physical, 3rd Dimension) because in our previous experiences, what we did, what we believed, our morales, etc, everything that defines you as "yourself" effects wherre you end up. We lost sight of who we were, and we began to transition from eternal mind to physical mind, which happens from the transition from higher plains to lower plains. so what you want to accomplish is working your way back up the slinky. expanding your conciousness, and vibrational frequnecy. and you will begin to awake the Eternal mind again. and everything you "forgot" about your entire journey, will be very clear to you. remember our physical vessel has no idea about any other experience then this one, but out eternal soul knows everything we have done, and everywhere we have been.