reality winner

Listen, I know that dementia (and 'building' shoddy retaining walls) has got you down, but please try to produce somewhat legible posts?
i will try harder if,A you show buck and i a picture of your elbow.and B you promise not to show the beard pic again.

for the record i been saying all along we need to find and prosecute these damn leakers.
fuck yourself pussy lol.
Had the dems put forth a decent candidate none of this would be being talked about.


You're a fucking common idiot, bro.


The statements President Trump issued on Twitter in recent days lead to a chilling conclusion: The man is out of control.

I know that is a radical thing to say about the elected leader of the United States, the most powerful individual in the world. And I know his unorthodox use of social media is thought by some, including the president himself, to be brilliant. But I don’t see political genius in the invective coming from Trump these days. I see an angry man lashing out at enemies real and imagined — a man dangerously overwhelmed.

Words have consequences. Trump’s may hurt British Prime Minister Theresa May in Thursday’s election. Assuming she survives, she will have learned a lesson about getting too close to a volcanic president who might at any minute erupt.

We already knew that Trump had a narrow mind and a small heart. Now we must wonder about his emotional stability, his grasp of reality, or both.

The failure of Trump is painful to his supporters. We really should leave them room to change their minds rather than bombarding them constantly. They need room to reconsider the error of their ways.
Reality Winner (LOL) is singing like a trailer trash hoochie as we speak, mark my words....

"A-and then, (snFFFFFF) and then they told me if I got my hands on that document that they'd (HONK/snffffff) the-they'd put FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS in mah bank account!"

You're a fucking common idiot, bro.


The statements President Trump issued on Twitter in recent days lead to a chilling conclusion: The man is out of control.

I know that is a radical thing to say about the elected leader of the United States, the most powerful individual in the world. And I know his unorthodox use of social media is thought by some, including the president himself, to be brilliant. But I don’t see political genius in the invective coming from Trump these days. I see an angry man lashing out at enemies real and imagined — a man dangerously overwhelmed.

Words have consequences. Trump’s may hurt British Prime Minister Theresa May in Thursday’s election. Assuming she survives, she will have learned a lesson about getting too close to a volcanic president who might at any minute erupt.

We already knew that Trump had a narrow mind and a small heart. Now we must wonder about his emotional stability, his grasp of reality, or both.

The failure of Trump is painful to his supporters. We really should leave them room to change their minds rather than bombarding them constantly. They need room to reconsider the error of their ways.

This look ?

Or was it when he said he would have more leway after the election
straight out of bucks links.theintercept.retard lol.heil twatler,i dont give a rats ass what you think about me BRO lol.the past few weeks is a product of your hero trolling me,begging me to come troll with you idiots because you fucks ran out of material and/or members to troll.the liberal meltdowns by the minute is fuckin funny as starting to enjoy this like the one you just posted are funny as hell,did you think that kind of shit would offend me ? post away,paul ryan actually looks normal as a fag.after they lock up trump and pence,thats our boy,speaker of the hizzy lmao

((((Noooooo one is reading this nonsensical bile....check out REALITY WINNER tape))))
well, apparently russia actually did try to hack the vote itself.

and instead of going after russia, they go after the leaker (whose name is reality winner, i shit you not)

View attachment 3955525

expected trumptard response (besides radio silence):

bUt RuSsIa DiDn'T AtCouAlLy HaCk TeH eReCtIoNz!

View attachment 3955527
Holy fuck.

Well it's a new world.

Anyone who continues to support this shitgibbon in Chief should have their claim to being intelligent human beings revoked.
sounds like trump to me