Realization of Isolation


Well-Known Member
I just realized that I don't really have many close friends, which led me to ask myself why? Is it me? Which led me here.. Do you have a fair share of close knit friends you can tell anything to without judgment or rejection, or are you more like me and have many acquaintances, but few actual 'friends'?
What you can't cure, you must endure. When no one is available to lean on, I have no choice but to lean on myself. This has included times of grief.

I have one single friend whom I could probably tell everything without rejection, but I still chose not to. I don't have many acquaintances either, because I don't enjoy doing most of the activities that bring people together. When I do meet people, they seem to genuinely like me, and that's what I go by. In my case, it is me who tends to not like and therefore avoid people.

So although you may feel alone, you are not unique in your circumstance. In the end, it strengthens integrity.
Thanks man. It's weird, I feel more of a connection with some of you good people than with people I actually know in my personal life most of the time.

Ups and downs I guess...

How's it going in your world Heis? I spoke to a couple Jehovas witnesses today just for the hell of it earlier.. That was kinda fun.. Lol
The trick is to hold your head up and wait for your cards to turn, which is almost impossible. That and dont develop a drug habit when your down
I just realized that I don't really have many close friends, which led me to ask myself why? Is it me? Which led me here.. Do you have a fair share of close knit friends you can tell anything to without judgment or rejection, or are you more like me and have many acquaintances, but few actual 'friends'?

Yes it is you. Not something about you that's permanent however, just be more accepting to the acquaintances and ask them to hang out more often. If they don't want to hang out with you then they would make a shitty friend anyways, those that do want to hang out more often share things that are in common with you and will make good friends. It's something that we all work at; some just make it seem easier than others.

I don’t know much about your particular situation, but I know from my own that I would often push people away because I always found flaws in them. It wasn’t until I realized that I also have many flaws of my own, that I’ve been able to broaden my friend base
I don’t know much about your particular situation, but I know from my own that I would often push people away because I always found flaws in them. It wasn’t until I realized that I also have many flaws of my own, that I’ve been able to broaden my friend base

Same thing with me. I've learned to tolerate a lot of shit people do that would bug the shit out of me and also learned to not take myself so seriously. gotta be able to laugh at yourself sometimes.

don't really have a close close friend, but I got a few acquaintances. Also just went through a breakup so yeah I know the feeling of isolation.
Know what?

It'll pass.

Get out in the night and and communicate with the universe.
You may not have many friends, may not feel the need for them, but you are not alone.

All, yep, ALL of my closest friends have passed. Violently. Guess thats the way the ball ammo bounces for an old grunt.
I have "hey there's" and "hi there's" but no, my bro's are on the other side chuckling their asses off at my attempts to fit into "polite" company.

When I bust outta here I'm taking some of my stash with me. Sit down with Jesus, get him stoned and then start asking them questions while he's buzzed.

Gonna rain bigtime that day,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Yank em up.

It gets better with every tomorrow you make it through.


Heh, well at least religion can be entertaining, so it does have a couple redeeming qualities.

I noticed a long time ago that I tend to not enjoy being around anyone who isn't a stoner. I mean, your stereotypical half- baked stoner I can't stand. And certainly not everyone I know who smokes would make a good friend, but I noticed the people I do enjoy being in my life are all stoners. Still haven't put my finger on the exact common thread.

I try to keep a great sense of humor and laugh everyday. My other goal is that I learn something useful every day. Being alone gives perfect opportunity for learning about things that interest you.

I am about to move into the country away from everyone I know except my best friend, and my one concern is that having my best friend for a neighbor might intrude on my solitude. I find that if I don't spend several hours a day alone I become increasingly irritable and frustrated, sort of like withdrawing from cigarettes. My friend is the type of person who can not stand to be alone for even an hour. I have the feeling he will be camping at my house whenever his girl is at work or asleep. I enjoy being around him, but I am selfish about time to myself.
Ive been there too man and its rough still kinda the same way but i got my wife and as long as we got eachother thats really all we just need that special 1 person in your life you kno who loves you for who you are...and thats all ya really need....go clubbin find ya a lady friend!
I DO NOT tend to get deep into conversations on here so bare with me if this paragraph seems scattered.

Like you I also do not have many friends, I also believe that most people are the same way but fail to realize what the actual meaning of a friend is.
A friend is more then a night out at the bar, having a few drinks.

Imho a true friend is someone you can speak to without saying a word. Someone you can say " I'm having a tough day" and without further ado will be at your door Ready to battle thru the weather with you.
Someone who can tell you like it is , Regardless of the outcome, Regardless if it's what you were hoping to hear or not.
A friend in my eyes is Family.

It takes ALOT to be a true to the word "Friend" Thus why i have so few. I am happy with the small circle of Friends/Family that i have and i wouldn't have it any other way.

Pad, me and you have barely ( if ever ) spoken and I am almost sure this is my 1st post directed towards you.
I feel for you , I know EXACTLY what you are going thru.

Life can be cruel and challenging beyond ones ability to deal with, even comprehending. Some of lives Most Difficult tasks can be the most rewarding.

Don't quit, NEVER throw in the Towel. Most of the times when you're down and out and feel like just giving up is when you're almost there, There is always a reward at the end of every task that life throws at you.

Be Humble, be true to yourself.. Don't have many friends? GOOD.. That shows you have learned alot in your life. It also shows you know how to pick out who's worth the hassle of actually being there TRUE friend.

It takes alot to be someones friend.. A friend ( True Friend ) Is a life long commitment. It requires sacrifice and willingness to go out of your way, do things you wouldn't have to if said person wasn't your friend..

Thats a TRUE friend, Pad.

Sending good vibes your way man. keep your chin up . Life throws curve balls but eventually you learn how to hit them just right.

Best Regards;
I try to pick friends based on the decisions they make, the acts they conduct, and the way they treat others, while keeping in mind that everyone makes mistakes. Part of being a friend is accepting someones flaws. I have also found that even though I prefer solitude, there is much value in having someone you can depend on, and much satisfaction when others can depend on you. Unfortunately, almost all of the people who have entered my life have proven themselves to be undependable. A true friend will put your needs on the same level as their own. Most people will step on the backs of others to keep themselves ahead, when it comes right down to it.

If I call someone friend then I am agreeing to help them struggle through life. If they have a problem, I consider it my problem as well. This is not behavior I have noticed in many of the people I've met.
I've been very sick lately and it's because of that, that I realized I did have more friends than I thought. Today, a friend I had not seen it quite sometime came over for a visit and she told me that her door is always open and if I need someone to care for me during treatments. Mi Casa, Su Casa. I cried my eyes out.

Paddy, you probably do have friends that care about you, you just don't know it. It doesn't hurt to reach out, people do want to be friends and have friends, it's just human nature.

Thanks man. It's weird, I feel more of a connection with some of you good people than with people I actually know in my personal life most of the time.

Ups and downs I guess...

How's it going in your world Heis? I spoke to a couple Jehovas witnesses today just for the hell of it earlier.. That was kinda fun.. Lol

Even though some of us get into some heated debates and completely disagree about a lot of things, I feel a real connection to the people on this board. I have several really good friends that I can tell anything. I choose not to. I don't want to burden them with my shit. I'm sorry all this shit happened to you and I can say, it gets better. It really does. Just keep on passing the open windows (Hotel New Hampshire) and look to the future.

I lost my partner a while ago and I can say the pain eases. It doesn't go away but it becomes manageable. I am thankful for that because I will never forget a very special person that brought so much love to my life. :)

There's an old saying that I cling to like a life vest. "Only a bleeding heart truly knows compassion." Wisdom is the practical application of knowledge and experience. When you have healed from this pain you will see others who are hurting. This will give you a chance to encourage them and tell them that it gets better.

I wish I could be there to give you a big ol' gay hug and tell you it gets better. :)
i don't know if any of you watch "My Name is Earl"-

but there's an episode about a guy dies and haunts earl.

earl discovers a vast network of online friends, and throws a funeral for the guy. reminds me of RIU.

lifes a bitch, man. sorry to hear of your malady. i enjoy reading your posts, and will send some karma your way.

no hugs. LOL
This definitely cheered me up, I actually dropped a couple tears. I appreciate everyones words, it really means a lot.

Some of the people I know just get hung up on unimportant BS or there's something more important going on that's not important at all..