New Member
Your parents cut you ALOT of slack. You shouldn't be growing in there house in the first place. Alot of parents wouldn't hesitate to throw there kids out over some weed plants.
i didnt bother anyone, i was very private, it didnt bother anyone when they had no knowledge of this. I stood up for the plants and for mary jane told my mother that i was very passionate about this and I wont stop so I have to move on. Im packing up all my equipment so i can send for it when im in a state where its legal.
You living there is a bother to them. They put up with it because they love you. Heck, they let your GF stay there as well..... Always obey house rules, or get your own house and make your own rules. That's the way it works.
P.S. If you have hit upon hard times financially, I'm sure that your parents aren't thrilled that this is how you spent any precious extra opposed to a down payment to live under your own weight. NO?

There is no privacy in someone elses house.