Really cheap way to grow and easy thank you?


I am a college student i dont have much money. I just wanna grow for personal smoking and sharing with friends. I need a cheap and easy to grow indoors if someone could help me please. I've always wanted to do this. Please help me reach my goal!! can you guys give a good explanation please.


Active Member
Do you need explanation on the structure of your setup? Im confused because on your last thread i already told you about some stuff to buy.
you gotta read other threads as well my man you cant just jump on here and ask a shit load of questions because the veterans on this site sure like to get pissed off easily and love trolling noobies, idrc though cuz ima noobie too, but just lookin out for you brotha. happy growing


haha i made two but yeah i got your explanation. Yes i need help on how to set up a growing station any more tips or advice would be awesome.


Active Member
Well first off you are going to need to make sure that with your closet when there is no light on no light gets in. second it cant just be a sealed box because you will sufficate the plant you need ventilation to get out the hot air produced by the lights, cfls dont produce that much heat and are good for beginners especially if you arent very picky.
You got that?


Active Member
You need to make sure the humidity in your closet isnt insane, you dont want like 90% humidity becuase mold will grow on your grow and ruin it, you need to be aware of bugs since you are inside as well look into spidermites and make sure you know all the signs of them. because if you get them and dont do anything about it they will destroy your grow. you know about male and female plants and the differences right?


Active Member
From the sounds of it you need to do some reading. There are many different ways you can grow cannabis the 'tek' you choose is up to you. Obviously you haven't read enough for one of the many to tickle your fancy, otherwise you would be asking questions about that. If you don't start this hobby by reading your ass off you're in for nothing but disappointment... Time to hit the drawing bored son.. GL,



Active Member
Exactly what i said puff right on dot lol. but i just wanted to test my knowledge cuz im unable to grow right now :/ i just wanna help ppl as much as i can


Active Member
cfls dont produce that much heat and are good for beginners especially if you arent very picky.
Not to argue but in my tent that's 3' x 2' x 5' running 250W of CFL. It heats up to 89F.. so they do produce some heat.. Itztime is right though, you don't want to over look ventilation...



haha trust me i can learn this stuff if I can get A's in OChem i can grow weed hopefully. 9 foot ceiling itztimetogrow. But ill do some more reading Im really interested I know I sound like a complete idiot asking these questions but i gotta start some where you guys are like my professors lol


Well-Known Member
Everyone has their own way, but this has been working great for me.

5x feminized seeds = $40.00
8x organic potting soil 1.5 cu ft bags = $35.00
1x bag of seed starting potting mix = $8
1x 8ft untreated lumber = $8.00
1x box of nails = $4.00
1x bag of organic dry fertilizer = $8.00
1x soaker hose = $10.00
1x timer for water hose = $40.00
1x food grade DE = $10.00
1x insecticidal soap = $6

First I go to Home Depot and buy untreated lumber and have the employees cut the wood for me. I go home, hammer it with the nails, fill the bed with potting soil and lay down the soaker hose. Attach the timer and set it to go off every 48 hours for five minutes (adjust as needed).

Meanwhile I get my seeds, put them in containers -- I've used everything from milk jugs to smart pots -- and let them grow indoors for 3-4 weeks in a sterilized seed starting mix. I like Miracle Grow Seed Starting Mix because its widely available and works good enough. For the raised beds I use Kellogg brand soils, but any local brand should be fine. I mainly look for lots of organic matter in the forms of green manures, regular manures, and compost. I've found as long as you have a lot of soil (100+ gallons) it doesn't really matter what brand you use.

Auto-flowering and most Indicas shouldn't need any fertilizer the first year. Your very heavy feeding hybrids and Sativas might need some feedings in late summer and again in the fall. I address this by buying a four pound bag of Kellogg All Purpose Organic Fertilizer (Epsoma is just as good). I mix 1 cup of fertilizer with 5 gallons of water. Stir and pour. 2-3 feedings a year is plenty. Having a timer and soaker hose (or even a drip irrigation setup) is a huge time saver, but if you can tap into or use your lawn's automatic sprinker system go that route.

The last thing you'll need is some pest control products. I'm not a big fan on neem personally, but I do like oils in general. Instead of neem I like sesame and tea tree oil, but if you like neem that's fine. Just use it early in the season and often. Most oils should cost around $6-$10 and last all year. Another good thing to have on hand is food grade diatomacous earth (never use the pool stuff) and insecticidal soap. Each go for around $10 and again should last all year. You can also just use soap + water almost the whole year and mix it up with a little extra olive oil instead of neem if you want to be extra cheap. It won't have any deterrent abilities but as long as your on top of your garden it will keep things under control.

Figure $180 - $200 should have you covered for a year and that's the max you would need to spend all year and should produce 2lb - 3lbs trees (assuming you get them in the ground by late march. If you can start them indoors in Jan and take them out in late march you can easily get 4+ lb per plant outside.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Hey good job on ochem now take biochem and learn about pKa values. for realz it's usefull stuff and applies to plant nutrition