Really confused. whats wrong?


Well-Known Member
i have problems with my Ak47's and a blue cheese.

the are wiltered. im not sure whats caused this but ill tell u abit about my setup.

600w HPS with dual spectrum bulb. growing in soil(75%) and perlite (25%). watering around every 2 days or whenever they are dry.

now, first i thought that i was underwatering these. then i thought i was over watering, then i thought it was heat stress. i moved the fan to get a better angel on them.

any more info u need just ask.

oh, and i have some super silver haze and blueberry in there as well and they seem fine. the SSH is doig the best out of all of them and the blueberry is the smallest but no signs of problems.



Well-Known Member
no. no nutes in the soil although i did look like nute burn at one point but it cant be. ive only given them water.

i seriously dont know whats wrong. i need to get them healthy again!

its also weird that its just the AK47's and blue cheese that are like this. the others arnt...


Well-Known Member
ermm... no...

the fan needs 2 be pointed at them for the stems to go stronger and good air circulation


Well-Known Member
A couple of thoughts... The lights may be too close... plus those pots seem too small too me... they're fine to start, but under HPS getting the watering right is harder if they're too small... just not enough soil to maintain you're always seeming to water as they seem dry... at that size I water every 3-4 days...
I'd replant...water, back light off...and do maintain a fan, as that helps both strength and soil drying.... IMO........... Luck.


Well-Known Member
A couple of thoughts... The lights may be too close... plus those pots seem too small too me... they're fine to start, but under HPS getting the watering right is harder if they're too small... just not enough soil to maintain you're always seeming to water as they seem dry... at that size I water every 3-4 days...
I'd replant...water, back light off...and do maintain a fan, as that helps both strength and soil drying.... IMO........... Luck.
thats for ur input.

i had raised the light abit as well. i did check underneath the pots to see if i could see any roots in the drainage holes but couldnt see anything.

u sure transplanting these wouldnt stress them even further?


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil? For instance MG has time released nutes which fuck alot of ppl's shit up. I also agree that those pots are too small. Initially they look overwatered but hell, who knows? I would definately repot and water...WATER with 6.5 - 7.0 ph'd water and let them go for a few days. :hump:


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil? For instance MG has time released nutes which fuck alot of ppl's shit up. I also agree that those pots are too small. Initially they look overwatered but hell, who knows? I would definately repot and water...WATER with 6.5 - 7.0 ph'd water and let them go for a few days. :hump:

thanks for ur info.

the soil is Wests +. i used it on my 1st grow and everything was fine.

i will repot them 2night and water and see how they go.

thanks every1.


Well-Known Member
yeah, it was root rot....

dont know how it happend or how to get rid of it but the new growth seems to look good

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
lets soil dry out completely, root rot means no oxygen in you roots. there is ppl that water with i think oxygenated water diluted in their mix to help prevent root rot. myself i water them about once a week as soon as they start showing a lil droopyness.


Well-Known Member
well i have a 25% mix of perlite so hopefully that should help them get back on track quicker.

anyway, new growth seems to be lookin ok and the leafs that were wiltered are slowly recovering.