Really disappointed. Suggestions for next grow?


Active Member
So, I just finished up my first grow and I have to admit I'm a little disappointed. I purchased 10 fem G13 Labs White Widow seeds from Attitude. Attitude came through great, can't complain about the service.

Went through the complete grow, 16 weeks from beginning to end. The plants on average yielded about 3oz. Soil grow with Fox Farms soil and nutes along with MH and HPS lighting.

Now maybe my expectations were a little too high. I had always heard about the mighty White Widow and was looking forward to a great high. Let me just say the quality is good, but it's just what I would consider a mid-grade.

I'm curious if anyone else has had any experiences with the G13 Widow from Attitude?

Also, I'm ready to start thinking about my next grow. Any suggestions on a strain would be welcome. Preferably from Attitude only because they were so easy to deal with. I'm looking for that great long-lasting high. Would really like to grow something memorable that I could brag to my friends about.

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
I've never grown lemon haze but I've smoked some real fresh stuff and HOLY COW! it's the best stuff to show off to your friends. the taste of lemon is so strong and sweet. not a stoner but certainly a happy high.


New Member
I think ppl need to realize that every strain, when they talk about their attributes.....they are really talking about their POTENTIAL. Just like ppl, seeds are equal when they are in the hull. After that, things start to vary. So one person might have better conditions, or simply is more attentive than another grower. Same strain, but different finished product. I have been growing for quite some time and I also grow many many other plants. Every grow is different, each has its pleasure, and each has their pitfalls.

Good Luck on ur next grow...... ups and downs.....and a little sideways. :peace:

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Cracker Jax is right.
Your genetics were undoubtedly good.
I think you should rather look towards the many other variables.
Like, Light Oxygen Water Temperature Humidity Co2. Fu(k it that's my new sig.


New Member
It always takes me a couple of complete grows to "get to know" EACH and every strain I try.

Like Apple trees, many kinds but each has their little quirks about how to make them really shine.


Well-Known Member
It always takes me a couple of complete grows to "get to know" EACH and every strain I try.

Like Apple trees, many kinds but each has their little quirks about how to make them really shine.

deff. you can grow the same strain in several ways with several different results. that's the beauty of it. by looking back at all your steps during the grow process, you may find something that's worth changing or correcting the next time around.


New Member
Yes, I'll bet my bottom dollar if the OP tries it again, he/she will get a better result.

With all things in life....success or's all in the trying.


Well-Known Member
Yea dif. Strain can take nutes and Some can't
most blueberry strains I'm very tentative and realllly slow on the nutes

like jax said it takes a couple tries to get really top notch results that I'm proud of

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I heard some bad things about g13 seeds.I have some nlxskunk, but haven't tried them yet.
I enjoyed the big buddha gbomb I grew. I had a mg issue in the beginning, but once I corrected that,she went crazy.I had to transplant her into a big tub of soil, because her roots were growing and growing.She was under a 150 watt hps with a side flourescent light...she was big and bushy,and under a bigger light, I bet I would have gotten well over an ounce.I got about 1/2 ounce, maybe a little more, I'm guessing.Two mason jars of bud.


Well-Known Member
my g13 labs power skunk is like 10' tall. it was toped at 6'

it's a beautiful sativa. when u rub a stem it's real skunky, hasen't started flowering yet.

but the attiude has great service


Active Member
Thanks to everyone for their responses. I'm sure with this being a first grow the conditions can be improved upon. Like Sure Shot said "Light Oxygen Water Temperature Humidity Co2". At any given time I could pick one of those that may have had an issue along the way. We'll see how this next crop turns out. I do not use a Co2 system presently, due to cost and really just not knowing what I'm doing with it. Maybe I will have to check into that.

Also, on a side note. Anyone familiar with Sensi Jack Herer?

Thanks again everyone.