really good question about harvest time!!!

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ok so here is my question,..........ive heard from many people that when your about to harvest after you flush and all that good stuff that your supposed to take your plant and keep them in the complete dark for like 2 days?........but the thing is my plants are like 15 miles away in the mountians so how can i bring them all the way to my house and keep them in the dark.....because once i chop them down i have to start the harvest and curing process, and there in the ground and not pots so how would i transport them anyways????? basiclly can i dig them from the ground take them home, and still kepp them in the dark before i harvest or will somthin go bad?

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Just wait until they are done and chop them down. All that darkness stuff is debatable. Probably not worth the hassle.

If not 48 hours of dark you could still do another highly controversial practice like lollypoping, defoliating, flushing, jacking off on the buds, that sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
Just cut it. It doesn't do shit in my opinion to go thru the hassle, especially if the plants have been cut already. Some say keep your plants in the dark for the last week. Tried it, and it is BS in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Just since you are a noobie..... "lollypoping, defoliating, flushing, jacking off on the buds, that sort of thing. " lollipopping and defoliating are done at the beginning of flowering or in Veg. Flushing is at the end (not truly needed for organic grows). JO on your buds isn't recommended anymore.


Well-Known Member
The problem with flushing is that too many growers think their plants are nearing harvest and start flushing when in reality they are two or three weeks away from a fully mature plant. Then the plant has issues with nute deficiencies and the plant suffers as does the quality of the weed.

I'm with the rest of the posters on here......when the trich's are starting to turn amber....cut it down. I've never read anything conclusive about why take another step to possibly screw up your grow?

And I'm confused.....I shouldn't jack-off on my plants? Man, that's gonna take the private joke out of watching my friends smoke my weed.


honestly I don't know how long theve been in flower because there outside and the light cycle is not even 12/12 here in pa but there definetly in flower mode because there are buds forming and white hairs everywhere but,.....the buds have been starting to form now id say for about a week or 2 and for some reason there really small
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