Really need some help!


Active Member
okay so this fag that lives far away from me is messing with my girl friend putting her number all on his myspace. AIM. and his face book. and telling people to call it.

so shes getting alot of really annoying calls.

so i figured i would go on here and let a bunch of chill ass high people talk some shit on him.

so if u can spam text/call this number.
i would appreciate it very much.


do whatever u can to piss him off..PLEASE!

thank you!



Well-Known Member
im not gonna get involved with this kind of pety revenge for something i have no involvemnt over. you realize by doing the same thing as him you are the same kind of pety loser? its shitty hes having people call your girl but thats no reason to put him through the same shit


Active Member
im not gonna get involved with this kind of pety revenge for something i have no involvemnt over. you realize by doing the same thing as him you are the same kind of pety loser? its shitty hes having people call your girl but thats no reason to put him through the same shit
ya...i really dont give a shit. im bored as fuck. dont have any nug.

and need something to laugh at.


Well-Known Member
some revenge is a free high right? sory im not gonna help. you will find people who will call him and say stupid things tho
watever now i kno a possible prank call number. i mean you never kno maybe you actually have a really funny phone prank really baked. i kno its pety but i can sink myself low i do not care lol.

grow space

Well-Known Member
this is stupid dude-call him too phhhh.Be a man and find that prick and beat him to the future and problem solved:)


Well-Known Member
okay so this fag that lives far away from me is messing with my girl friend putting her number all on his myspace. AIM. and his face book. and telling people to call it.

so shes getting alot of really annoying calls.

so i figured i would go on here and let a bunch of chill ass high people talk some shit on him.

so if u can spam text/call this number.
i would appreciate it very much.


do whatever u can to piss him off..PLEASE!

thank you!

look bro its your girls fault in the fist place! she would had to have her number on my space for him to get it! wont you ask her how he got her number from her page cuz dont she have to invite him in or something. mybe she she was talkin to him at fisrt as a freind but he tried to go farther and she said no so he felt rejected so he put the number everywere never the less it starts off with her lettin her number online in the first place! ( no offence bro ) :peace: out bro

tea tree

Well-Known Member
Ellen Josephine Hickle is older Pete's best friend. (Her middle name is mentioned in "Apocalypse Pete".) She lives just a couple blocks away and goes to Pete's school. She plays the French Horn and is an excellent student. All of this, plus her cheery disposition, serves as an interesting contrast to both younger and older Pete.
Ellen is played by Alison Fanelli.
Ellen Josephine Hickle is older Pete's best friend. (Her middle name is mentioned in "Apocalypse Pete".) She lives just a couple blocks away and goes to Pete's school. She plays the French Horn and is an excellent student. All of this, plus her cheery disposition, serves as an interesting contrast to both younger and older Pete.
Ellen is played by Alison Fanelli.
Wow.. are you some sort of he-god? :hump::hump: I have been crushing on her for 16 years now.