really new to this


Active Member
:evil:just registered yesterday because i google alot of my questions and they all come to this site for my answer so hello to all!! first of all and second i have a question i live in a area it doesnt rain much but have heard that rainwater is one of the best things to give to a plant and it rained for the first time in a while so i used a brand new plastic trash can (walmart)and filled it with rainwater but i dont want a random trash can full of water just sitting around in my house but i dont want to put it in anything that might pollute the water any suggestions as to where and what to store it in?? any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated thank you much!


Active Member
hey bro, you really dont need to worry about that, just get some tap water and let it air out for a day, then it should be fine. just chill out and let time fly