Reamending soil

Hey I'm using gaia green 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 power bloom in a 3x3x6 tent. 1-2 plants in a earthbox.
Been following directions, reamending every 20-30 days. My plants have never been healthier.
I'm wanting to reuse my soil which is 1/3 sphagnum peat moss, 1/3 pumice, 1/3 EWC and mushroom compost. Can I just keep reamending or am I going to need to add some oyster shell flour, dolomite lime, or rockdust to adjust pH and remineralize My soil?

And if I mix up some soil with 444 and or 284 and let it sit with good moisture content in it, how long can it sit for before I need to use it? Like 2 -4 months?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
30 days of just letting it set after adding whatever amendments you decide is usually enough to normalize ph. You don’t need to let it cook much at all if just adding ewc and crushed oyster shell. D-lime and/or rock dust, etc. needs time to break down but a month is about enough. Any mineral inputs you add will help buffer ph especially if you are adding a lot of high N fertilizers. Btw I suggest also adding a slow release fertilizer like composted cow, chicken manure and/or guano at the same time so everything gets all in there and starts gellin. If you need to store soil long term just keep it hydrated in a tote bin or something with a lid on loosely.


Well-Known Member
You are running a solid proven gaia green organic grow. You need really no time to cook if you didnt add a lot more compost.

My 2c is you could add many other or a few other amendments to tailor your mix more and provide more nutrients from the compost/amendment section. As good as gaia is there are a lot of nice amendments for example kelp meal that are great added to the mix.

When you add hot amendments like certain composts or guano, its needs to cook that month to tame the mix a bit...they have strong concentrations of nutrients, too strong for the youngest plants to handle well.

I think a few sources of Ca, Mg and ph-stabilizing amendments are very helpful. If you add more peat, add a bit of lime.