Rearly cud do with some opinions on day 33 12/12


Active Member
Whats hapening to my leafs ? The bottoms ones are all yellow and as shownin pics brown n crispy lower to middle, i still av 23 days 2 go, any sugestions pls will b well appreciated. Thanx, first timer!

What shud i do if anythink ?



Active Member
Mr ghetto is right , Do nothing leaves will turn yellow toward the end of the cycle of the plant , I would loose the pot covers at the base of your pots , let the water run
out. Ps nice pitures your going to enjoy them !! , I know I would :lol:


Active Member
thanx lads for the advice , and big up from paddy wacker,
ps paddy is the coolist name as i av that name, lol

thanx again for advice


Active Member
As mentioned, yellowing leaves of this nature is quite natural later on in flowering. Some will also fall off of their own accord as the plant strips out the nutrients from them. If your plant was dark green at the end of flower, your bud would taste aweful. My suggestion is different though! I would recommend pruning the damaged leaves. Any leaf that is 50% or more damaged could take nutrients from the plant so helping the plant along by judicious trimming can help produce more bud. Just dont go mad and only damaged leaves. Damn nice looking plants though. NIce job. W


Active Member
Hey no worries !! That's why we are all here !! If thats your first grow man your doing really well , Its one of the first strains I grew as well but some nice smoking:joint: !!
They are piss easy to clone as well if your tempted . I dont know what way you like your smoke but if you cut a small bud or too off early like in about another say 4 and half weeks or so when the trac's are not yellow or cloudy more like clear with a little bit cloudy , Haha trippy shit seriously nice kind of giddy funny buzz the later you
leave it the more diffacult you will find it to get off the couch:shock:!!


Active Member
lol, im'e hearin ya on the buzz thing, i am 33 days in and i was hoping these wud b done in just over 3 weeks, 8 weeks of flower the seed suplier sed, i aint got the set up or funds to start doin clones or the experience but another grow or 2 n who no's, but man thanx for the input. peace out !!!!!