you know i would like to reanswer this question cuz there is a lot more to it than my last answer
I spent my life smokin, thats a fact, but what i mostly spent my life doin is working for fucken bosses and companies that truly don't and didn't give a flyin fuck wether i lived or died or was happy or not, the only time they notice the average employee is if he misses a days work, well peeps I say ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT!!
I missed most of my kids everyday life because of work and productivity and identity through performance on the work place. now I,m done I plan to make a shit load of cash off of what i,m doin, to first get the fucken goverments hands out of my pocket and the fact that its not money I'm after , its freedom, freedom to roam where I want to, freedom to see my kids faces when i treat them to the things they deserve in life , the ones i could never afford, to see places on this earth that no man should die without seeing.
I want to rest and relax like every man should have a right to do! and I,ve decided to do this while at the same time giving the law a big fat GO FUCK YOURSELF i,M A FREE MAN AND I TOTALLY ASSUME MY CHOICE!. not constricted in a life of slavery where the average joe pays 80% of his revenu in taxes so they can turn around and kill our fellow man with it. I have no problem with thos who are "dealers in weed" rather see peeps deal weed than guns for one. so I guess the bottom line for why I do this is one word.