Reasons to vote for Donald Trump. I'll start

Obama has created more jobs than Trump and you combined. That is a fact. He fixed the bullshit mess Bush left us with. Have fun watching the Republican party fall apart in the next few months. Your party is finished in American politics.
An American Chistian would have done better. Watch the video.
Ewwwwwwww, I hate Arby's their roast beef looks like it's random beef parts in a loaf of some sort kind of like head cheese.
They started with the processed meat slab when beef prices spiked way back when (thanks Obama). After beef prices fell several years later (thanks to NRA Leader Wayunn La Pierre) they went back to real meat. Their sales plunged! They learned a little something about their customers, you betcha. While they occasionally still flirt with actual meat, processed meat analogs have remained their mainstay ever since.
They started with the processed meat slab when beef prices spiked way back when (thanks Obama). After beef prices fell several years later (thanks to NRA Leader Wayunn La Pierre) they went back to real meat. Their sales plunged! They learned a little something about their customers, you betcha. While theu occasionally still flirt with actual meat, processed meat analogs have remained their mainstay ever since.

That shit is so gross looking:spew:

Remember the Roy Rogers fast food restaurants? They had awesome roast beef sandwiches with the hottest horseradish sauce..
That shit is so gross looking:spew:

Remember the Roy Rogers fast food restaurants? They had awesome roast beef sandwiches with the hottest horseradish sauce..

Roy Rogers all over NYC, yep. Howard (Stern) and Robin claim that RR was responsible for them being 'pear shaped' back in the day.
That shit is so gross looking:spew:

Remember the Roy Rogers fast food restaurants? They had awesome roast beef sandwiches with the hottest horseradish sauce..
Not really. I still remember a chain called "Taco Fiesta". It may have been my first taco. Very inauthentic but I make inauthentic tacos at home. I believe they are now a seperate category of food. The key to good "White Person Tacos" is stand-n-stuff shells and basmati rice.

Then Taco Fiesta became "Arthur Treacher's Fish N Chips". It was wildly polular during the "second british invasion (fish)" of the late-mid, early-late 20th Century. Wikipedia says there are still 8 left though they once numbered over 800. Then "Good Times" was cancelled and the house of fish began a rapid decline.

The Arthur Treachers sign lived on until a year or so ago. It had an umbrella hanging horizontally from it. For decades the building, and sign lived on as "Cigarette Depot", but then they sold out to Pakastanis who wanted to move it to a modern strip mall a few doors down.. Finally, the bulldozers were summoned and another existential monument was laid low.

I think it is a bank now.