Reccomendation for a small bong

Here is a video about vaporizing, haven't watched it all the way through. Seems to explain the idea though.
3 reasons I vape is

1 its probably healthier to avoid burning things and smoking em if you dont have to, yay for ecigs
2 can stretch your green and save tons of money..but some growers never have that issue. i can go thru a lot of pot and edibles some days and do run out tho
3 easier to hide smell, candle can pretty much mask smell of grinded bud and vape dont smell much (ssv has a lil thing you can melt wax in but it sucks imo cause hands free wont work with it)

But, when i want to taste a strain, I still think a joint and a walk is best... for hash / dabs good glass that hits smooth and is perfect size for your lungs is the holy grail that people pay mad $$ to find... as I get older i appreciate a smoother hit more and more.

Ah and i make edibles that blow people away with my ABV and wand hash.. i hate the nutty taste myself tho.
Is there a good place in south Denver for glass? I hate driving all the way to north den/boulder area for all the good hydro stores and head shops, makes me shop online more often than not.
Have you tried ?
238 Broadway st. "Broadsterdam" area.
They have the most amazing glass you have ever seen. Aqualab in a store form basically. But expect to pay for it.
But all the cool kids :lol: live up north or in the springs so that is the only one i know.
I grew up in Niwot/Boulder and am being forced to live in this crap county.. I want to go back up north.. and it is why I haven't bought yet. I have looked at illuzion before yea...oh well odd trips to boulder are nice.
I mentioned to friend that I was looking for a glass bong, about a foot high with an ice thing, a perc and an ash catcher. He knows a local glass guy and got me this:
glass 001.jpgglass 002.jpgglass 003.jpgglass 004.jpg
This is a huge improvement from a small straight pipe. Nice heavy glass, 12" tall, totally happy with this.

These sell for 130 and are currently on sale for 110.
That looks like a great deal 420c! Do you know what stores they sell out of? I think my wife is due for a new bong...
I know this is a bong thread, but I wanted to share this with you all.

I bought Da Buddha vaporizer from the 7th Floor guys. Yesterday was the first day with it and I was starting to think I had made a mistake. But today I gave it another chance and got it tuned to my draw. It was almost like bong hits. Big vapor clouds, low temps no coughing. Two bowls got me as high as I've ever been from vaping. Also, the smell is much less than the NO2, maybe because glass vs metal chambers? It ain't as good as smoking a bong toke, but I feel healthier :-|
The guy I got the new glass from has 4 left, so if you were considering one, here's your chance to get a deal.

I had a Buddah a few years ago and before having a chance to try it, sold it, long story involving hospitalization and deciding that I wouldn't need it. Well, as fate would have it I am now shopping for a vape and am obsessing about the Ploom, but still that Buddah looks like a fine piece of equipment, especially with the glass. Is the stock hose long enough for you? And I have always wondered what the used product looks like, I mean does it have anything good left in it after vaping, or do you just toss it?

I keep mine in that lil container until i want to make butter/oil for cooking like i said earlier it has a nutty flavor. That's prolly 2-3oz of vaped bud. DaBuddha is the lil brother of the SSV made by same co. You can smoke your vaped bud as well but I cant handle how disgusting it tastes.. does the trick if your desperate.
The glass guy I got the bong from has 1 left, so if you want one send me a PM and I'll pass along his contact info.
glass 004.jpg
20 bucks!


DSC00411[1].jpg100 bucks. Guys at blownglass off of Colfax tried selling it to me for 250. I went somewhere else. came with dome attachment and regular bowl. Not the greatest piece but it works.