recent changes to super soil?


Well-Known Member
So as I understand sub isn't using the bagged soil anymore and is making his own again. I shall be doing the same. While watching weed nerd 193 though sub said that he is using feather meal as his source of nitrogen. Does that mean he is not usi g the blood meal from the 2010 recipe? Or is he only adding 2 cups of feather meal just like he is now adding kelp mean oyster she'll and crab meal at 2 cups each per batch?


Well-Known Member
i thought he said in addition to the original recipe he adds this extra shit, kelp, feather meal etc. id go back n check to be sure


Well-Known Member
hes not using its as his only souces of nitrogen its just A source of nitrogen. Stick to the orginal repice it work for a reason. Then start tweaking the recipe for your palnts, and enviromental conditions. I like to add a little more 1-2 cups of this an that, but never more. I found I needed to run 10 gal pots with a bit hotter of a mix to better suit my room with 70 watts per SQFT and co2.

Sticky Lungs

Well-Known Member
feather meal would be a good source of long term nitrogen. When farming, alfalfa meal and blood meal are used for immediate to medium length release. feather meal takes a while to break down and thus is a source of nitrogen on down the line.