Recent Flip ppm question

Welcome to a forum old timer. Anyone who's ever been an apprentice or helper of a mechanic or technician of anything knows that noobies catch all the crap. Sure there's alot of shit talking on here, but at the end of the day, were all just growers who want to learn and help others. Take everything people say with a grain of salt, and learn to weed through bad info through trial and error.

Is that truly how you look at the situation. Chalk it all up as the ol shit rolls down hill saying. Take everything said with a grain of salt? Working a hard ass job with a hard ass who’s all mouth? Then throw a Like on his abusive comment ? There in lies the problem. When people don’t stand up for people against people like that. What would you have done had I been a woman? What would you have done if it were your wife or daughter? I know you would have handled it totally different. How are people going to be able to fix a system built on abuse when the abuse is allowed to continue? And promoted by others.

When you put yourself in the shoes of a women who’s verbally and mentally abused. A child teased and bullied , teenagers who are harassed on social media to the point of suicide. Even a man who suffers from abuse. Put on the shoes of the many who suffer from another’s hate. Then maybe just maybe you’ll see and understand why this should not and can not continue.
Is that truly how you look at the situation. Chalk it all up as the ol shit rolls down hill saying. Take everything said with a grain of salt? Working a hard ass job with a hard ass who’s all mouth? Then throw a Like on his abusive comment ? There in lies the problem. When people don’t stand up for people against people like that. What would you have done had I been a woman? What would you have done if it were your wife or daughter? I know you would have handled it totally different. How are people going to be able to fix a system built on abuse when the abuse is allowed to continue? And promoted by others.

When you put yourself in the shoes of a women who’s verbally and mentally abused. A child teased and bullied , teenagers who are harassed on social media to the point of suicide. Even a man who suffers from abuse. Put on the shoes of the many who suffer from another’s hate. Then maybe just maybe you’ll see and understand why this should not and can not continue.

If you feel abused from comments on a weed growing site, you have bigger problems than ppms.
If you feel abused from comments on a weed growing site, you have bigger problems than ppms.

I speaking for myself and others who deal with crap like this from people who spew hate and the ones who back them up like yourself. Then you want to say I have a bigger problems. No you have a problem. Your heartless unsympathetic condescending remarks speak volumes. Simply because it’s a weed growing website is no excuse. It doesn’t give people permission to mistreat others. It’s states that very clearly in the term and conditions on this website. Do yourself a favor and don’t post anymore ignorant comments.

A website based on growing, sharing experience’s and knowledge? You ask questions. Make a statement. Then here come the trolls. Your refuse to be a part of it. Then your called a cunt because you don’t want to partake anymore. That’s the social media I remember. Never changes Never will.

Is this funny? Do you think it’s Connor McGregor approved? You think I’m making a big deal out of nothing? Being to serious? Taken things out of context?Memes like yours is where it begins. Words are thrown at people to insult. Then the memes of mockery continue. And the pictures below are how it ends. These are the faces of people who suffer because of people like you. The responses I see on this subject are grotesque to say the least.
A bunch of foul mouthed thugs with no dignity. Men with the mindset of a child who act like children. Instead of posting up memes to continually mock me. Why not join a Suicide prevention hotline or maybe join a forum to help other with being bullied and cyber bullying. Here’s a hard one. Maybe start standing up for the simple good things in life. Make a stand for the innocent.


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Jesus Christ. I post a non captioned picture and it made you want to leave. Then someone called you a very European style cunt and you melted down. This is not harassment. Either you are way to soft for this forum, along with most of the internet, along with most of the real world. Or you are an actual troll. I suggest you stick to horticulture books if you are the former. Well done if you are the latter. Please don't harm yourself either way.