recent legalization in co, wa and other states

I agree but they are going to try anyways. They are going to do all they can to make sure that you aren't consuming while driving. The only time that I am too high to drive is when I am asleep. ;)

I do think being high impairs driving, just no where near as bad as alcohol. Driving while high is more on the danger level of speeding, turning without signaling, rolling through a stop sign. The penalty for that is a ticket. It's fucked up to punish someone as if they were a drunk driver when they are not as impaired as one.
Washington's driving limit will be .5 nanograms I heard.

If that policy goes into effect, I would hope anybody who likes edibles, concentrates, or smoking more than once or twice a week gets a bike. Because if you get pulled over, they're going to get you for driving while intoxicated.

Originally loved that this passed, but am starting to get that creeping feeling that they might have pulled the ol' Kansas City Shuffle on stoners' and had them signup for a measure that actually cramps down harder in a different way.

Whatever I guess...any lawyer worth their briefcase will be able to argue that limit is BS, so hopefully it's just a flash-in-the-pan scaretactic that doesn't catch on.
Do you guys know in the Colorado or Washington State area if they have guidelines for cannabis testing for hiring or if you get into an accident at the workplace yet in terms of amount of thc levels allowed?