Recent No Borders Protest (US/Mexico wall)


New Member
Its interesting to me that the racist factions like La Raza has tried to convince us that the issue is a Brown vs White issue. The real issue is U.S. Citizens (of every color) vs Illegal immigration (from what ever country).

On the Mexican southern border: Yes, there are those crossing Mexico's southern border every day, but when they are caught by the Mexican authorities, they are sent back from whence they came post haste.

And the fence in San Diego has virtually stopped illegals from entering through the California/Mexico border. That's why Arizona and Texas are having such a major problem now.



Active Member
Illegal immigration doesn't matter.

It's a nice distraction, though. Plays pretty well on the racist tendencies of people.

I didn't do anything to become an American. I was born. I don't deserve more than Juan does. Let 'em come, he can fuck my sister.


New Member
Illegal immigration doesn't matter. It's a nice distraction, though. Plays pretty well on the racist tendencies of people.
I didn't do anything to become an American. I was born. I don't deserve more than Juan does. Let 'em come, he can fuck my sister.
This is one of the most idiotic statements to appear in this forum for a long, long time. Congrats Golden-ASS.


PS: Is school out or something? :roll:


Active Member
A very learned an sophisticated attack, Vi. Or should I call you gramps? Old people typically are out of touch with reality.

What I said is true. Illegal immigration hurts the immigrants more than it hurts people in America. They're usually harder workers than average, too. Right now, the corporations benefit the most. I agree, the policies need to be reformed, but not for any of the security bullshit. They need to be reformed so the immigrants that come over are paid fairly.

I guess that was a significant rebuttal to your lack of a point.


Well-Known Member
A very learned an sophisticated attack, Vi. Or should I call you gramps? Old people typically are out of touch with reality.

What I said is true. Illegal immigration hurts the immigrants more than it hurts people in America. They're usually harder workers than average, too. Right now, the corporations benefit the most. I agree, the policies need to be reformed, but not for any of the security bullshit. They need to be reformed so the immigrants that come over are paid fairly.

I guess that was a significant rebuttal to your lack of a point.

Are you including the illegals in these reforms? Or just the ones that go through the motions to come here legally? Have nothing against people that come here legally. But, those that don't have no rights.


Active Member
Wrong, chico. People have rights. No matter what. Always.

Including the illegals is the point. If you don't, then nothing has happened. It must be made very easy to come through legally. Then corporate exploitation of people who just want a better life will end.


New Member
Wrong, chico. People have rights. No matter what. Always.

Including the illegals is the point. If you don't, then nothing has happened. It must be made very easy to come through legally. Then corporate exploitation of people who just want a better life will end.
Make a better life in Mexico. Vote out the greedy graft ridden government, (Not that unlike our own). Make the corporations stop hiring illegals for less wages and pay wages Americans will work for might be a start and oh yeah, seal the border, put gun turretts every 500 yards with mine fields in between, put great white sharks in the ocean at the border fence, feed them daily with illegals caught on this side of the border so they will hang out, kinda like, here you go mr. Sancho, swim back to Mexico. Carpenters wages have gone from $22.00+ benefits to 8-10 bucks an hour with no benifits, same with all housing construction trades, so who is benefitting, the home builders and realtors.
Uneducated white people can't live on 8 bucks an hour, so illegals that come here and live 6 in a 1 bedroom apt get hired. Don't get me wrong, having been in the construction trade for quite a while, I see these illegals work their asses off for shit waqges because if they get lazy, they are replaced by one of the 50,000 illegals looking for a job. This policy only benefits the illegals and the corporate homebuilders.


Well-Known Member
seal the border, put gun turretts every 500 yards with mine fields in between, put great white sharks in the ocean at the border fence, feed them daily with illegals caught on this side of the border so they will hang out, kinda like, here you go mr. Sancho, swim back to Mexico.
:-o Is this serious? It made me crack up either way.


Well-Known Member
Under Mexican law, it is a felony to be an illegal alien in Mexico.

Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:

In Mexico legally;​

Have the means to sustain themselves economically;​

Not destined to be burdens on society;​

Of economic and social benefit to society;​

Of good character and have no criminal records; and​

Contributors to the general well being of the nation​
The law also ensures that:

Authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;​

Foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;​

Foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country's internal politics;​

Foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;​

Foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;​

Those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison.​
So why the do as I say not as I do mentality?


New Member
Under Mexican law, it is a felony to be an illegal alien in Mexico.

Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:

In Mexico legally;​

Have the means to sustain themselves economically;​

Not destined to be burdens on society;​

Of economic and social benefit to society;​

Of good character and have no criminal records; and​

Contributors to the general well being of the nation​
The law also ensures that:

Authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;​

Foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;​

Foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country's internal politics;​

Foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;​

Foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;​

Those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison.​
So why the do as I say not as I do mentality?
Wow, I can't agree more. I've known these mexican laws for some time and they have been posted here a couple of times, but the amnesty clowns can't see the hypocracy, yeah do as I do would work fine.


New Member
maybe we should all start going to mexico.
Just got back from Cabo. Let me tell you that Cabo is doing very well. The standard of living for the middle class is on par with the US, Many Mexicans are in on the booming time share scam in Cabo, they attack you at the airport with promises of 3-5 hundred bucks to attend their companies promotions, we went to a couple and got some comps. For about an hours time, we got a 100.00 dinner comp at the best restaurant in Cabo, The filet was the best I ever had, and at the other one, we got a sunset cruise and dinner at a beach cafe, but be prepared to say no about a hundred times, as everywhere you go there are salesmen trying to sell you something. The hotel we stayed at had free drinks and food, we ate breakfast there, was pretty good stuff. We spent about a grand for the week and that included a rental car and airfare, not all that expensive.


Well-Known Member
i agree and disagree with a lot of the points here...

medicineman, I to have worked in the construction feild for many years and know exactly what your saying about the homebuilders being the only ones gaining anything...

Likewise I (as im sure you have to) have had the experience to work with many illegal immigrants, and do not think that they should be treated like unearthly mexican scum.

Most of the immigrants I have spoken to are some of the nicest and coolest people I have ever met. Not to mention the fact that Its more fun to work with them because they can't speak English very well, this keeps down on all the drama bullshit mouth running people normally do at any job.

Lastly I would like to add that although it is wrong for them to cross the border, land is land isn't it? Why should any of us not be allowed to live wherever the fuck we want? As mentioned earlier I was just born in America, lucky me, so your saying the Mexican guy that snuck across the border down the road doesn't deserve what I do? Bullshit.

That would be like any of us one these forums saying that even though Marijuana is illegal in the U.S. we do not deserve it... Bullshit!!!

It would also be like saying that you do not deserve to get rich as much as say... Bill Gates, the man that stole and swindled his was into the computer industry to begin with... Bullshit!

In my mind they can live wherever the hell they want and If we White or Black Americans cannot beat them in a job situation then I see two simple solutions...

Work fucking harder/Suck up to your boss

Or Go to school you lazy fuck? Whats that you don't have any money? Government loans are avalible to pay for your schooling regardless of your credit history.

Stop whining about people living where they want to live...


Well-Known Member
Calling a illegal alien a undocumented worker is like calling a drug dealer a unlicensed pharmacist.....