Recent Tornado Outbreak Including My Theory Behind The Joplin, MO Tornado


Well-Known Member
That dudes GPS sounds like its going to kill me or something :o

I doubt anyone can control weather but I dunno there is a lot of weird shit that goes on that no one knows about like I was reading this one thing that was saying this CIA plane had like a ton of coke in it or something and it crashed and the pilot could not be identified.. Theres some things higher up that are up to shit I know lol
It has been public knowledge and it is a proven science that has been used for years. They have been doing weather controll studys and programs for years and cloud seeding has been done in the U.S. for a long time-if you have the money you can have cloud seeding done for you so you can get rain.


Well-Known Member
It has been public knowledge and it is a proven science that has been used for years. They have been doing weather controll studys and programs for years and cloud seeding has been done in the U.S. for a long time-if you have the money you can have cloud seeding done for you so you can get rain.
Yes and they use inert chemicals... harmless in other words.

Hell, the plant a few miles from me puts out much more harmful chemicals in a much higher amount than cloud seeding as ever done.


Well-Known Member
Yes and they use inert chemicals... harmless in other words.

Hell, the plant a few miles from me puts out much more harmful chemicals in a much higher amount than cloud seeding as ever done.
I know the cloud seeding we know is done across the farmland is arguably not a big deal, I was just siting it as proof that we can to some degree control the weather. Their have been many other weather programs and probably still are. I think They did one in the past where they nuked a hurricane or tornado but i'm not 100% on that, I will post link if I find one.


Well-Known Member
i agree man, and i dont't think it's limited to tornadoes. i believe they used it on malaysia and fucking haiti. also the mind control thing is true...JFK!!!!


Well-Known Member
ha, they're blaming the government for the weather nowadays.

the weather: an epic conspiracy, for sure.


Well-Known Member
it was partly cloudy here today.

damn government is trying to thwart my efforts at growing tomatoes.


Well-Known Member
i agree man, and i dont't think it's limited to tornadoes. i believe they used it on malaysia and fucking haiti. also the mind control thing is true...JFK!!!!
Dude, I'm sitting here with JFK toking on a fat bowl... he's not dead at all, far from it.


Well-Known Member
it was partly cloudy here today.

damn government is trying to thwart my efforts at growing tomatoes.
I actually think they might be up to something that's good for us this time. I think were trying to deprive our enemies and competitors of water and were trying to make it rain more in the US so that we can cultivate more land in what was once the desert and to flush our feilds....we need more water and rain to flush all our farm land or it will get nutrient lock up and have to much salt and ruin our agraculture, I'm all for them making it rain more.


Well-Known Member
i mean, how likely is it that the government used a set of lights in alaska to produce a tornado in joplin, mo with pinpoint accuracy on the "private" morgue?

also, 700 tornadoes is not abnormal.

wikipedia said:
The United States receives more than 1,200 tornadoes annually
i know weather modification is real, but someone needs to show me some evidence that we can produce tornadoes at will, and then further, that we can do so from 2,000 miles away with pinpoint precision.

then we can talk.


Well-Known Member
The fact is no one can accurately say what is a normal or abnormal weather pattern... we don't have the information to give us ANY sort of pattern.

Mother Nature = unpredictable.


Active Member
I've heard/seen reports on HAARP. Like I've said before I do believe in the elite society that runs our world. But, I do find it hard that it can, like UB said, pinpoint with that accuracy.

I still dont completely say that your wrong OP, to me, it is a possibility.

I live 1 hour away from Joplin. I went with my mother 3 days ago, we took 2 truckloads of random supplies to a set location. Once we got it unloaded(10am) the lady said every bit of it would be in the victims hands by 4pm. Disaster really brings out the good in people. Some have even taken weeks off from their jobs to stay there and help.

We got 'lucky'(I say that VERY loosely), the same storm that hit Joplin came right over us. The storm gave everything it had to Joplin. Prayers be with them.

Cant remember who said it first, but I liked your post, the JFK conspiracy speech is nothing to take lightly. And to just prove its relevance and severity, just look at how its been buried.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
yeah hi,

I know I'll catch a lot of flack for posting my theories here.. but I'm going to post it anyhow.

People need to slow down in life and really stop and think about things. I don't know how many of you know about the "research facility" called 'H.A.A.R.P.', which is located out in the middle of nowhere up in Alaska. This so called "research facility" was contracted and built for the single purpose of using frequencies and other technologies.. to try and control peoples minds and to even use these frequencies and technologies that they have up there.. in order to control the weather. Yes, the weather people.. and unless you know what your talking about and have done the same amount of research on this place as I have.. please don't say anything negative about this post. I'm telling ya.. they didn't build that place to only do " High Frequency Active Auroral Research".. they CAN and DO control the weather.. as well as peoples minds. They have technologies at this so called research facility.. that are years ahead of us. It's just a front for the government.. to hide what they're really doing. Yeah, just like AREA-51.. the government doesn't even acknowledge that 'AREA-51' exists!! Yet, its a U.S. government facility.. built by and for the U.S. government.

Well, the same rules apply to this "research facility". I live in the South.. and we have NEVER ever had this many tornadoes in one season.. let alone in one month. HAARP I believe and the government.. teamed up together and came up with a 'REAL' disaster plan.. HAARP is responsible for producing the weather patterns needed in order to produce these large numbers of tornadoes here in the Southern/Eastern states. There is no other explanation for these large numbers of tornadoes. We average between 20 and 50 tornadoes per season. Well, so far this season.. we've already have well over 700 and something tornadoes. Explain that one to me.. and maybe I'll change my mind about HAARP. But I truly believe that there is a connection with the "private morgue" that the government opened up in Joplin, MO - the local and state governments, even federal governments, will not let any family members or friends into this "private" morgue to claim/identify their loved ones!! Now, that my friends.. is suspicious to me.. and if its not suspicious to you.. well, I don't know what else to say to you.. you need to open up your mind and look at the BIG picture here.. instead of having a closed/narrow mind and thinking pattern.

They won't let the families identify/claim their loved ones that might be in the morgue.. which to me, makes sense because if HAARP is responsible for this exceptional weather pattern that we've been having here in the South and South-East.. it makes sense that they would want to do a "damage control" report on the people that died from this tornado... to see exactly what HAARP produced.. and how bad it really was. I mean, there's no other "logical" reason that I can come up with.. that would even make a lick of sense.. other than the theory I have already came up with.. which is that the government can and DOES control the weather.

IMO, HAARP will be the future of warfare. There will be no weapons of mass destruction in the future. HAARP is the future of warfare. I mean, think about it people.. just think about it for a minute. They wouldn't even let CNN into the "private morgue" and were very very serious about them turning their camera's off.. yet they were not even close to the actual "morgue". That right there ladies and gentlemen.. is suspicious. What else are we to think?!?!

There's something going on.. and I plan on getting to the bottom of it and I don't care if they're at the fucking top!! I will get to the bottom of whats going on in today's world. Enough of the fucking violence!! When are we, as a society going to learn.. that violence does nothing but make things worse. It doesn't solve a fucking thing! We are going to have to learn to live with peace in our lives instead of always resorting to violence.. but yet, people don't understand why the world is going to shit.. well, this is why!!!

I'm done..

I'm having some serious methadone withdrawals so I gotta go.. but just, all I ask from you America.. is to open up your minds and stop thinking about the small picture.. and worry about the BIG picture.

dude relax
#1 not saying your right or wrong
but why test this on are own people. when we could eazly test this weapon on countries that we are at war with or countries less populated. or countries with people that are near death anyways like starving countries,, hell IDK ijs, but my point is why test it on are own soil

#2 yes i have heard that high concintrations of raido waves can be used to push clouds but even if what you say is true this weapon would be to uncontrollable. weather on 1 part of this planet effect all parts . storms here may cause long drouts there. nature can not be boxed up - your over thinking the weapon angle. i will agree with you on ,that there is something not right . to me the calender that we use now needs to be adjusted, they need to move it back by 1.5-2 months, this should be done every 100 years right now should be mid to late march. i know that one year we will have to do this to fix the calender so that the seasons will get back on track

#3 why let the media into the morges duhhh. we all can just think about what human bodies would look like if placed in the blender. noone need to see that - they don't want this tobe another katrina (the media showing pics of human bodies floating, limbs and guts everywhere)

#4 don't forget that the usa is only so old we have but so much documented weather reports only a few hundred years if that but NOT THOUSANDS. thats like trying to count 10+ decks of cards. alminac my ass- and we as a planet have only started keeping GOOD track of shit like weather . we build cities on fault lines and cry out evetime plates shift, we build damns and then put farms right on the other side of the damn where the river or lake once was, then when the water fights back for its rightfull place we say its a government cover up of something bigger


Well-Known Member
ive been beleiving that the goverment have been controlling the weather for a good few years now!

The Stig

Well-Known Member
I find very funny that most of people here don't get the fact that weather control is a reality and it's actually happening...

most americans like to believe blindly in their government and just play dumb (or maybe they are just stupid)


Well-Known Member
Nothing like a good thunderstorm....Don't know why everyone is so surprised.....Ever been through that area during tornado season? For someone that is not from the area then travels through during it listening to the radio and side band weather you would think it was armageddon. Forget where but somewhere in Kansas back in the mid 90's there was a storm that had 8 twisters touched down in a 100 mile radius...The old canuck was right smack dab in the middle of it hunkered down in a dingy truck stop with about 100 other drivers...Truckstop ran out of coffee....bad...bad...trip......Anyway whats my point? Don't fuck with good old mother nature.


Active Member
We used to live in Kansas and when those sirens sound off, it is scary. They are VERY loud. All you can do is sit in the basement with the radio on hoping it'll pass. I had friends lose homes and pets, but never lost anything myself.

By controlling the atmosphere, which creates our weather, they can control or should I say "influence" the weather to behave how they'd like it to. How do you change the atmospheric conditions? Add radio frequency waves to heat it up. I know it all sounds like a scary science fiction movie, but the United States government DOES experiment with HAARP, and who is to say that the record temps and record storms we've had the past ten years are NOT HAARPS fault? They're blasting RF waves into our Ionosphere!!! It's going to have an effect.


Well-Known Member
Nah man... HAARP is harmless, it's the Croliktiens...

Freakin' aliens man... they're they one's changing the weather and steering the tornadoes!

I mean, like... for real.... who's to, like, say they're not, dude?

Try to disprove that one!

Uhhhh huh, ya can't... cause the Crolik's are realllll mannnn...
