Recipe for Easy Canna-Cookies

There is no such thing as overdosing on marijuana. Especially with the cookie/brownie method. Yea, you can get mad paranoid and feel very phsycodelic and trippy and maybe end up in the hospitol with a nasty panic attack.....but they'll just give you a benzo like klonopin or xanax and 1/2 hr later your fine. The amount of marijuana it takes to actually overdose and die is in the pounds range. Its like 2-3 pounds injested or smoked within 24 hours. Other than that......dont listen to this guy, you cant die from this. Just get tripped out and have a panic attack. No one has EVER DIED from marijuana. Look it up bitch! Stop giving false info to other n00bs. anyway......Im gonna go take my methadone and klonopin and chuck some nods. Im outty 5000!!!!! 1

I've found these cookies to be really great in relieving the pain of neurological conditions such as cramping and spasms. I use them for my particular condition all the time. Folks who suffer from MS find them effective as well. One of the best parts of injestables is that they are stealthy. You can take a dose while out in public and just look like you're eating a cookie.

The high off of a quarter cookie is pretty stoney and lasts for about four hours. The high is consistant too ... no roller coaster here. And you don't feel like you have to take a toke every twenty minutes either. Its a very efficient use of bud in my opinion. A little goes a long way.

Buy one package of Betty Crocker, peanut butter cookie mix. If you are alergic to peanuts, use Betty Crocker's Sugar Cookie Mix instead.

Grind 1/4 ounce of your Quality bud in a coffee bean grinder until it is in powder form.

Put the cookie mix flour in a bowl and mix the ganja powder into it completly. The more you mix, the more consistant in potency each cookie will be. I've found that using a fork to mix the ground bud and cookie flower together is best. This takes awhile.

Now add the oil and egg to the flower as called for in the instructions on the cookie mix bag. Again, mix it really well, until all the color is consistant. It should be a nice green color throughout. Use the fork for this too.

Now, use an UNGREASED cookie sheet. Take a teaspoon and use one rounded teaspoon of cookie batter per cookie. This way, you should end up with 24 cookies.

When baking the cookies, I've found that the baking time given on the mix package is too long. Keep checking the cookies, and at around seven (7) minutes, the edges will just slightly start to turn brown. That's when you want to take them out. They will feel soft in the middle still, but if you let them go longer, the bottoms will be burned and you've just wasted a quarter Z of your finest.

Now, let the cookies cool completly. They will feel too soft at first, but once cooled, they will harden up into nice cookies. Keep them in the freezer for later use. They keep for a LONG time.

IMPORTANT>>> These cookies are potent medicine and should be respected. Overdosing on Cannabis is NO FUN ... and a very miserable experience. So ... start out with 1/4 cookie ... that's ONE QUARTER OF A COOKIE. Wait 45 minutes to an hour for the full effects.

Don't make the mistake of thinking ... "Gee, its been twenty minutes and I don't feel a thing, so I guess I should eat a couple of those cookies."

Again, Overdosing on cannabis is pure hell.

Other than that ... Happy Baking. :)

Hey i was wondering to try it out but im not really sure if my weed is good enoguh and stuff and also im only making 12, oh yea im gona sell some too, do u no how much for each i should sell? i was wondering 5$ a bit low?
There is no such thing as overdosing on marijuana. Especially with the cookie/brownie method. Yea, you can get mad paranoid and feel very phsycodelic and trippy and maybe end up in the hospitol with a nasty panic attack.....but they'll just give you a benzo like klonopin or xanax and 1/2 hr later your fine. The amount of marijuana it takes to actually overdose and die is in the pounds range. Its like 2-3 pounds injested or smoked within 24 hours. Other than that......dont listen to this guy, you cant die from this. Just get tripped out and have a panic attack. No one has EVER DIED from marijuana. Look it up bitch! Stop giving false info to other n00bs. anyway......Im gonna go take my methadone and klonopin and chuck some nods. Im outty 5000!!!!! 1

er, whya re you getting all technical on him? he doesn't mean overdosing like you'll die . . . I think everyone here knows it's impossible to die from cannabis.
hey mate, great recipe from what ur sayin 1/2oz = 24cookies and u should only eat 1/4 of a cookie
so ive got 2 questions
1st is that 1/4 cookie to relive pain or will it make stoned/in space/gonneeeee, if so how many to feel fairly baked for a few hours
and 2nd
i thought that the weed had to de-carbon...shit, and it has to attacth to a fat molecule for us to digest
so all this is covered WHILE cooking your cookies?!!?!

or did i completely misunderstand it, and the oil you add to the mixture is "weed oil"
I'm a bit confused about grinding the product up into a fine powder and then simply mixing it with the BC cookie mix. I don't doubt that this works, but from what I've read/heard, one typically "cooks" the product with vegetable oil for a couple hours beforehand (as with brownie recipes). And of course, this oil is what is used in recipes (after optionally straining).

So, my question is: What is the difference between doing the slow cook 2-hour method oil prep or just grinding up product into a fine powder and mixing it all together? Is the 2-hour method simply more potent? Any experienced persons care to comment please?
I'm a bit confused about grinding the product up into a fine powder and then simply mixing it with the BC cookie mix. I don't doubt that this works, but from what I've read/heard, one typically "cooks" the product with vegetable oil for a couple hours beforehand (as with brownie recipes). And of course, this oil is what is used in recipes (after optionally straining).

So, my question is: What is the difference between doing the slow cook 2-hour method oil prep or just grinding up product into a fine powder and mixing it all together? Is the 2-hour method simply more potent? Any experienced persons care to comment please?
I know you want someone with experience which I don't really have here, Only ate straight buds and made some tea by boiling water/milk a long with buds in a pan for 15mins, Then the next day I boiled, (well not boiled but close to it) for 30mins instead of 15, And I diffidently got much more high, BUT maybe the reason this could possibly different is because the fact you're actually consuming the buds and not taking it out, Basicly what you're doing while cooking the buds into butter or whatever fatty edible is transferring the THC, I diffidently got high off eating a straight bud, So I'm not entirely sure, They could very well have the same exact effects, EXCEPT that you're transferring the THC to something else and not eating the plant itself, Which probably does taste a little better, Not sure, That tea was fucking strong tasting even with a couple Lipton tea bags thrown in, Either way, Have fun
My poor girl (med patient) took a gravity one night that must have been a half an eighth in one hit. She got all kinds of messed up and started throwing up not long after. She didn't cough and wasn't drinking alcohol or anything, but the hit was just SO huge. Wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it.
I've found these cookies to be really great in relieving the pain of neurological conditions such as cramping and spasms. I use them for my particular condition all the time. Folks who suffer from MS find them effective as well. One of the best parts of injestables is that they are stealthy. You can take a dose while out in public and just look like you're eating a cookie. Vi

As a cancer patient - finding your recipe has been a true blessing. I'm now baking every 2-3 weeks and feeling better, gaining weight back, and can sleep again at night - all of which Medical Science was incapable of doing anything about.

Keep On Posting
I just made this recipe but threw some chocolate chips in it...gonna wait 45 minutes to an hour and see where the cookies take me...oh ya, I ate 2 cookies right off the hop, so hopefully this works!
I'm a bit confused about grinding the product up into a fine powder and then simply mixing it with the BC cookie mix. I don't doubt that this works, but from what I've read/heard, one typically "cooks" the product with vegetable oil for a couple hours beforehand (as with brownie recipes). And of course, this oil is what is used in recipes (after optionally straining).

So, my question is: What is the difference between doing the slow cook 2-hour method oil prep or just grinding up product into a fine powder and mixing it all together? Is the 2-hour method simply more potent? Any experienced persons care to comment please?

I tried the process with grinding up herb to a find powder and putting in the mix.... Never worked, or was much lower experience then using oil/butter, also if you don't enjoy the taste of plant matter, don't use the dry method, my cookies taste horrible that way, just my experience hope that helps 😉
I have a disease called neuro-sarcoidosis and just made these cookies. They taste horrible but they work good. I actually made them for my 11 yr old golden retriever.....she has cancer and we are trying to make her last days easier. She has responded well from other cookies i made. Has anybody else here used mj to treat their dog's pain?
I have a disease called neuro-sarcoidosis and just made these cookies. They taste horrible but they work good. I actually made them for my 11 yr old golden retriever.....she has cancer and we are trying to make her last days easier. She has responded well from other cookies i made. Has anybody else here used mj to treat their dog's pain?
cookies are probably not the best choice to get an animal high as they are not the same as humans, and do not react to weed the same as humans do please be careful dosing your animal
cookies are probably not the best choice to get an animal high as they are not the same as humans, and do not react to weed the same as humans do please be careful dosing your animal

Well sunni, i talkd it over with our vet and he go ahead and do it. I am very careful and give her very small amounts. It seems to eas
10 years later and it's still the best recipe. I used a half oz and Betty Crocker White Macadamia Nut Cookies. Just ate one so we shall see how they turned out in the psychoactive sense. Sent my bud a snapchat, here's how they look.



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I trust your experience but it's kinda funny to get high after eating cookies with cannabis. Dunno can't believe that thingy :D Same effects?

Will try it of course, thanks for share.
I trust your experience but it's kinda funny to get high after eating cookies with cannabis. Dunno can't believe that thingy :D Same effects?

Will try it of course, thanks for share.

It was honestly a really good buzz. I was actively aware, but my body was in stoned mode haha. I enjoy edibles, however, it takes an hour ish for it to really hit you and kick in.
It was honestly a really good buzz. I was actively aware, but my body was in stoned mode haha. I enjoy edibles, however, it takes an hour ish for it to really hit you and kick in.

Interesting :) I prefer body stun mode :)) Anyways link saved so i will make some after harvest :) If i eat 2 of them i should have easy time going to sleep i hope :))
I've found these cookies to be really great in relieving the pain of neurological conditions such as cramping and spasms. I use them for my particular condition all the time. Folks who suffer from MS find them effective as well. One of the best parts of injestables is that they are stealthy. You can take a dose while out in public and just look like you're eating a cookie.

The high off of a quarter cookie is pretty stoney and lasts for about four hours. The high is consistant too ... no roller coaster here. And you don't feel like you have to take a toke every twenty minutes either. Its a very efficient use of bud in my opinion. A little goes a long way.

Buy one package of Betty Crocker, peanut butter cookie mix. If you are alergic to peanuts, use Betty Crocker's Sugar Cookie Mix instead.

Grind 1/4 ounce of your Quality bud in a coffee bean grinder until it is in powder form.

Put the cookie mix flour in a bowl and mix the ganja powder into it completly. The more you mix, the more consistant in potency each cookie will be. I've found that using a fork to mix the ground bud and cookie flower together is best. This takes awhile.

Now add the oil and egg to the flower as called for in the instructions on the cookie mix bag. Again, mix it really well, until all the color is consistant. It should be a nice green color throughout. Use the fork for this too.

Now, use an UNGREASED cookie sheet. Take a teaspoon and use one rounded teaspoon of cookie batter per cookie. This way, you should end up with 24 cookies.

When baking the cookies, I've found that the baking time given on the mix package is too long. Keep checking the cookies, and at around seven (7) minutes, the edges will just slightly start to turn brown. That's when you want to take them out. They will feel soft in the middle still, but if you let them go longer, the bottoms will be burned and you've just wasted a quarter Z of your finest.

Now, let the cookies cool completly. They will feel too soft at first, but once cooled, they will harden up into nice cookies. Keep them in the freezer for later use. They keep for a LONG time.

IMPORTANT>>> These cookies are potent medicine and should be respected. Overdosing on Cannabis is NO FUN ... and a very miserable experience. So ... start out with 1/4 cookie ... that's ONE QUARTER OF A COOKIE. Wait 45 minutes to an hour for the full effects.

Don't make the mistake of thinking ... "Gee, its been twenty minutes and I don't feel a thing, so I guess I should eat a couple of those cookies."

Again, Overdosing on cannabis is pure hell.

Other than that ... Happy Baking. :)

I'll give your quick recipe a try. It sounds good to me. This morning I made some Canna-waffles and syrup. So tomorrow I'm set for cooking action.
Thanks again.