Recipe to counteract being too high?

LOL, just found out the peppercorn and lemon thing doesn’t really work that well. My wife took a dollop of the cannabis butter this morning and still hasn’t come down like 9 hours later. At one point she said our dog looked like a demon and she was melting into the floor! I told her to eat the peppercorns and lemon and she didn’t seem to feel an effect. It’s possible that she’d feel worse if she hadn’t taken the peppercorn and lemon, but it doesn’t just make you snap out of it...
Funny man. My mother wanted to try a couple pot cookies, but I said she should start with 1 and see how she felt. Let's just say she didn't like it, haha. The next day she said she still didn't feel right. It wasn't even that potent I didn't think, I was eating 4 a night and just slept a little better. I just used some ABV bud so I already got a lot of the thc out. I think using un-vaped weed would be a lot stronger. And I think the peppercorn thing is probably just psychological. She thinks it will work, so it does.
I’m not as worried any more. I gave them that box of THC fudge about 3 weeks ago and after that first sleep-inducing session I haven’t had any complaints. Either they haven’t been munching on them or they enjoy it. I’ll wait for them to bring it up, tho — don’t want to feel like I’m peer pressuring them, LOL
Frank Nitty had the best of the serious answers...simply make them a super weak batch, worst they do is eat more.

The shortest reply is by far the funniest and would be even funnier if you told your parents!
Frank Nitty had the best of the serious answers...simply make them a super weak batch, worst they do is eat more.

The shortest reply is by far the funniest and would be even funnier if you told your parents!
It’s funny tho — they were right. They’re just old school Eastern Europeans and fell asleep. I’m pretty sure they were high the last couple times I talked to them. Seem to shrug it off almost, but I didn’t want to ask outright if they’re high.
Black pepper, lemon

The black pepper, might offer the mental clarity afforded by pinene, sedation via myrcene and helpful contributions by β-caryophyllene. The historical suggestions for cannabis antidotes are thus supported by modern scientific rationales for the claims, and if proven experimentally would provide additional evidence of synergy.

I can second that! I've done my own Curcumin extract/paste with 5% black pepper and sunflower lecithin for 15 years.

I get more medicated and also more clear headed. Hard for me to stay functional otherwise with the amount I consume. Cheers!
LOL, just found out the peppercorn and lemon thing doesn’t really work that well. My wife took a dollop of the cannabis butter this morning and still hasn’t come down like 9 hours later. At one point she said our dog looked like a demon and she was melting into the floor! I told her to eat the peppercorns and lemon and she didn’t seem to feel an effect. It’s possible that she’d feel worse if she hadn’t taken the peppercorn and lemon, but it doesn’t just make you snap out of it...

LOL, sounds like my type of concentration... Guess I should make a new batch of 10X Puppy Chow..

Thanks for all the replies! I think I will go with CBD gummies and infusing vodka with lemon and peppercorns. They don’t want to smoke anything due to health reasons, though, so the butter is the best way to go.

Make RSO. Use the recommended procedure. Start with 1 drop and go up if needed, 60 min later.

Rick Simpson Oil

have fun