Reciving seeds in the mail help

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
i have recently met a GREAT person whos gonna be sending me a test of his seeds then i will buy off him in the future BUT the question is i dont PERSONNALLY no the person so i wanted to know whats another way of getting the seedsin the mail WITHOUT giving my address or any information that will distrupt my grow becuz im doing a stealth grow becuz im still in college but i need to find a way to recieve the seeds without giving away my address just becuz im not personnally a friend of him and i learnt not to trust anyone in the dope game many many years ago what should i do?:-?:-|


Well-Known Member
i met someone off this site awhile back that wanted to sell me some seeds, he thought since we live in the same state that i could trust him well i dont think so.. you never know WHO or WHAT you might get..


Well-Known Member
i met someone off this site awhile back that wanted to sell me some seeds, he thought since we live in the same state that i could trust him well i dont think so.. you never know WHO or WHAT you might get..
Why not get a po box?If he's such a bud he won't have a problem sending them there.


Well-Known Member
use this web site they send there seeds super stealth.....shit they sent them so stealth i didnt even know they were the seeds...haha and another thing is the change everything and donot save information.....very safe trust me i was nervous the first time i ordered

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
well i met a guy named sgt. sly 3 days ago n he said he breeds seeds and he said hed give me 3 free seeds if i buy full price next time and he said he usailly sells them buy 20 seed bags but since i dont got money he ll give me a test n if i like them then ill buy them next tiem i need them but i dont have a drivers lisence and i dont no if the guys a undercover cop like he knows im growing stealth so its I legal ly growin but i dont no if i should trust him like if i giv ehim my shipping addy then would a cop be able to search my house if i said i would buy weed seeds? i thought seeds were legal? (canadian here) i heard weed seeds were legal i jsut dont want the guy to get any information that he can trace were i live or my real name thats all cuz i dont wanna be charged, searchd, or anything like im doing stealth for a reason lol:P any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Fuck that guy
You should order from the link I posted, they have a much better selection and they are actual breeders
Not some guy from rollitup

Dolce Vita

Active Member
i don't think you can really get in trouble if someone sends you some seeds. all you would have to say is "i didn't want anyone to send me seeds. go bother the sender."

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
i don't think you can really get in trouble if someone sends you some seeds. all you would have to say is "i didn't want anyone to send me seeds. go bother the sender."
thats what i thought but if he saved the conversations and got my i.p address or somethin then he could prove i said yes to him or wat ever

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
but he told me to email him the address so idk now cuz he could save the email and use it in court if i go there for this n i would but these r a free tester of seeds who would pass up 3 free seeds? if u had no money n no online ordering way ?

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
n tom_420 i would but i got no money man im broke got no job still paying off my car, payin rent and just spent my last few bucks on my grow cab i only wanted thhese cuz their free


Active Member
Have him send it general delivery to your name at the post office the address will read like this

johny smokepotter
General deliver
Budtown USA 00420

but with your real info, use the zip code that belongs to the post office you want to pick up at.

When you know it should be at the post office stop by and tell them you think you have a general delivery to pick up... they ask your name... look it up... and they just check your id to verify who you are and off you go you get your seeds and you dont have to give your address to anyone..


Well-Known Member
dame bro I would just save $ and go to a seed bank like tom_420 said and get top of the line or bagseed like the other guy said or just forget about it sometimes when you rush shit you make bad mistakes take your time dont get desprate cuz you really got to have a job or some type of hustle to support the grow anyway. I wish you the best luck and stay focus in school too