Recommend me some seeds


Well-Known Member
just checked,, looks bangon,, theres the next grow sorted. can u actually buy them as 1 seed,, do u really just piknmix seeds on there? like the sweets in woolies

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah single seeds man its a genius idea, they even have a thing that tells you what other strains have the same height and length of flower. cant recommend them higher really the bloke ewho runs it is on RIU as VCSDave i only really buy from them. they have all the big names


Well-Known Member
ill use them from now then, some seeds are really really cheap on there cheers m8, which hydro shop u use?
what nutes u use? canna? biobizz?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i generally use prices are right and the delivery is quick.

my current nute linup is biobizz veg n bloom with Dr hornby big bud, advanced nutrients hammerhead and overdrive generally average about 3 Oz per plant under a 600w hps


yeah single seeds man its a genius idea, they even have a thing that tells you what other strains have the same height and length of flower. cant recommend them higher really the bloke ewho runs it is on RIU as VCSDave i only really buy from them. they have all the big names
i ordered two lowryder2, from picknmix, both germed fast , one is obviously what it is supposed to be ..but the other one is a complete mystery!! def not a lowryder and almost 11 weeks now and no buds !! i have seen similar complaints on other forums so looks like a bad batch of dodgy seeds? someone suggested that as they only sell the single seeds perhaps they have to hold on to stock longer and the seeds are not fresh ? if VCSDAVE would like to reply ??? a replacement seed would be helpful as this is a medical grow.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hit the man up a pm or post in the seedbank thread he's usually spot on, and tbh thats the seed co to blame, just wondering but was it a normal lowryder#2 bean thats a massive sativa dom monster? i have a pal that has a seed from joint dr that just isnt lowryder.


Well-Known Member
i generally use prices are right and the delivery is quick.

my current nute linup is biobizz veg n bloom with Dr hornby big bud, advanced nutrients hammerhead and overdrive generally average about 3 Oz per plant under a 600w hps

i use to use basementlighting but found them expensive,,
i use hydrohobby,norfolklights and greenshorticulture,,

im placing an order next week, need new supplys,,

ive previously used bio canna but it left me with nitrogen defficencys

im gunna get biobizz grow/bloom and top max ,,and some more pk13/14 or hammerhead pk,,

overdrive is a bit of a rip iv got a various batshit brew that does the same job ,drags the flowering period on for another week or 2 so ur buds pak a little extra, do u think overdrive makes a difference?
do u think bigbud is better than topmax?

ive seen that advanced nutriants bud blood works quite good. u used it?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah im suprised i generally do a shop around for the product i want and weigh up which is best price vs how much the delivery charge is, some of those companies are really steap for delivery.

yeah i hear great things about the canna pk, i got a tester half litre of the bio heaven and couldnt see any difference deffo not worth the £26 for a half litre... live n learn eh

as for big bud yeah that stuff deffo does the business people always slag it cos its low in Nitrogen but N is used to make the plant grow like vertically not fruit expansion thats done to the P and K, ive not used topmax so i couldnt say man, if you do get the big bud get the powder its better than the liquid

overdrive definately does what is says on the tin but you need a flushing solution either the canna or the advanced nutes one or your flushing time will need to be doubled ish overdrive doesnt put any time on your flowring either


Well-Known Member
i didnt think big bud was a nute? i thaught it was a booster like cannas booster,, too much n during flower gives u a diffrent taste and leafyer buds,, canna pk does some good shit it defo bumps up yeild alot, but u use hammerhead wich should do the same thing as its the same thing with a diffrent ratio, that bio heaven dnt really do owt like,

topmax does same job as bigbud aswell dont it? ill go check

u tryed bud blood?


Well-Known Member
ok i reasearched,,bigbud is npk 0/1/4 seems like a weaker version of hammerhead,, so its like a booster+pk in 1 bottle that u can frequantly use,, unlike pk that is bad if used every feed because of the concentration,, how often does it say u can use hammerhead? not with every feed?

topmax booster is 0.2/0/0.1 wich will bennefit from some canna pk,, so it seems like if using big bud every feed then hammerhead or pk13/14 aint really needed, but i dont know what do u think ?

is big bud a booster+ pk

almost like a topmax & canna pk in 1 bottle

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah you've got it bang on the big bug you can run with the hammerhead up till you switch to the overdrive, its a booster yeah but no where near as strong.

i didnt know too much N in flower changes the taste or density. cant speak for bud blood or root juice i generally don't bother cos when i chop down n take the plant out the pot the rootball is solid as a rock.

im gonna stick with overdrive and get the pk 13/14 to use a couple of times late in flower.

i rock hammerhead every water same when i switch to overdrive i feed every day also. most dont but i like the control, you can tell by lookin at your girls if your over feeding or under


Well-Known Member
it dont really effect density but n will pack your buds up with lots of unwanted leaf growth,,

bud blood actually doubles the amount of resin pods on your plant if u know what i mean, ive seen a side by side job and budblood doubles the amount them clyaxles or what eva they called, doubles the ammount of hairs and the pods they grow from,, bud blood can start ur plant budding in the first few days of 12/12

im guna go for bloom and topmax with pk13/14 for this crop see how goes.. u herd of a product called rocks?
it makes it so when u dry yuor bud it wont loose half as much weight or size? like the product called hulk

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hmmm mixed blessing i like to make honey oil out of my trim so a bit extra crystally leaf isn't a problem.

i thougth bud blood was to stimulate root growth, i need to read up. if it doubles up the calyx's it cant be bad!

naah man never heard of rocks or hulk the trick to not having shrinking buds when you dry is to dry over a long time with reasonable heat, gradually releasing the water instea of sticking it on the radiator and it shrivelling faster than your cock in the sea!

how exactly do they keep your buds big when you dry them i wonder... got a link?


Well-Known Member
i dry over 2week then bang it in jars,, u?

i think thers grows on riu that used bud blood,, and it has some pics of his plants with budblood and pics of the plants without,,, honestly it made me wanna buy it

wot did u mean reasonable heat when bud drying????

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i dry over 2week then bang it in jars,, u?

i think thers grows on riu that used bud blood,, and it has some pics of his plants with budblood and pics of the plants without,,, honestly it made me wanna buy it

wot did u mean reasonable heat when bud drying????
i generally only need to give it about a week n a few days but thats cos my grow tent is in the same room n it kicks out some heat. and then its bagged up and out the door. bar me own bit which gets stuck in a jar and burped for a bit. i sell mostly, which again people frown upon but fuck them. im gettin out of debt

ill do some investigating i wish the search was fixed..... google it is.:joint: