Recommendation for Curing While Away


I'm about ready to cut down my plants but will be going away soon after for 1 month. I could either wait to cut them and then hang in grow tent for 1 month and trim when I return or cut and dry ahead of leaving, but then how should I store things while away? Any suggestions on best approach?
I'm about ready to cut down my plants but will be going away soon after for 1 month. I could either wait to cut them and then hang in grow tent for 1 month and trim when I return or cut and dry ahead of leaving, but then how should I store things while away? Any suggestions on best approach?
Funky situation. If you leave it hanging for a month it will dry so much it will crumble.

Do it before and then leave it in a jar for a month with no burping and you get mold.

I dont know much about freeze curing but maybe a option for you. I don't really know how it works though.
What about keeping the dried flower in the grow tent but leaving temperature control at 60 F and humidity at 55%? Sort of turn the whole room into giant jar. I could put the exhaust fan on light timer to turn on 1x per day.
What about keeping the dried flower in the grow tent but leaving temperature control at 60 F and humidity at 55%? Sort of turn the whole room into giant jar. I could put the exhaust fan on light timer to turn on 1x per day.
At those numbers your weed should dry in about 2 weeks. Leaving you in a bad situation unfortunately
If I could get it dry and into jars, plus a few days of burping before leaving would Boveda packs hold it without mold in close jars?
If I could get it dry and into jars, plus a few days of burping before leaving would Boveda packs hold it without mold in close jars?
I wouldn't want to do that. Some burp 2xs a day for the 1st 2 weeks and then every couple of days for the rest of a month span.

I burp once a day for 2 weeks and then once every couple days there after for the next 2 weeks.
You can bypass curing all together if you wanted by drying the weed to under 55% before you left. That would at least save the weed. But you will miss out on the benefits of curing.
I'm about ready to cut down my plants but will be going away soon after for 1 month. I could either wait to cut them and then hang in grow tent for 1 month and trim when I return or cut and dry ahead of leaving, but then how should I store things while away? Any suggestions on best approach?
Freeze the whole plant right after cutting and make bubble hash?
Otherwise, I don't know what I would do. Do you have noone you can trust?
I would probably do this:
What about keeping the dried flower in the grow tent but leaving temperature control at 60 F and humidity at 55%? Sort of turn the whole room into giant jar. I could put the exhaust fan on light timer to turn on 1x per day.
put it at 60F and humidity 62%. not 55%. exhaust on timer would be good too. no lights.

or put in jars or paper bags with bovedas might work.

last idea is put in large paper yard bags with cloths pins partially closing the top but leave a little opening. don't put more than maybe 1 oz per bag. this last one is the riskiest imho but might work. If you have a few days before you go try it and put rh meters in the bag and try to dial in what size opening you need at the top of the bag.

just ideas
If it were me id dry it before i left and vacuum seal it throw it into freezer.
Itll be the same as it was when you put it in the bag. When you return you can take it out and put into jars. Not sure how itll cure afterwards but that maybe your best option
Is there any drying strategy that would require about 1 month without over drying? For example, hang the whole plant, set humidifier at 62%, temperature at 60 F...
Is there any drying strategy that would require about 1 month without over drying? For example, hang the whole plant, set humidifier at 62%, temperature at 60 F...
pretty sure that would work. it cannot dry below 62% if the room is at 62%. so if you have that tech do it. it may take more than 1 mo to be ready though. you could leave it like that for 3 months imho
No one will be home.

The grow tent sits in storage room that is temperature controlled and since it's still winter here there will be no problem to maintain temperature about 60 F and I use Nest thermostat so easy enough to monitor it. My furnace has humidifier that can keep indoor humidity around 35%, so I will need some humidity boost to maintain 62%. I'm already using Inkbird controller to contol humidity during flowering (currently dehumidifying) and that can be reversed to control humidifier. I can run exhaust fan anytime I want with wifi switch (I use Teckin plugs, buy off Amazon, which work great). So last issue is volume of liquid reservoir in humidifier - I think it may be large enough already to last a month, but maybe can add a 5 gallon bucket for backup.
Know anyone with a freeze dryer that would let you borrow it for a day or 2? Get your stuff dried and cured in less then 24hrs and you don’t need to burp your jars either.

if not I had times where I didn’t have enough room to freeze dry my harvest. So I just washed my buds, salad spinner to whisk away more of the moisture, threw buds into a paper bag and then into my freezer. When I had room to freeze dry again, I removed buds, separated fine on its own and threw onto the trays for freeze drying and had no issues.
I don't know anyone with freeze dryer. Regarding your 2nd option, could the buds be stored in freezer and then dried conventially later on? Or dried 5 days and then into freezer with final cure later?
Just saw this in another thread and thought of you @RGX493

Might be your problem solver.