Recommendations on an accurate PH meter?


Active Member

I'm growing in soil, using smart pots. My garden is small so I'm just ph'ing a gallon at a time.

I don't trust my PH meter I'm currently using! Any recommendations for one that has worked for you?


Maat Aatack

Well-Known Member
Blue Lab: calibrate it stays calibrated and let's you know when it isn't. I had the cheapo single stem red one from a difft manufacturer and had to calibrate it between readings!! You get what you pay for. :-)


Active Member
Blue Lab: calibrate it stays calibrated and let's you know when it isn't. I had the cheapo single stem red one from a difft manufacturer and had to calibrate it between readings!! You get what you pay for. :-)
Yes! I have the cheap yellow version of the same PH meter. I'll definitely check out blue lab and the other manufacturers that others mentioned. It's worth the cost if it saves my ladies :-D


I like the Anaheim Scientific P771. Has a reasonably priced replacement probe and comes with everything you need.