Recommended Dose Of Calcium ?


Hey all

I been thinking about the amount of Calcium in my tap water, according to the city my tap water has 8.10mg/l of calcium in it.

Do you guys think this is enough Cal or do you think i should buy a bottle of CalMag? I don't want to run into any deficiencies.

Thanks again for all your help!
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Well-Known Member
according to the city my tap water has 8.10ml/l of calcium in it.
I assume you mean mg/l? it's it's ml/l then it's way too much.

8.1 mg/l would be 8.1 PPM and that isn't going to be enough.

What is your total PPM out of the tap? Iron PPM? Magnesium PPM?


Well-Known Member
8.1 ml/l would be 8100 PPM. So I think that the figure you have of 8.1 is mg/l and that would be 8.1 PPM.


Well-Known Member
to much cal and you will have problems u need to balance it out with the other nutes ive been feeding my flowering plants 1100 ppm and their still hungry for food so im going to goto 1300. just look for brown spots that say cal def


8.1 ml/l would be 8100 PPM. So I think that the figure you have of 8.1 is mg/l and that would be 8.1 PPM.
Yes thanks i fixed it its 8.1mg/l lol.

Im just going buy the chart released by the city the total TDS for the water is 61mg/l not sure if that helps they dont have it measured in ppm.
and unfortunately they dont have Iron or Mag listed :(

Only Turbidity, Boron, Bromide, Calcium, Chloride, Fluoride, Potassium, Sodium, and Sulphate is listed.


Well-Known Member
Yes thanks i fixed it its 8.1mg/l lol.
Great, now I look like the idiot lol.

not sure if that helps they dont have it measured in ppm.
1 mg/l = 1 PPM

I would say that some calmag is going to be required. You may wanna send a sample off for analysis. A lot can change on it's way to you. What does your PPM meter read out of the tap?