Recommended fertilizers??


Well-Known Member
hey all, I'm going to be doing an outdoor grow this year probably starting the seedlings question is what do you guys use for nutes/fertilizers outside??


I like Botanicare Pro Grow/Bloom with Liquid Karma. Outdoors up here I also use the Silica Blast and Superthrive and some mycorrhizae(in the hole @transplant)
along with some guanos as a topdress.


Well-Known Member
I use Blue Mountain Organics line of nutes: Super Plant Tonic, Grow it Green, and Flower Power. You can only get them on line from E Bay. I used these my last grow and I ended up with BIG FAT JUICY SWEET POWERFUL buds. I swear by it. I did a side by side comparison with Fox Farms Tiger Bloom, and their "Open Sesame, Cha Ching, and I cant think of the third item in there 3 pack. The BMO products blew the FF products out of the wateR.
Good Luck


I agree with the FF line. I have changed to the botanicare line this year, just to see what it has to offer. I do not think you can go wrong with either.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I agree with the FF line. I have changed to the botanicare line this year, just to see what it has to offer. I do not think you can go wrong with either.
Agreed. As I am in transition to switching permatley to aero I will also be using Botnicare. Though I do use FF outside, not to say every other fert would be just as succesful I know FF and grow with what I know.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the imput everyone, sounds like FF is one of the best.... not too sure if i can pick it up locally, but im def going to see about it

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I'm actually making thes switch from soiless to aero and I've alwas used FF for soil/soiless. I'm going to be using StinkBuds recipe with botnicare nutes.