Recommended neem oil?

Chilly Wonka

New Member
I have some fungus gnats at the base of one of my plants and in the soil. I didn't want to buy any random neem oil off the home depot shelf so I was hoping for some recommendations here.

Top dress quality worm castings or quality compost (non manure). Gnats will be gone in a week guaranteed.

For neem. Get ahimsa Indian neem oil.
Hi hyroot
I always try to search for answers and reading material online and I would love to read about the affect of quality EWC on fungus gnats.

Since I started adding fresh EWC my gnat problem decreased immensely.

I tried searching many times and only came up with a few short pieces of how EWC can improve a plants heath to help fight bugs but can't find any good info on details of how gnats might be affected by the addition of EWC.

I hate to ask when I should be able to google it but I'm just not having any luck.

If you or anyone else can direct me to some reading material on fresh EWC and how they can help with gnats I'd appreciate it.
Put a layer of sand on top of your soil. They will be gone in no time. If you do want to hit them with neem, the garden safe fungicide 3 or other neem based garden safe products work well. You can buy them at home Depot or Lowe's. The pre mixed spray bottle runs around $5.
Hi hyroot
I always try to search for answers and reading material online and I would love to read about the affect of quality EWC on fungus gnats.

Since I started adding fresh EWC my gnat problem decreased immensely.

I tried searching many times and only came up with a few short pieces of how EWC can improve a plants heath to help fight bugs but can't find any good info on details of how gnats might be affected by the addition of EWC.

I hate to ask when I should be able to google it but I'm just not having any luck.

If you or anyone else can direct me to some reading material on fresh EWC and how they can help with gnats I'd appreciate it.

Chitin, beneficial nematodes, and protozoa are in castings.
Chitin, beneficial nematodes, and protozoa are in castings.
With that info I did this google search and found a lot of info to go through.

Chitin in worm castings "edu"

A bunch of interesting links just on the 1st page if anyone is interested.