Recommended Simple beginner/intermediate (to the point) soil grow guide for micro tent grows

For my second grow, I want to eliminate the mistakes I made during my first grow (more topping, more supercropping, more LST'ing, early flowering in clone room to cull out males, quicker turn over time, appropriate nutrient cycling, less pots, maybe bigger pots, early thrip/aphid detection, use of biologicals early on in vegetation, switch to 12/12 quicker, better QB lights, heater, humidifier, etc...)

Is there a good guide anywhere that someone can recommend for doing a micro soil grow in a small tent for nutrient scheduling, soil recommendations (coco coir vs. ocean farm fox forest) and other things that are normally encountered during a standard micro grow in a tent? I don't want to improvise like I did before by reading different sources throughout my grow and posting on multiple forums only to receive a mish-mash of responses.

I want to standardize my grow this time so that I don't make (different) beginner mistakes.
Can you please recommend a beginner/intermediate guide exists for a micro tent grower? I have found a lot of luck with growweedeasy but I am looking for a week by week guide. I tried the i love growing marijuana guide but there were gaps. Something simple, to the point, easy to follow with large images.


Well-Known Member
You can go through my threads.. I’m also a new grower but I’m pretty devoted and plan to keep mistakes to a minimum.. I’m only 3 weeks into veg right now but that might be better than a thread that was made years ago.. I have some active people in my threads full of knowledge.. my grow journal doesn’t have a lot of activity yet but all my other threads do.. we can learn from each other.

.. here’s a few people I would tap into @Renfro @Flatrate @3rd Monkey @Clumpyoyster .. there’s loads more this is just off the top of my head.
best of luck man:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Read this article and then go down the GWE rabbit hole of solid info.

If your looking for journals, head over to that subsection and read the first post in the those threads, they usually detail if the grower is in Soil or coco or hydro or whatever. Pick growers who are growing in a similar fashion as you plan to. Its still smart to follow @Renfro because hes a boss, but he also grows on a large scale, so finding someone whos also growing in a tent could be beneficial to you.

My very first journal was in a 4x4 tent and grown in Fox farms ocean forrest, its 1000 posts long and has tons of great info in there, i asked lots of questions and had some great growers in there answering them and helping me along the way.

Theres a bunch of good info on site, use the search feature aswell, you could spend months reading good stuff on here, thats what i did before i even started. research research research lol


Active Member
Coco for medium,any hydroponic nutrients line, ph 5.5 to 6.0, water once a day/twice once they re bigger, watch them grow