record low maximum arctic sea ice

Which piece of "peer-reviewed literature" caught your eye first from that page?

The first one I looked at didn't contradict the consensus. The second was a controversial piece by Lindzen which has had holes poked in it by objective scientists. The third I looked at didn't contradict the consensus. Then I noticed a pattern and regretted wasting my time on third-party bullshit.

I'm still waiting for someone to cite a peer-reviewed research study which contradicts the vast majority of climate scientists.
Magazine article.

Still waiting for someone to cite a peer-reviewed research study which contradicts the vast majority of climate scientists.
I learned long ago not to argue religion with a fanatical or I would post all 1350 links from that article for ya. But it's beyond apparent it won't matter to you.

Like I said earlier, you should come at it from the angle that all 1350 of those articles are from paid shills of big oil. To stomp your feet and claim they don't exist makes you look a little less intelligent and almost childlike. Definitely a religious fanatic would take the same blind stance. I bet you could tear apart a few of those studies if you actually acknowledged their existence instead of the course you are choosing.

Or are you playing the semantics game that since the link you asked for is actually a link to a link (or 1350) you get to be right? In that case, carry on.
That`s not what he asked for, can`t you read ? If he wants content, he can click one of the many links and go from there. Same with you.

Now shut up, I`m write`n a book...

I said:

I am still waiting for someone to cite a peer-reviewed research study which contradicts the vast majority of climate scientists.

Maybe a dozen times now.
I am still waiting for someone to cite a peer-reviewed research study which contradicts the vast majority of climate scientists.

Your magazine article isn't.
It's not my article, I happen to believe man is causing damage to our ecological system with pollutants. I also know that there is a dissenting voice from qualified climatologists who have had their studies peer reviewed and published. I didn't realize there were so many until i went through that article.

Your stance is adding fuel to the fire for the deniers, well done religious whacko.
That's not the impression that I get. 7 people including yourself have replied repeatedly but none have cited a peer-reviewed research study which contradicts the vast majority of climate scientists.

Your opinion means nothing to me. If I reply to you it's simply to pull your chain. I live my life based on me. You have no affect on me whatsoever. I don't need to prove anything here. I'm demanding nothing from nobody.

You, on the other hand ... lol
There is a consensus among climate scientists regarding this. They may argue about the finer details but this is a theory that is accepted by the scientific community.
Yes, and the word consensus means a majority. That means there is a minority of climate scientists who disagree. Your stance that there are none is truly remarkable.

Carry on though, you are doing good work.
Yes, and the word consensus means a majority. That means there is a minority of climate scientists who disagree. Your stance that there are none is truly remarkable.

Carry on though, you are doing good work.

Actually, I would be quite interested in a peer-reviewed research study which contradicts the vast majority of climate scientists.

That's why I keep asking for a peer-reviewed research study which contradicts the vast majority of climate scientists.

I'm still waiting for someone to cite a peer-reviewed research study which contradicts the vast majority of climate scientists.
Actually, I would be quite interested in a peer-reviewed research study which contradicts the vast majority of climate scientists.

That's why I keep asking for a peer-reviewed research study which contradicts the vast majority of climate scientists.

I'm still waiting for someone to cite a peer-reviewed research study which contradicts the vast majority of climate scientists.

Maybe if you keep begging.
I doubt there is anyone left here anymore that believes that.

Well there are a few who don't. There's you, who posted a magazine article. There's OddBall1st, who linked a blog post. There's nodrama, who posted half a Wikipedia page. There's sheskunk, who desperately wants me to believe he doesn't care. There's freddfish, who admits he can't find one. Maybe a few other such low brow mouthbreathing fucktards of similar mindsets.
Well there are a few who don't. There's you, who posted a magazine article. There's OddBall1st, who linked a blog post. There's nodrama, who posted half a Wikipedia page. There's sheskunk, who desperately wants me to believe he doesn't care. There's freddfish, who admits he can't find one. Maybe a few other such low brow mouthbreathing fucktards of similar mindsets.
Actually there are people who realize if you were truly interested in peer reviewed articles that contradict the consensus you could use google and entertain yourself for hours.

This is how blindly religious you are. You are claiming that one was a blog post and I posted a magazine article. All I did was post the same exact link with 1350 links containing what you asked for that was already posted. It wasn't even my link, it was one from a few pages ago that you dismissed. You can't even tell it was the same link, that's how much you "care" about your research.

No, nobody believes you are on the hunt for information, you can go ahead and stop trying, it just makes you look even more pitiful the more you do it. Well, actually keep doing it, it really is kinda entertaining.