recovered babies, burnt tips?


Well-Known Member
Hello, these plants almost died after I believe getting root rot (brown roots?) and I believe I had some too high ppm issues as well. Anyway a few weeks later they are looking better, but the tips look slightly burnt and there are some brown / green spots that are concerning me. They are on 18/6 with pH 5.6 and PPM of 530. Using Dyna-Gro line. Thoughts?



Well-Known Member
use more dyna-gro to get ppm to 800-1000, ph 5.3-5.9 (5.6 is fine).

Those plants look great otherwise.

Dyna-gro looks so much better than all the larger brands.


Well-Known Member
nope, unless you were hitting them with like 2000ppm before.

It looks like potassium deficiency to me, but just raise them in general, because if it's deficiency in potassium, it probably wants more everything else too.


Well-Known Member
okay so bumped the ppm up to 930 wednesday night and here they are as of 60 seconds ago. the new growth is looking pretty good I think. really can't beat Dyna Gro !!



New Member
doesnt a red stem go with potassium defieciency? I saw a little red on stem on pic 3 idk if that is normal or goes with deficiency. Im having similar issues with smaller younger plants and idk what to do. Have pics and post in plant issues...take a look