Recreational OTC drugs


Well-Known Member
Dmx is a nice drug but weed is the way to go,laughing gas safe ,fun and cheap,and if really want some u can buy or even make it thank you 1950's popular science
Other drugs bzp if in canada,dmt (not otc),Caffeine,dimenhydrinate , ketamine supposedly is otc at vets.
would stick with weed,laughing gas, and once a while dxm
otc's seem to a way to hurt your body just to get high legally, tho there are exceptions
Don't be a dumbass and do advil to feel cool or what have you,it does nothing what's the point


Active Member
yeah ive tried nutmeg. not my favorite...tastes just awful and takes like 6 hours to kick in. laughing gas sounds interesting though


Well-Known Member
gas is fuckin awesome. i mean the best. it will be tuff for you maybe to get a tank of med grade but to get the idea before you go searching just go buy a whipped cream and suck out the gas. youll get the idea. make sure your sitting down and leaning back lol


Nitrous is the only decent drug mentioned, and it's not an OTC. Also if you want nitrous, the best source is head shops, they sell compressed cartridges of it and 'crackers' to control release, buy some ballons and fill em up.
Nitrous mixes quite nicely mescaline....


Active Member
haha well mescaline im sure is hard to get otc, but ive always wanted to try that too. i ate san pedro cactus once and that was nice aside from the taste and vomiting


Active Member
OTC drugs are for pussies, go eat some shrooms
that kinda shit pisses me off. Thats just ignorant to think that just because a drug is packaged and sold legally its a pussy drug. if youve ever tried DXM for example you know that stuff is serious. ive eaten shrooms more times than i can count. im just lookin for new things to try


Theres a recipie out there doing a san pedro extraction using honey...tastes....well, like shit. Just not as bad as that bitter ass shit. Dude every place (ie dentist) that stores combustable tanks is required by law to either store them outside or in a room (some states seperate from the building) with a blow away roof incase the fucker blows. This means look in the back of dentists offices for a shed or tanks strapped upright. I'm pretty sure its tanks over a certain size not the little ones. So if you score fucking big....


Not over the counter but ETHNOBOTANICALS! LEGAL FUCKING HIGHS! Kratom is illegal in thailand and has a badass narcotic effect. LSA seeds. NOT MORNING GLORY!!!!!!


Active Member
haha thanks for the info. now kratom is something im thinking about ordering, as well as wild dagga and blue lotus. what are the effects of these?


Active Member
yeah, ive tried the "legal highs" and to be honest it wasnt the hype ive read it up to be. i orderd kratom, wild opium lettuce, happy popper beanz as well as cherry popperz. the pills came in bottles of 2 for about 10 bucks a piece, and were more potent than the herbal smokes ( u get about the buzz of a cigarette and lasts about as long, not worth the money in my opinion).

anyway, the pills dialated my pupils till there was no color, took bout an hour to kick in, and really just gave a really low-grade xtc kinda hi, along with sum mild nausea which would come and go, but nuttin a lil MJ didnt take care of :) overall none of them were really a just awesome "high" by themselves but the bzp pills i mentioned add a nice kick to a weed buzz :bigjoint: