Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread


Well-Known Member
I top dress using gro kashi with a bunch of nettle and wormcasting, i did notice the nettle decompose faster then usual, remember seeing a bunch of white myscelium grow everywhere, then suddenly dissapear
they show the white myscellium on their site. Good to know its real. I didn't get enough to top dress. I may use it in a tea then. I'm going to pick up more castings sometime this week.. I have everything for 2 more 2 level bins except the worms.. I will probably order next week. I still got bills. Got extensions on some after all the loot I spent this past week.

it was fun and worth it. My life is usually boring, eat sleep, work, garden, smoke, repeat.. On the plus side. I started haging out with my x. (3 x's ago) . Its been 5 years. We are both doing better than we were 5 years ago and definitely diggin each others company..


Well-Known Member
Yup you can double what u have or even triple, you just need some sort of
mill, or rye or even semi cooked rice and colinate it with the amount you have.

Hehehe hyroot jr,
my young grass hopper,
life is like a worm in a bin, we eat, sleep, shit, and fuck and do it all over, let that be a lesson for u...


Well-Known Member
Yup you can double what u have or even triple, you just need some sort of
mill, or rye or even semi cooked rice and colinate it with the amount you have.

Hehehe hyroot jr,
my young grass hopper,
life is like a worm in a bin, we eat, sleep, shit, and fuck and do it all over, let that be a lesson for u...
would that work with oatmeal? I have so much oatmeal..


Well-Known Member
Should work, just have to grind it up and mix with enough water to moisten it up, add in warm place, all the microbes and fungi should colinate it, bam, mix that with ur worm castig and bam agian


Well-Known Member
Should work, just have to grind it up and mix with enough water to moisten it up, add in warm place, all the microbes and fungi should colinate it, bam, mix that with ur worm castig and bam agian
should I keep it separate or add it to the worm bin? Or both?


Well-Known Member
I would experiement and add to worms
it says 1/3 cup per gal of water for tea. I had 3 gallons left over that's been aerating for 3 days after last watering, there's still foam. Kelp / alfalfa tea. I added 15 more gallons of water. More kelp meal, alfalfa meal, aloe Vera juice, and molasses. An hour later added 3 tbsp of gro kashi. After adding more water the foam went away (water retention). 20 min after adding gro kashi it foamed up quite a bit.

I buried romaine lettuce and mushroom slurry in the bin. Then sprinkled gro kashi and pureed oatmeal. Foliar sprayed bin with good water.


Well-Known Member
Thanks er'body.

Seven years of reading, hard work, blood, sweat, tears, and loads of fun have gotten me to this point.

Can't wait to see where I'll be in another seven years.


Well-Known Member
I sprinkled some organic baby food oatmeal on top of a 50/50 mix of ewc and Oly fish compost, then covered with foil and placed on a heating mat. Now the fungus is turning black. It started with black dots and has continued. Can anyone tell me if it is a bad sign that its turned black like that? View attachment 2992793


Well-Known Member
I sprinkled some organic baby food oatmeal on top of a 50/50 mix of ewc and Oly fish compost, then covered with foil and placed on a heating mat. Now the fungus is turning black. It started with black dots and has continued. Can anyone tell me if it is a bad sign that its turned black like that? View attachment 2992793
Personally... I'd probably use it for a small number of plants, and see what happens. I haven't experienced anything looking like this since I've gotten a better grasp on living organics. I had in the past, and discarded it. I'd experiment with it today.


Well-Known Member
The babies are good red. We had a power outage last night and when I talked my wife thru turning on the lights she remarked "awwww they're soooo cute". I'll do some research on the mold turning black like that. I might end up tossing it and starting over.