Midwest Weedist
Well-Known Member
I have a soil mix recipe that I made, I call it my "dream mix". The only thing that keeps me from building it is $$. Which is why I went with my old dolomite instead of buying gypsum and oyster shell flour. Which I actually believe Pattahabi suggested to me when I first started poking around the forum for organic soil mix advice last year (You were right Pat! Lol).Well if you like the build a soil guys' products, and you want to make a mix every inch as good (those guys are not Mickey Mouse they know what they are doing) all the knowledge you will ever need is around here on this threadYou are right, it is a great idea for a thread, call it 'dangerous or useless organic amendments' or something like that. There was one like that on a different forum which happens to be exactly where I got all my info on dolomite lime from. Coot was very good at explaining it all. That particular overdosed crop was taken to finish but just barely. Got some bud is all I can say. It was pretty severe though, one of my first ever runs so when I was told to buffer my soil I just dumped a bag of the stuff in and barely mixed properly lol... bro it was BAD.
That's a bummer about your experience. But hey, now you know! I laughed pretty good picturing you dumping the bag. Sounds exactly like something I'd do.
I might sit down and come up with a rough list stuff that would fit that description of a thread. I feel it could be a good bit of help to those who are transitioning into organics from non organic practices, like I did.