Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help, I'm out of Corona, this info should get me off to a good start.
Thanks for the help, I'm out of Corona, this info should get me off to a good start.
Thanks for the help, I'm out of Corona, this info should get me off to a good start.
damn hyroot that was a nice accurate list on. discount hydro will hook it just gotta hassle em. fuck green forest always. dude is shiesty as hell.
headtreep your map is missing the entire high desert...thats the real armpit lol. ever been to Phelan? oh no...
ill check out the seedbay..heard gas, cootz, mm, and other discussing it. we'll see where this goes...
Cann, looking forward to updates about the barley malt...that sure beats the SST 2.0 recipe.
Headtreep, are you using the powder yet?