Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

there are some good feed stores in the Norco area btw.

you can buy Ful-power cheaper than retail @ green coast in ontario. there is also a green coast in orange if you are headed that way for OC farm supply.

OC farm supply is the best source of pumice in the area...$9 for 50lbs..if you buy a bunch you can haggle em..i pay $7 for 50lbs.

oh, and if for any reason you need to go to discount hydro in riverside..hit me up first. not sure if you can send PM's yet but...
The armpit of SoCal minus Temec lol.

Cann and others. I know there are many forums out there but if you have heard of The Seed Depot its one of the better ones imo. No trolls or drama. It's almost scary.

Cootz just joined in the organics section to assist. I'm pretty happy. Check it out.

Edit: forgot to mention there is a lot of breeders there to interact with and testing positions available.
Green coast in Ontario hooks up better deals and has a better selection than orange. The owner of the ontario one says he will beat anyones price. Discount hydro will always always hooks it up too . Quote their Internet prices or just got to the general manager. Green mile in San b has a good selection but too expensive except the soil. That's a good deal.. Green forest is a rip off. In n out hydro is a ripoff. Glen Avon hydro is a rip off. A plus in Costa mesa hooks it up but horrible selection. There's also dutch gardens in lake forest. I haven't been. But one of my friends got soil there and he said they do match prices.

I never win any of the raffles at dh though.

I haven't been to oc farm supply yet. Since years ago. I thought it was still like the Armstrong nurseries..... until Mo told us other wise.
damn hyroot that was a nice accurate list on. discount hydro will hook it just gotta hassle em. fuck green forest always. dude is shiesty as hell.

headtreep your map is missing the entire high desert...thats the real armpit lol. ever been to Phelan? oh no...

ill check out the seedbay..heard gas, cootz, mm, and other discussing it. we'll see where this goes...
damn hyroot that was a nice accurate list on. discount hydro will hook it just gotta hassle em. fuck green forest always. dude is shiesty as hell.

headtreep your map is missing the entire high desert...thats the real armpit lol. ever been to Phelan? oh no...

ill check out the seedbay..heard gas, cootz, mm, and other discussing it. we'll see where this goes...

The Seed Depot bro fyi

Edit: Yeah Cann the trio of powders, lol. May the force be with you!
If you are in the desert. Dna hydro is sheisty too. They rip you off and act like they are hooking you up. I gave them a deserving review on google reviews. Palm springs hydro is alright. Decent selection. Just don't expect to get good help. A bunch of stoner kids that work there that are not very knowledgeable. Also a new hydro shop in San ber doo. Rip off too. But don't know the name. But its next to a stater bros.

Then in garden grove there a hydro shop off of haster or batavia. Forgot the name. But you can see it form the 22 freeway. Never been there but here good things.

Have you guys figured out if the barley malt or whatever works? I was about to order some barley seeds from amazon.
I'm gonna try looking up the nursieries here. Lots good ones considering I'm in a huge agriculture farm area in easterner wa. Also have a good co op for wheat, barely etc. Gonna pick me up some barely and barely berries. Also unmalted wheat and barely I use for beer for brewering. High protein and enzymes
I was in LA over the weekend to see on of my favorite bands play 2 nights at the Echo...while I was out my lady was watching the babes. To keep things simple I told her to just dump RO water on em every day or so...I was a bit worried on the drive back that they might be lookin stressed when I got home. Couldn't have been more wrong: WP_000584.jpgWP_000583.jpg
Taken with my phone so not the best quality, but damn they look good. Far better than my previous grows a couple years back using ocean forest and bottled garbage. ROLS is the real deal.
Cann, looking forward to updates about the barley malt...that sure beats the SST 2.0 recipe.

Headtreep, are you using the powder yet?
Very nice sullivan. I cannot agree more. Stupid simple topshelf. I got some Gogi OG harvesting to do soon and the resin is stacked nicely dude.

What strains are those?
The 2 pictured are bagseed I got from a co-worker in so cal. I remembered the smoke being mediocre at best so I wasn't sure how they'd turn out. This being my first grow back, I wasn't concerned with the best genetics, but I'm pretty damn pleased thus far. My other 2 are bagseed from a friend out here and they look damn good as well.

I bet that Gogi OG is's the yield look?
Cann, looking forward to updates about the barley malt...that sure beats the SST 2.0 recipe.

Headtreep, are you using the powder yet?

Yes I am. Cootz said he tested for nine months and I did my own research. Things seem to make sense to me so I hit the whole garden only to come back to happy plants just like the other SST. All this stuff makes your plants super healthy and they tend to really express themselves. Way more than I've seen before I started this program. Are gardens will just get better so don't get discouraged. My plants were a tad bit lighter than I like this round after ditching my Roots base soil and making my own from scratch. It just takes a little time and effort to get that soil living but well worth the wait in gold literally ;)
Just checked out seed depot forums and signed up. ROLS thread is off to a great start. Had to check out their seed shop too and I'm impressed. Some reputable breeders and good prices. Shipping costs aren't terrible either. Thanks for the heads up!