Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread



They don't seem happy the first two are ak47 and the five are bubblelicious and this all started happening within the last week. The AKs are 5 weeks old and bubble 4 weeks They were under veg CFL T5 until this week and I put under 600W MH with a new HI Lox gro bulb, I also moved them into new organic soil mix this week and into 1 gal smart pots.


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This is my first time growing my brother has Multible Myloma so I'm trying to keep him eating and happy. I'm feeling kinda like this is going in the wrong direction and I want to turn it around. I was using a KelWay soil tester and eco tester PH2 pen for runoff and water tester and yes those are exhale bags and I feel stupid for buying them, live and learn
The compost I used was Charlies organic chicken compost, bought it at Hydro store. I have worm bins now and have located a worm farmer so next batch should be better.
They don't seem happy the first two are ak47 and the five are bubblelicious and this all started happening within the last week. The AKs are 5 weeks old and bubble 4 weeks They were under veg CFL T5 until this week and I put under 600W MH with a new HI Lox gro bulb, I also moved them into new organic soil mix this week and into 1 gal smart pots.

The most likely reason in my opinion your plants don't seem happy is you did not give the soil long enough to cook.
Do you think I should get them out of that and put them in maybe a fox farm product and allow my soil to cook longer? Thanks for responding duh thats what Im going to do. Off to hydro store
Do you think I should get them out of that and put them in maybe a fox farm product and allow my soil to cook longer? Thanks for responding duh thats what Im going to do. Off to hydro store

You could flush with 3 gal water (3x the volume of pot) or transplant. I wouldn't buy FF. You could cut your current mix with peat, coco, drainage mat'l, etc. They'll be fine.
I just made charcoal out of my Malawi leaves and branches.

I was out checking on the Mulanje #2 reveg and I got a surprise. A small plant is growing about 5 feet away from her!

I put some pieces of wood around it so I could find it and not step on it!

Here is some of the new growth on the Mulanje #2 reveg:

Mo know best.

Sorry STANK, missed your question. I really hope that nickname doesn't stick lol. You can make biochar out of rice hulls...even more surface area! There's tons of biochar vids out there. It's very interesting how porous the stuff is. Think 1 tsp has as much surface area as a football field, or something like that. I love me some porous. Ph buffer, aeration, doesn't break down, amazing CEC capabilities, prob missing other things. It's a must in my book.
How do you make it?

I haven't tried with rice hulls yet. I made my first batch with my chimney starter in my Weber. Crushed it up and added an alfalfa tea. The first attempt I let the chunks of wood go too long and hot. Second time I got lucky with an hour with no oxygen (vents barely cracked) I've seen vids with people using pits and chimney looking things...forget the proper name. I remember Rrog planning on a big set up...
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They don't seem happy the first two are ak47 and the five are bubblelicious and this all started happening within the last week. The AKs are 5 weeks old and bubble 4 weeks They were under veg CFL T5 until this week and I put under 600W MH with a new HI Lox gro bulb, I also moved them into new organic soil mix this week and into 1 gal smart pots.

Hey brother,
i see you are starting off in small pots, this is good,
what i would do is water with aloe and coco and nothing but enzymes teas for the next couple week, meanwhile, ur batch of soil needs to be cut with more compost and more worm shit, let it cook for another month, then transplant into a much bigger container. If done properly and on time, everything should work out well, and should be able to flower in less then 2 monthss

I imagine the same process here, [video=youtube;plJ34fekM2E][/video]

However replace wood with rice hulls?
Hey brother,
i see you are starting off in small pots, this is good,
what i would do is water with aloe and coco and nothing but enzymes teas for the next couple week, meanwhile, ur batch of soil needs to be cut with more compost and more worm shit, let it cook for another month, then transplant into a much bigger container. If done properly and on time, everything should work out well, and should be able to flower in less then 2 monthss

considering worm shit and compost is already broken down i dont think it need to be "cooked". Unless im missing something about original soil makeup.
Mo, that little surprise looks a little chewed on by pests lol. You seem to have the compost piles down, you have stuff sprouting all over with them! good job keep it up!
considering worm shit and compost is already broken down i dont think it need to be "cooked". Unless im missing something about original soil makeup.

I probley didnt make it clear,

His soil needs to be cut with compost and or worm casting, that batch needs to be cooked for a month,
if not it he will run into the same problems hes having now
Gotcha , lol I guess should of gone back few pages to his original problem. My bad foreverflyhi, thought you were saying that it needed to be cooked just because of the compost and ewc
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They don't seem happy the first two are ak47 and the five are bubblelicious and this all started happening within the last week. The AKs are 5 weeks old and bubble 4 weeks They were under veg CFL T5 until this week and I put under 600W MH with a new HI Lox gro bulb, I also moved them into new organic soil mix this week and into 1 gal smart pots.

Just gonna take advice and run eh :) where's the update. Help us help you.