@weedstoner420 Kelp meal when processed gets rinsed off (salts removed) and dried then cut up.
There's no salt in processed kelp meal. If there was my plants would never live. I'm in the same soil (Coots mix) since 2015. I re-use the same soil over and over and amend between grows 1 cup kelp meal to 1 cubic foot of soil. That would be 2x a grow. 1st time at up-can from seed/cut into veg then again when I up-can into flower.
So for each cubic foot of soil per year I amend ~8-10 cups of kelp meal along with a few tbs of Gypsum and the same amount of malted barley ground fine.
I'm doing fine - plants are growing into the lights as usual. Weed is top shelf.
The thing about bacteria and fungi and plants roots and the rhizosphere is very complex. Its a symbiotic relationship that is making the soil come alive. I look at growing and farming as I'm growing soil, the plants come and go but the soil and bacteria/fungi stay alive.
Here's a very good write up on it from John Kemph about James White’s work on the rhizophagy cycle.
Rhizophagy cycle = is the idea that plants are getting their nutrition from living bacteria.
Check out James White and his work on this topic. It's eye opening from an organic farmer perspective.