recycling nutes?


Active Member
i overheard someone saying that you should always catch the nute-water (run-off) and reuse it cuz it saves alot of money. i thought this sounds like a bad idea but i dont know him too well so i didnt call him out, not to mention he could be right i guess. idk i just thought i'd run this by you guys and see what you thought.

he's refering to reusing chem nutes, maybe with organics but still i think it sounds fishy. peace errbody
Thats a good question.. I am just guessing but, if the PH of the runoff is ok then I cant really think of a reason it wouldnt be ok.. It would just be hella hard to guage when re mixxing or w/e


Active Member
i could see with hydro but in soil dont you think that a good chunk of the nutes are in the soil and the run off is mostly water? id like to see what the ppm's and ph are before you feed, then check the run off's ppm and ph and compare the two. i wish i was a chemist with all kinds of scientific gadgets!


Active Member
oh i thought this was pretty funny too, the same guy talking about reusing nutes was telling everyone that you shouldnt have too many fans cuz the plants get wind-burn. win- burn? idk about that one. this guy was just a big shit talker i think


Well-Known Member
its probably a bad idea to re use run off water...

you would be using a solution that is full of salts that were in the soil..

you have no idea what nutes have been flushed out into your new nute solution.. so the NPK values become wrong..

its just a bad idea all around...

it takes so little nutes to make so much feeding solution.. why fuck around with it??

and as far as recirculating hydro systems, the nutes are designed for that purpose.. in a hydro environment.. where the solution is constantly staying mixed and circulated, for the most part.. and guess what, even recirculating hydro solutions need changed weekly..

reusing nute water really is just a bad idea.. im sure it can be done.. but just because you can jump off your roof and survive doesnt mean you should...


Active Member
its probably a bad idea to re use run off water...

you would be using a solution that is full of salts that were in the soil..

you have no idea what nutes have been flushed out into your new nute solution.. so the NPK values become wrong..

its just a bad idea all around...

it takes so little nutes to make so much feeding solution.. why fuck around with it??

and as far as recirculating hydro systems, the nutes are designed for that purpose.. in a hydro environment.. where the solution is constantly staying mixed and circulated, for the most part.. and guess what, even recirculating hydro solutions need changed weekly..

reusing nute water really is just a bad idea.. im sure it can be done.. but just because you can jump off your roof and survive doesnt mean you should...

I agree with him