red bull in bong!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
hmmmmmm.... interesting... is this something you are going to practice regularly in your toking sessions? what inspired you to poor in the BULL ?

sounds like it could be a good moc commercial fro red bull ... :)



Active Member
lol idk we were all sitting around and i was like Fuck i dont have wings and i poured it in it was intersting lol.. try it out lol..


Well-Known Member
I've recently seen flavored bong juice... anyone try it???
my favorite in the bong is vodka... gives the smoke a very nice taste... makes it smother imo...
I'll definetly try redbull if you say its good... anyone try chocolate milk hehehe?

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
that's just gross.. I even go as far to put filtered or bottled water in my bong. I clean it everyday, nothing beats a clean fresh bong with nice water and maybe an ice cube or two.


Well-Known Member
I've recently seen flavored bong juice... anyone try it???
my favorite in the bong is vodka... gives the smoke a very nice taste... makes it smother imo...
I'll definetly try redbull if you say its good... anyone try chocolate milk hehehe?
hmmm *wonders what would happen if one were to add a flammable alkeehol*


Active Member
I dont put anything in my bong besides ice and water just cause i dont like my shit getting all sticky. I have smoked out of a friends with OJ in it and you really can taste it but you shouldnt need anything to cover up the taste. Good cannabis tastes great.


Well-Known Member
any hookah smokers here?

if so, try Port and water in the base with cavendish and vanilla shisha in the bowl. It tastes like a LifeSavers Strawberry CremeSaver. good stuff

Dr High

Well-Known Member
during the cold winters in quebec i bring my bong out and scoop up some snow and compact it. looks like a tournado when you relaese the shot :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hookas... I live in NY and... unfortuanaltly my asshole state seems to be asholy and not alow smoking indoors anywear... its even illegal to smoke in your own house... and its illigal to say nigger... but thats besides the point...
they have hooka bars here... and you can smoke hookas inside allday... and... why is this not considerd smoking????
I dont like them much... it seams you have to take wayyy too big of a pull and dont get as much smoke... I bought one... soon after broke it...
unemployment dude = my friends done it and said he almost threw up he said it was like takin a lighter and putin it in the back of your throat =(