Red Diesel 8 weeks into flowering


Well-Known Member
Hello all.
Ive got a total of 8 plants that are 8 weeks into flowering. From what i understand, this strain can take up to 10 weeks to flower. I just checked the trichomes on one tiny leaf off a fat bud, and id say atleast 75% of the trichs looked cloudy. Should i plan to chop them very soon, or let them go the whole 10 weeks?

If you wouldnt mind lol, id love to hear some guesses to how much i will yield :weed:. Im using a 600 watt hps, sog area about 3x4x8. but as you can see, pretty much all the plants got fucked up in some sort of way, pretty sure its nute burn. Ive been feeding them tiger bloom and calmag. Im hoping and praying i will have about 12 oz, but from the looks of it, im guessing it will be more around 8 oz. Tell me what you think!


Well-Known Member
I have seem this all too often. Autos are very sensitive to nutrients, usually only requiring only 1/2 of the normal dosage recommended on the lablels. Based upon your photos, I would have to guess maybe 10/11 ounces. Good luck and congrats on your grow.


Well-Known Member
My God, man! Quit torturing those girls already. Off with their heads! :p
lol ikr. I put those babies thru hell! So u think its time to chop?
I have seem this all too often. Autos are very sensitive to nutrients, usually only requiring only 1/2 of the normal dosage recommended on the lablels. Based upon your photos, I would have to guess maybe 10/11 ounces. Good luck and congrats on your grow.
autos? no autos here my friend. But i just recently heard that foxfarm nutes are super strong shit. Before i use to hear nothing but awsome stuff about it. Next grow i will cut waaaay back for sure. 10-11 oz wouldnt be that bad i suppose xD.


Well-Known Member
suppose i would have mixed the nutes perfect the whole grow, i wonder how much i could have yielded and how much did i screw myself out of


Well-Known Member
8 oz wet omg that would equal like 2 oz dry. If thats the case, i will sell all my equipment and start thinking of a new career!


Active Member
Lol, ya know. I studied the picture and an geussing 10oz dry. Maybe a tad less. The more i look at the pictures the more I want some!



Well-Known Member
Lol, ya know. I studied the picture and an geussing 10oz dry. Maybe a tad less. The more i look at the pictures the more I want some!

i will be happy with 10 oz! Thanks
Let them go another week at least...maybe 2. Those heavy ladies will reward you in week 9-10!
Oh man i hope so! i checked another leaf today and the trichs actually looked about 40% cloudy and 60% clear. I guess the other leave i checked was more mature? idk but i think atleast another week wont hurt anything.
ps. Lose the dead leaves
i plan on doing some trimming tonight. ive been hesitant on cutting the leaves because ive heard when u cut off the bad leaves, the prob will just move to the good leaves, but since their this far along i would have to agree with u
Let us know how much they yield bruh! :)
For sure bro! im gonna try to do my best and keep this thread going until im done curing. ill try and post pics like evry other day xD


Well-Known Member
Don't know how much you'll get but I think it's ready for harvest. Have you been flushing with just water yet?
Nope sure havent. I actually just checked the triches yesterday because i was planning on going for 10 weeks, but i was pretty shocked to see how many of the trichs were cloudy. I fed them 2 days ago with very little nutes, maybe 1/3 recomended, and that was suppose to be my last feeding with nutes, but if i had known what the trichs were looking like at the time, i dont think i would of given any nutes. Their all still pretty moist, i think ill let them dry up just a little bit more and prob start flushing them tomorrow. Do u usually flush more than once at the end? i usually will flush about 2 times in their life before their last few weeks, and then i flush them one more time towards the end, but this time i think im gonna flush the shit out of them like 3 or 4 times and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Ok, i did some heavy duty trimming last night, being very careful to only cut the dead leaves, which in my case, was about 80% of the leaves. All my babies look like just strait up budz now.... im not sure if thats a good thing. i mean, they look very scrumptious, but with no leaves its just kinda weird.

Well heres some more pics! ive decided i will be posting pics everyday for the next 3 weeks until these buds are in my bong! Hope you enjoy!



Well-Known Member
Here we are 3 days later... If you ask me, i think their ready to chop, but ill keep em going for another week so i wont have any regrets of cutting too early.

100_1337.jpg 100_1343.jpg100_1341.jpg100_1340.jpg100_1342.jpg


Well-Known Member
Today its been 9 weeks into flowering. i just over flushed them all 2 days ago. I plan on cutting them all down when they get really dry, i wont water anymore. So they should be ready to chop in pron 2 more days =)